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本帖最后由 阳光蒲照 于 2024-9-3 08:50 编辑
第三章 洁净度级别及监测(2)在确认级别时,应当使用采样管较短的便携式尘埃粒子计数器,避免≥5.0μm 悬浮粒子在远程采样系统的长采样管中沉降。在单向流系统中,应当采用等动力学的取样头。(中国的法规只有这一处有要求,且没有对等动力采样做进一步的定义和说明,业内都说我们是参考某国外GMP法规编写的,笔者特意搜索了某国外GMP法规2008版,确实发现只有类似的地方有一条描述,为什么我们不创新的增加定义或描述指导操作呢?还是需要有点点自己的东西嘛  ) EU GMP Annex 1
5.9 Particle counters, including sampling tubing, should be qualified. The manufacturer’s recommended specifications should be considered for tube diameter and bend radii. Tube length should typically be no longer than 1m unless justified and the number of bends should be minimized. Portable particle counters with a short length of sample tubing should be used for classification purposes. Isokinetic sampling heads should be used in unidirectional airflow systems. They should be oriented appropriately and positioned as close as possible to the critical location to ensure that samples are representative.Isokinetic sampling head – A sampling head designed to disturb the air as little as possible so that the same particles go into the nozzle as would have passed the area if the nozzle had not been there (i.e. the sampling condition in which the mean velocity of the air entering the sample probe inlet is nearly the same (± 20 percent) as the mean velocity of the airflow at that location). 其实从新修订的欧盟附录中可以看到,所谓的"等动力学采样"其实就是"等速采样",且翻译为等速采样更容易理解和执行,只是等动力学采样是不是更有神秘高级感。
笔者在网上找到一些等动力采样的资料,学习了一下,也纠正了以前的一个错误观点。当Vs(采样气流速度)>Vw(工作区域气流速度),采样气流含尘浓度小于实际含尘浓度,当Vs<Vw,采样气流含尘浓度大于实际含尘浓度。(以前误认为当Vs>Vw,从采样头周围吸进去的空气变多了,导致采样的粒子变多了。) EU GMP Annex 1 reference to velocity measurement 4.30 The speed of air supplied by unidirectional airflow systems should be clearly justified in the qualification protocol including the location for air speed measurement. Air speed should be designed, measured and maintained to ensure that appropriate unidirectional air movement provides protection of the product and open components at the working position (e.g. where high-risk operations occur and where product and/or components are exposed). Unidirectional airflow systems should provide a homogeneous air speed in a range of 0.36 – 0.54 m/s (guidance value) at the working position, unless otherwise scientifically justified in the CCS. Airflow visualization studies should correlate with the air speed measurement. 总结:
1、风速设计的主要目的是对产品和暴露操作提供保护,欧盟附录1特别提到是对working position提供保护,所以也规定了homogeneous air speed should be provided at the working position, unless otherwise scientifically justified in the CCS.2、等动力采样即等速采样,等速采样为了确保样品代表性,需要尽可能接近关键操作的位置。等速采样的目的是采样过程中不对气流带来额外的干扰。3、采样器厂家设计采样头时,应该是根据不同的采样体积,按0.45m/s的采样速度来设计采样头的尺寸大小,确保实现等速采样。(个人根据理论知识推测,大家需要自行求证)