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本帖最后由 julia朱玉姣 于 2015-7-29 11:59 编辑
Nature of non-compliance : The inspection was performed by GMP inspectors in relation to the manufacture of sterile glutathione sodium lyophilised object of a variation. The inspection was focused on site 1 and production workshop number 3. During the inspection 28 deficiencies were found, 15 of which were rated as major deficiencies. Major Deficiencies: In many production steps deviations were found regarding the sterility assurance and a risk of contamination of the product: a) Sampling room (deviations 14-15-16): the changing room was not designed in a suitable way to minimize the risk of contamination; the differential pressure between the areas maintained at different cleanliness grade was not monitored; the garments procedure was not in accordance to the principle of classified areas; b) Production areas (deviations 19-20-21-24): the pressure differential between adjacent areas at different cleanliness grade was not in compliance with the guidance value of the European good manufacturing practices; the maintenance and cleaning conditions of some production rooms were poor and not adequately handled; the particle counters in B class grade (i.e. freeze-dryers and capping room) were unsuitable located for the intended use; the API transfer from the mixer to aluminum tin did not exclude a risk of API contamination. c) Validation (deviation 7 from letter a to j): the validation approach for different activities was not correctly performed according to the GMP requirements and validation reports were not detailed (warehouse temperature mapping; holding time for sterilization of tools; stay-time in UV-pass box; maximum number of filters sterlisation (20) validation for the moist heat sterilizer used for the rubber stopper sterilization; validation for the dry heat steriliser used for the aluminium tin sterilisation; validation for LAF in weighing room; validation for the HVAC of the sampling room; validation for front-freezing room classification; validation report for the process simulation namely maximum filling time of loading the bulk product in freeze-dryers and maximum time of transferring API from mixer to aluminum tins and capping. d) Packaging and labeling (deviations 5-10-11-13): the management for the container closure system for sterile glutathione sodium freeze-dried was found lacking in some tests to guarantee the sterility assurance of the product; a “wrong“ and not-updated label was used as a standard to verify the shipping labels of API; in the API warehouse, the aluminum tins of sterile API were not sealed; the aluminum caps were not identified with a batch number loosing traceability. e) Laboratory testing (deviation 28): some deviations were found for the IR instrument, in particular the IR software had not a controlled access via ID and password and it was not forbidden to copy and rename a file. f) Personnel behavior (deviations 2-7i(ii)-18-19): during the inspection, the inspectors’ team received inconsistent and conflicting answers on the same topic from both personnel and management; sometimes the answers seemed to be modified according to the inspectors’ requests. The documentation was showed in an ambiguous way as the examples: some layouts were replaced; some documentation was unrelated to the topic. Finally management did not comply with the clothing procedure during the inspection tour.