蒲公英 - 制药技术的传播者 GMP理论的实践者

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[申报注册] EP问答31-40

发表于 2016-6-16 22:32:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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31. The monograph does notinclude chemical reference substances or relative retentions for specifiedimpurities. 各论并未包括特定杂质的化学对照物质或相对保留时间。
This monograph might be part of our revision programmeto introduce chemical reference substances for peak identification and relativeretentions for specified impurities as well as an explicit acceptance criterionfor unspecified impurities. Please contact us if you can submit furtherinformation.
32. What is the differencebetween a peak area comparison and a quantitative limit for relatedsubstances?  相关物质峰面积比较和定量限度有什么区别?
In the past, the acceptance criteria for relatedsubstances were expressed relative to the area of a reference peak of knownconcentration (limit test). Without providing a numerical result, thecomparison of peak areas leads to a pass/fail decision. For comparative tests,the approximate content of impurity tolerated, or the sum of impurities, isindicated in brackets for information only. In most cases, current monographsdescribe quantitative determinations: a calculation of the content is necessaryto establish compliance with the monograph.
33. In the case of aharmonised monograph, is it possible to use a reference standard from adifferent pharmacopoeia? 如果各论是协调过的,是否有可能使用不同药典的对照标准?
No. The use of a European Pharmacopoeia monographrequires the use of European Pharmacopoeia reference standards that arereviewed and approved by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission.
34. Is it possible to performa type of measurement (such as ATR) different from that described in themonograph? 是否可能实施与各论不同的检测(例如ATR)?
In principle, you can choose one of the methodsdescribed in chapter 2.2.24, unless the monograph prescribes a comparison witha reference spectrum or an explicit preparation. Alternatively,cross-validation with the monograph method is required. In any case, you haveto apply the same procedures for the substance to be examined and the referencestandard, under the same conditions.
35. Do I have to perform allthe tests described in the Identification section of a monograph? 我是否必须做各论中鉴别部分所述的所有鉴别测试?
No, the test or tests that constitute the ‘Firstidentification’ may be used in all circumstances. The second identificationseries is not intended for use in any other context than pharmacies. It may beused only if it can be demonstrated that the substance or preparation is fullytraceable to a batch certified to comply with all the other requirements of themonograph.
36. I have trouble meeting thecriteria under “Characters”. 我没法符合“性状项”下的标准。
The statements under the heading Characters are not tobe interpreted in a strict sense and are not requirements. It is therefore notmandatory to verify compliance with the Characters section for batch release.
37 Which is the differencebetween “dried” and “anhydrous” substance? “干燥”和“无水”物质之间有什么区别?
“Dried substance” takes into account the loss ondrying test (including class 3 solvents), whereas “anhydrous substance” refersto the result obtained by the water determination. It is important to note thatwhen a quantitative determination of a residual solvent is carried out and atest for loss on drying is not carried out, the content of residual solvent istaken into account for the calculation of the assay content of the substance,the specific optical rotation and the specific absorbance, even if notexplicitly stated in the definition.
38 The definition of substanceX gives the content on dried or anhydrous basis. What about the solvents, arethey to be taken into account when determining the assay? 物质X的定义中说含量是以干品计或以无水物计。那溶剂呢,在计算含量时也要考虑吗?
In accordance with the general monograph Substancesfor pharmaceutical use (2034), the content of residual solvents is taken intoaccount for calculation of the assay content of the substance, the specificoptical rotation and the specific absorbance. This information is therefore notindicated in the specific monographs concerned.

39. What precision is requiredfor weighing or measuring? 称重和测量时,要求的精确度是怎样的?
In tests with numerical limits and assays, thequantity stated to be taken for examination is approximate. The amount actuallyused, which may deviate by not more than 10 per cent from that stated, isaccurately weighed or measured and the result is calculated from this exactquantity.
In tests where the limit is not numerical, but usuallybased on comparison with the behaviour of a reference substance under the sameconditions, the stated quantity is taken for examination.
Reagents are used in the prescribed amounts.
For weighing, the precision corresponds to plus orminus 5 units after the last figure stated (for example, 0.25 g is to beinterpreted as 0.245 g to 0.255 g).
For weighing, the precision corresponds to plus orminus 5 units after the last figure stated (for example, 0.25 g is to beinterpreted as 0.245 g to 0.255 g).
40. Am I allowed to round offmeasurements? 是否允许修约结果?
In determining compliance with a numerical limit, thecalculated result of a test or assay is first rounded off to the number ofsignificant figures stated, unless otherwise prescribed. The limits, regardlessof whether the values are expressed as percentages or as absolute values, are consideredsignificant to the last digit shown (for example, 140 indicates 3 significantfigures). The last figure of the result is increased by one when the partrejected is equal to or exceeds one half-unit, whereas it is not modified whenthe part rejected is less than a half-unit.


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