这些均是从warning letter中剪切过来的

4. Your firm failed to exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure that only authorized personnel institute changes in master production and control records, or other records (21 CFR 211.68(b)).
For example, the computer in your quality unit area did not have controls to restrict access and prevent unauthorized changes to data files and folders. All employees had access to your Annual Product Review (APR) spreadsheet. The desktop computer containing the APR was not locked.
In your response, you committed to “reassessing the GMP” requirements for computer-based systems; you stated the systems would be “evaluated, checked and validated.” You did not include a timeline or specify a plan to review released batches and determine the impact of the deficiency.

2. Your firm failed to exercise appropriate controls over computer or related systems to assure that only authorized personnel institute changes in master production and control records, or other records (21 C.F.R. §211.68(b)).
Your firm failed to have adequate procedures for the use of computerized systems in the quality control (QC) laboratory. Our inspection team found that current computer users in the laboratory were able to delete data from analyses. Notably, we also found that the audit trail function for the gas chromatograph (GC) and the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) systems was disabled at the time of the inspection. Therefore, your firm lacks records for the acquisition, or modification, of laboratory data.
Moreover, greater than (b)(4) QC laboratory personnel shared (b)(4) login IDs for (b)(4) high performance liquid chromatographs (HPLC) units. In addition, your laboratory staff shared one login ID for the XRD unit. Analysts also shared the username and password for the Windows operating system for the (b)(4) GC workstations and no computer lock mechanism had been configured to prevent unauthorized access to the operating systems. Additionally, there was no procedure for the backup and protection of data on the GC standalone workstations.

4. Failure to implement access controls and audit trails for laboratory computer systems. At both Aarti facilities (FEI 3009688205 and FEI 3006418686):
For example, your firm failed to have adequate procedures for the use of computerized systems used in the QC laboratory. At the time of the inspections, your QC laboratory personnel shared the same username and password for the operating systems and analytical software on each workstation in the QC laboratory. In addition, no computer lock mechanism had been configured to prevent unauthorized access to the operating system. The investigator noticed that the current QC computer users are able to delete data acquired. In addition, the investigator found that there is no audit trail or trace in the operating system to document deletions.