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[申报注册] ECA新闻:成本压力是否正在成为GMP不符合和药品短缺的主要原因?

发表于 2016-9-29 12:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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GMP News
IsCost Pressure becoming the Main Reason for GMP Non-Compliance and Drug Shortages?
It has been a hot inspection summer. FDA Warning Lettersand EU Non-Compliance Reports seem to increase at the moment. It is worryingthat the GMP non-compliance issues apparently get more serious than in thepast. But what is the reason?
Many deviations found refer to data integrity. Here twodifferent areas are covered. First: inadequate computer systems andmaintenance. For example, electronic records that were not archived correctly anddata that was deleted - either by mistake or due to inadequate systems. Thesecond area is the more worrying part. Staff in production and QC have verylittle or no knowledge of what is expected. They are simply not trained in GMP.Going through these many findings on Data Integrity one can loose faith. Thisis not a new topic. It is simply a lack of knowledge in Good DocumentationPractice. Principles like no data should be deleted or modified without anexplanation and visually retaining the original data. In addition everyactivity needs to be documented in a timely manner etc. This is no "rocketscience"! In the past we saw Warning Letters which went into the detailsof validation procedures or analytical activities. But now the non complianceis so basic that every person who received an initial GMP training should knowabout how to avoid it.
发现的许多偏差是关于数据完整性的。这里包括2个不同的领域。一个是计算机系统及其维护不够充分。例如,电子记录存档不正确,数据被删除---被误删,或者是由于系统不够好。第二个领域则是让为更为担心的。生产和QC的员工对于要求知之甚少。他们接受了简单的GMP培训。看看这许多数据完整性缺陷,人们可能会失去信心。现在这已经不是新的话题了。它仅仅是因为缺乏优良文件规范而已。类似 数据不应被删除或修改而没有解释,也看不到原始数据的保存这样的原则性问题。另外,每个活动都需要及时记录等。并没有什么高级科技!过去,我们看到警告信讲到验证过程或分析活动的详细情况,而现在,不符合性问题是如此低级,每个接受了入门GMP培训的人都应该知道如何避免这种错误。
In parallel to the above described "trend of non-GMPcompliance" we see another trend. That is the trend to put more and morepressure on the cost of manufacturing. Every country has to deal withincreasing costs for their health care system. This has resulted in increasingpressure for medicinal products (lower prices). To save costs alsomanufacturing has come under pressure. First, APIs moved to low cost countries,especially to Asia. Then generic manufacturing of medicinal products also movedfor the same reason. The remaining sites in Europe and the US also came underpressure to reduce costs. In the past a medicinal product was manufactured inmany countries by different manufacturing sites. Today, for cost optimizationthe number of sites has been reduced. Sometimes only one or two sites exist,and an API is possibly only available from a single source in Asia. Ifinspectors find GMP problems at the remaining site(s), it will immediately leadto drug shortages because there is not enough capacity left at other sites tostep in. This has become the main reason for drug shortages in the US and EU.
除了上述“GMP不符合趋势”外,同时我们还看到另一个趋势。那就是生产成本压力日益增大的趋势。每个国家必须面对其健康医疗系统成本增加问题。这已经导致了药品压力增加(价格更低)。为了节省成本 ,生产也倍感压力。首先,原料药转移到低成本 国家,尤其转至亚洲。然后仿制药品也因为相同原因被转移。在欧洲和美国剩下的工厂也要承受降低成本的压力。在过去,药品在许多国家由不同的生产场所生产,而今天,为了成本 优化,工厂数据已经减少。有时只有一个或两个药厂存在,一个原料药可能只有一个亚洲来源。如果检查人员在剩下的场所发现GMP问题,将立即会导致药品短缺,因为另一个场所没有足够的产能来跟进空出的市场。在美国和欧盟,这已经成为药品短缺的主要原因。
In Spain inspectors just recently detected a site whichwas expected to manufacture according to EU GMP. However, they were unable to,simply because they didn't have enough staff. The inspectors of the Alcor plantin the city of Guadalajara found "that the company does not havesuitable facilities, personnel and materials resources to ensure proper compliancewith GMP. A total number of 29 deficiencies were identified. Eight of them wereclassified as major."
在西班牙,检查员刚刚发现一个工厂本来应该按EU GMP生产,但是他们不符合,简单地说,因为他们没有足够的员工。检查员在印度ALCOR工厂发现“公司没有适当的设施、人员和物料来源,无法保证符合GMP。总共发现29个缺陷,其中8个为主要缺陷。”
And the company was not able to solve the issues detectedduring the inspection. In the Inspection Report it was stated: "thecompany proposed a corrective action plan on 8 and 29 July 2016. After itsevaluation, on 2 August 2016 the inspectorate concludes there are manyoutstanding issues and that Alcor S.L. does not comply with EU GMPrequirements. In general the proposed corrective actions were insufficient,diffuse and do not provide a description about the extent of the measures, soto ensure the correction of the major deficiencies. In particular, thoserelated to the lack of personnel remain unsolved, and the accumulation of tasksand responsibilities in some personnel is a risk to quality. It does not ensurethe proper conduct of the activities required for EU GMP compliance."
公司没能解决在检查中发现的这些问题。在检查报告中说到:“公司在2016年7月8日和29日分别给出了一份整改计划。在对计划进行评估后,检查组于2016年8月2日得出结论认为有许多突出的问题,ALCO公司不符合EU GMP要求。总体来说其所提出的整改措施是不充分的、混乱的,没有提供所采取措施的涉及深度的描述,无法确保纠正主要缺陷。尤其是与人手短缺相关的问题仍未解决,任务积压以及多职责集于一些人员身上对于质量构成风险。无法确保实施EU GMP符合所需的活动。”
A very similar issue can be identified in multipleWarning Letters issued by the FDA this year. Many of them contain DataIntegrity matters. In addition to a lack of adequate IT systems and ITprocedures (e.g. on how to archive data electronically) many issues relate tobasic Good Documentation Practice principles. Companies did not invest in staffand in the initial and ongoing training of staff. A number of Warning Letterstherefore included a kind of standard "Data Integrity Remediation"requirement  - and comprised among others:
"Long-term measures describing any remediationefforts and enhancements to procedures, processes, methods, controls, systems,management oversight, and human resources (e.g., training, staffing improvements)designed to ensure the integrity of your company's data."
If we bring the two trends together, we can see evidencethat pressure to reduce production costs will inevitably lead to activities toreduce facilities and staff. The remaining staff might not be able to performall tasks and receives less GMP training to save costs. A good inspector cansee this trend very easily. Taking a look at the training records and the openissues in the corrective action plan is often enough to discover the problem.
What could be the way out of this? One scenario might beto assess the GMP problems with regard to their root cause. A company with agood compliance history that has a GMP compliance issue should be treateddifferently to a company that violates basic GMP problems - like lack of GoodDocumentation Practice. If a company falsifies data, deletes records byintention (not by mistake), this company should face more serious consequencesthan a company with a good compliance history and with a good quality culture.Quality Metrics like those proposed by the FDA could become a tool to make thedifference visible. There is no easy solution. But we need to work on this tosafeguard patient safety.



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发表于 2016-9-29 12:46:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-9-29 13:25:03 | 显示全部楼层
公司没能解决在检查中发现的这些问题。在检查报告中说到:“公司在2016年7月8日和29日分别给出了一份整改计划。在对计划进行评估后,检查组于2016年8月2日得出结论认为有许多突出的问题,ALCO公司不符合EU GMP要求。总体来说其所提出的整改措施是不充分的、混乱的,没有提供所采取措施的涉及深度的描述,无法确保纠正主要缺陷。尤其是与人手短缺相关的问题仍未解决,任务积压以及多职责集于一些人员身上对于质量构成风险。无法确保实施EU GMP符合所需的活动。”——这个检查官真NB,的确人是最基本要素,连人员都不够,肯定是不可能做好GMP的,虽然企业有多努力和理由,反正我是不相信。在中国,大厂招人好招一点,人员基本能满足,而小厂就可怜很多,老板也巴不得一个部门就一两个人(其中部门领导还是亲戚啥的关系)。人是资源中最重要的资源,人的技能、知识、意识、沟通、培训、能力等综合因素是其他任何资源都无法取代的。


大公司流动比较大,很多人是看着是大公司,所以降低级别也干,结果到了才发现不值。  详情 回复 发表于 2016-10-27 09:48

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-9-29 15:18:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-10-27 09:36:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-10-27 09:48:49 | 显示全部楼层
zysx01234 发表于 2016-9-29 13:25
公司没能解决在检查中发现的这些问题。在检查报告中说到:“公司在2016年7月8日和29日分别给出了一份整改计 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-12-4 18:35:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-12-7 10:20:07 | 显示全部楼层

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