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[其他] OECD GLP NO25 GLP and IT Security双语

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Considerations regarding IT security and GLP testfacilities
1. Introduction
1. 引言
GLP data aremore and more generated and retained in electronic format.
Measures of ITsecurity aim to protect electronic GLP data and applications against thespecific hazards encountered in the computerized environment.
Threats andattacks on systems containing GLP data and corresponding measures to ensuresecurity of such systems are constantly evolving, especially for systems andservices being provided over or interfacing the internet.
Handling of ITsecurity may be outsourced by test facilities to external service providers.
However, theresponsibility remains with the test facility.
Therecommendation and advice of vendors of operating systems and platforms shouldbe carefully considered and applied where appropriate.
2. Scope
2. 范围
This positionpaper concerns electronic GLP data and linked computerised systems hosted inservers and subject to computerised corruptions.
The concepts inthis document for “test facilities”, “Test facility management” and “studydirectors”, would equally apply to “test sites”, “test site management” and“principal investigators”, where delegated study phases are conducted as partof a multisite study (these terms are defined in the GLP Principles).
3. Ongoingsecurity measures and GLP responsibilities
3. 持续的安全措施和GLP责任
Test facilitymanagement should maintain a security system that prevents unauthorised accessand ensures availability to GLP data.
Procedures andmeasures to ensure IT security should be based on the risk and consequence ofsystem malfunctions or internal or external deliberate or undeliberate actionsthat might adversely affect the integrity of GLP data.
4. Physicalsecurity
4. 物理安全
Servers,computers, infrastructure and media hosting GLP data and computerised systemsrelevant to GLP should be physically protected against unauthorised access,damage and loss. 托管GLP数据和相关计算机化系统的服务器、计算机、基础设施和媒体应受到物理保护,以防止未经授权的访问、损坏和丢失。
The extent ofsecurity measures depends on the criticality of the data.
Test Facilitymanagement should ensure an adequate level of security for data centres as wellas for local hardware such as servers, computers, tablets, phones, hard disksand USB drives.
At data centreshosting GLP data and applications, physical access should be limited to thenecessary minimum.
A two-factorauthentication can be used.
Data centresshould be constructed to minimise the risk and impact of natural disasters,there should be pest control and effective measures against fire (e.g. cooling,fire detection and fire suppression), flooding and any other cause that couldalter data.
There aregenerally emergency generators and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)together with redundant internet protocol providers.
In case thedata centre is of type co-location´, the servers should be locked up andphysically protected (e.g. in cages) to prevent access from other users(co-location´ means date centres where the hosted hardware belongs to severalorganisations that have access to the server rooms).
Preferably,data are replicated at an appropriate frequency from a primary data centre to asecondary failover site at an appropriate physical distance to minimise therisk that the same fire or natural disaster destroys both data centres.
A disasterrecovery plan should be in place and tested.
5. Firewalls
5. 防火墙
In order toprovide a barrier between a trusted internal network and an untrusted externalnetwork and to control incoming and outgoing network traffic (from certain IPaddresses, destinations, protocols, applications, or ports etc.), effectivefirewalls are implemented.
Firewall rulesshould be defined as strict as practically feasible, only allowing necessaryand permissible traffic.
As firewallrules tend to be changed or become insufficient over time (e.g. as softwarevendors and IT technicians need certain ports to be opened due to installationor maintenance of applications, or as cyber threats evolve), they areperiodically reviewed.
This reviewshould ensure that actual firewall rules continue to be set as tight aspossible.
6.Vulnerability management
6. 漏洞管理
Criticalvulnerabilities in operating systems and platforms can be exploited to giveunauthorised individuals privileged access to systems, and to modify or deletedata and make data inaccessible to legitimate users.
Such exploitsare seen in operating systems for servers, computers, tablets, mobile phonesand routers as in platforms for databases etc.
While theseoperating systems and platforms are under support, the vendors frequentlyrelease security patches to close these vulnerabilities.
Consequently,relevant critical security patches for platforms and operating systems have tobe applied in a timely manner (immediately is recommended).
Systems whichare not security patched in a timely manner constitute a major risk for loss ofdata integrity.
Where relevant,such systems have to be isolated from computer networks and the internet.
7. PlatformManagement
7. 平台管理
Operatingsystems and platforms for critical applications and components should beupdated in a timely manner, in order to prevent their use in an unsupportedstate.
Unsupportedplatforms and operating systems, for which no security patches are available,are exposed to a higher risk of vulnerability.
Validation ofapplications on new operating systems and platforms and of the migration ofdata should be planned ahead and completed in due time.
Unsupportedplatforms and operating systems should be isolated from computer networks andthe internet.
8.Bidirectional devices (e.g. USB)
8. 双向设备(例如USB
Bidirectionaldevices (e.g. USB) or other portable media or devices may have been usedoutside the test facility and could possibly compromise the system.
Therefore, theyshould be strictly controlled as they may intentionally or unintentionallyintroduce malware and impact data integrity and availability.
9. Anti-virussoftware
9. 反病毒软件
Anti-virussoftware should be installed and activated on systems used in GLP, asappropriate.
The anti-virussoftware should be continuously updated with the most recent virus definitionsin order to identify, quarantine, and remove known computer viruses.
This processshould be monitored.
10. Penetrationtesting
10. 渗透测试
For systemsfacing the internet, penetration testing have to be conducted at regularintervals in order to evaluate the adequacy of security measures taken and toidentify vulnerabilities in system security, including the potential forunauthorised parties to gain access to and control the system and its data.
Vulnerabilitiesidentified, especially those related to a potential loss of data integrity,should be addressed and mitigated in a timely manner.
11. Intrusiondetection and prevention
11. 入侵检测和预防
An effectiveintrusion detection and prevention system has to be implemented on systemsfacing the internet in order to monitor the network for intrusion attempts fromexternal parties and for the design and maintenance of effective preventivemeasures.
Threats viawireless connections have to be considered risk-based and may require a similarapproach.
12. Internalactivity monitoring
12. 内部活动监控
An effectivesystem, within the framework given by national labour legislation, fordetecting unusual or risky user activities (e.g. shift in activity pattern)have to be in place.
13. Securityincident management
13. 安全事件管理
Test facilitiesshould work according to a procedure that defines and documents securityincidents.
Such incidentscould be addressed in terms of criticality, and where applicable, implementseffective corrective and preventive actions to prevent recurrence.
In cases wheredata have been, or may have been, compromised, the procedures should includerequirements to report security incidents to relevant parties where applicable.
When using aservice provider, the service level agreement should ensure that incidents areescalated to the Test Facility Management in a timely manner in order for theTest facility Management to be able to report serious breaches to all relevantparties (study directors, sponsors, archivist …).
14.Authentication method
14. 认证方法
The method ofauthentication in systems should identify users with a high degree ofcertainty.
A minimumacceptable method would be by means of a user identification and password.
The need formore stringent authentication methods should be determined based on a riskassessment of the criticality of the data, and might include authenticationmethods, such as two-factor authentication.
Two-factorauthentication implies that two of the following three factors be used:
• something youknow, e.g. a user identification and password
• 你知道的事务,例如用户识别和密码
• something youhave, e.g. a security token, a certificate or a mobile phone and an SMS passcode
• 你有的事务,例如安全令牌、证书或手机和短信密码
• something youare, e.g. a fingerprint or an iris scan (biometrics)
• 自身,例如指纹或虹膜扫描(生物识别)
User accountsare automatically locked after a pre-defined number of successive failedauthentication attempts, either for a defined period of time, or until they arere-activated by a system administrator after appropriate security checks.
15. Remoteauthentication
15. 远程认证
Remote accessto GLP data and application, e.g. to cloud-based systems, raises specificchallenges.
The level ofsecurity should be proportionate to the criticality of the data (e.g. datarequired to reconstruct the GLP studies) and to the access rights to be granted(read-only, write or even 'admin' rights).
A risk-basedapproach should be used to define the type of access control required,depending on the level of risk.
16. Passwordpolicies
16. 密码策略
Formalprocedures for password policies should be implemented.
The policiesshould include but not necessarily be limited to length, complexity, expiry,login attempts, and logout reset.
The policiesshould be enforced by systems, verified during system validation, included inperiodic reviews of the system validation and specifically addressed afterdetection of intruders.
The passwordrules aim to prevent intrusion.
17. Passwordconfidentiality
17. 密码保密
Passwordsshould be kept confidential.
Passwordsinitially received from the system or from a manager or system administratorhave to be changed by the user on their first connection to the system.
This should bemandated by the system.
18. Inactivitylogout
18. 非活动注销
Systemsincluding an automatic inactivity, which logs out a user after a defined periodof inactivity, could be considered.
In such a case,the user should not be able to set the inactivity logout time (outside definedand acceptable limits) or deactivate the functionality.
Upon inactivitylogout, a full re-authentication is required (e.g. password entry).
19. Remoteconnection
19. 远程连接
When remotelyconnecting to systems over the internet, a secure and encrypted protocol(virtual private network (VPN) and/or hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTPS)) have to be used.
20. Protectionagainst unauthorised back-end changes
20. 保护免受未经授权的后端更改
The integrityof data has to be protected against unauthorised back-end changes made directlyon a database by a database administrator.
A method toprevent such changes could be by setting the application up to encrypt its data
on the databaseor by storing data un-encrypted with an encrypted copy.
In either case,the database administrator cannot be identical to the administrator of theapplication.
21. Backup
21. 备份
Backups aremade, retained and stored following established procedures to ensure that GLPdata can be restored in case data has been accidentally or deliberately changedor deleted, lost as the result of a hardware malfunction or corrupted, e.g. asthe result of a cyber-attack.
The frequency,retention and safe storage of backups is critically important to theeffectiveness of the process to mitigate these incidents.
Backups aremade at suitable intervals (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly and monthly) and theirretention (e.g. a week, a month, a quarter, forever) should be determinedthrough a risk-based approach.
Backups are notbe stored at the same physical location, on the same logical network or behindthe same firewall as the original data in order to avoid simultaneousdestruction or alteration.
Depending onthe timely requirements for disaster recovery after an incident, applicationsand system configurations may also need to be backed up, as it may otherwisetake a long time to re-establish services.
Restoration ofdata and potentially applications and configurations from backup should betested.
22. StandardOperating Procedures (SOP)
22. 标准操作程序(SOP
Procedures/policiesshould be in place describing what IT security measures are in place and takenby the test facility.
It should alsobe clearly described how the facility will handle any IT security breach andthe facility should alert its national GLP compliance monitoring authority incase of any IT security issues and data loss/hacks.


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