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本帖最后由 julia朱玉姣 于 2016-3-2 22:22 编辑
Minutes of the HMPC Meeting Published HMPC会议纪要公布 On 2 February 2016, EMA's HMPC (Committee onHerbal Medicinal Products) published the detailed minutes of the HMPC meetingon 23-24 November 2015. 2016年2月2日,EMA的HMPC(草药制品委员会)公布了2015年11月23-24召开的HMPC详细会议纪要。 Herein, you can find a lot of information about the workof the HMPC in the past year. 这里,你可发现HMPC在去年的许多工作信息。 Among other things, numerous details on individual herbalmonographs as well as on list entries of the European Union are available.Furthermore, the collaboration between the European Pharmacopoeia and theEDQM should be strengthened in the future according to section 5.4.2. 除了其它事件外,可以看到大量关于单个草药各论的细节以及在欧盟输入清单。还有,根据5.4.2,欧洲药典和EDQM之间在将来会加强合作。 上述链可以找到会议纪要。 在支持性文件中,你可以找到2016年2月最后更新的HMPC评估工作组优先任务清单的目前状态。 A list containing the abbreviations used in the HMPCminutes is also of interest - even if it's not particularly new. You can find alarge number of significant and interesting abbreviations for regulatory termswhich are relevant to herbal medicinal products and which are used by the EMAand the HMPC. 一份包括HMPC纪要所用的缩写也很有意思---即使并不是全新的。你可以找到大量重要的有意思的法规术语缩写,它们与草药产品相关,并被EMA和HMPC所使用。 The list of abbreviations is certainly of high interestfor those who are not permanently confronted to these abbreviations. 缩写词清单对于那些不是一直面对这些缩写词的人来说还是很有意思的。