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[欧盟药事] 协调促进健康事业---ICH 20周年文

发表于 2014-12-2 09:20:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Shift in Emphasis 重点转移
Substantial benefits to DRAs resulted when ICH shifted emphasis from the input of information by industry to the output of information by regulators. This transition was made possible by the development of a common submission format—the CTD— which greatly influenced regulatory review processes, ultimately leading to a harmonized electronic submission and e-review initiatives, which, in turn, have enabled implementation of good review practices. These activities are having a global effect on information review and sharing among drug regulatory authorities.
Originally, ICH focused on input by industry— the technical submission requirements for pharmaceuticals for human use. Harmonizing the differences in these requirements through ICH guidelines helped industry reduce development times and save resources. To extend the benefits of harmonization, industry proposed assembling the building blocks of information intended for inclusion in a submission into a consistent harmonized format, referred to as the CTD, which would relieve pharmaceutical companies of the time, workforce, and financial burdens of assembling a submission for one DRA and then having to reformat it for another. This new consistent format also greatly benefited the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), enabling the agency to establish templates for each of the review disciplines while promoting more consistent review practices and processes.
Prior to the advent of the CTD, regulatory reviewers received an application from one company and spent a year or more engaged in its review. When the review was completed, reviewers received the next application—most likely in a different format—and had to learn the structure of the new application. As a result, review staff were constantly on a learning curve when new assignments were received—time they could have better used reviewing the information as opposed to simply trying to find it.
When industry proposed the CTD in 1996, ICH regulators were hesitant to change their submission formats, believing it would be too disruptive to the review process. They needed convincing that harmonizing the submission format had value. Regulators asked industry to do a feasibility study. That study, conducted in May 1996, evaluated the time it took to convert an FDA new drug application into an European Medicines Agency (EMA) submission, and the reverse. It also evaluated the number and types of staff needed to carry out the conversion of the submission formats. Regulators quickly saw the potential value of harmonizing submission formats.

Regulatory Benefits 法规利益
The CTD has also made the exchange of information among drug regulatory authorities easier. For a number of years, FDA and the EMA have had a confidentiality arrangement in place allowing the sharing of confidential information, greatly increasing interactions between the two agencies. Now that submissions are received in the same format and, generally, at the same time, these interactions have become more efficient, facilitating discussions of common concerns as submissions are evaluated.
ICH regulators, impressed with the amount of time and effort involved in the conversion of one regulatory submission to another, agreed that the resources involved could be better used towards more research and development for new drug products. The regulators also realized that these conversions created a delay in submitting an application to the different ICH regions and, in turn, delayed patient access to new innovative medicine. The result of agreeing to work on a consistent format or table of contents is the ICH Common Technical Document.
Module 1 is not part of the CTD, it represents the administrative information specific to each ICH region. Module 2 is a layering of information and includes an introduction, summaries, and overviews. More complete data are contained in modules 3, 4, and 5. Countries can, in effect, focus on modules of interest. If a regulatory authority is not interested in the complete datasets in modules 3, 4, and 5, the focus can be on modules 1 and 2. This is what some less-resourced countries are now doing.

Last, and perhaps most important, the CTD has facilitated electronic submissions (the eCTD). In the past, drug applications were voluminous, delivered to FDA by the truckload due to the sheer amount of paper involved. When the agency first transitioned to electronic submissions, an application was on a compact disc or hard drive. Although this certainly helped with transportation and storage issues, it did not necessarily enhance the review process. FDA has now implemented the FDA Electronic Submission Gateway, which allows a new drug application (NDA) to be sent electronically, essentially very much like e-mail. After being assessed for completeness, a submission is immediately and fully accessible on the reviewer’s desktop. This innovation has alleviated the need for industry to create and assemble the many pieces of paper that constituted a traditional paper-based product application, organize the application, box thousands of pages, load the boxes on a truck, and deliver them to FDA— all before a reviewer could even begin the assessment process.

The eCTD has proved critical to improving application submission efficiencies as well as reviewer efficiency. Besides delivering submission material to the reviewer in an expedited manner, the eCTD format has made it easier to develop standardized reviewer e-templates and review tools for each of the review disciplines.


Another benefit of a harmonized format has been the ease of developing and implementing harmonized good review practices. What is evaluated in a review is closely tied to the requested data. As a result, there is considerable similarity between ICH guidance to industry and what we consider good review practices. Because ICH regions have harmonized much of the information submitted for marketing authorization, ICH regulators could easily begin moving toward similar review practices.


In general, good review practices promote transparency and consistency, both of which are very important if industry and the public are to understand how regulatory authorities carry out their responsibilities. This is especially important because of the complexity of the disciplines and specialties involved in the review process. We needed a consistent approach to evaluating submissions and reaching conclusions, and the CTD and eCTD have helped to achieve these goals.


In summary, the CTD format influences the content of the review by imposing a consistent order of information and data. This shapes both the conduct of the review and the presentation of the results of the review and promotes good review practices and increased efficiencies. As more countries embrace ICH guidelines and the CTD format, a common regulatory language could evolve that will further promote interactions among drug regulatory authorities.


The ICH guidelines are giving medical writers improved guidance on how to interpret what FDA needs within a marketing application and provide the content to meet those needs. This in turn allows submission groups within drug development teams to focus their drug development plans and the communication around the data being generated from the execution of those plans. The end result has been faster, more concise, and higher quality submissions that ultimately not only aid regulators in their efforts to make decisions, but inevitably get health care products to patients in a more timely fashion.
Scientific Communications Consultant

Medical Information Sciences, Lilly




In December 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) processed its 100,000th eCTD submission. What began as a trickle in October 2003 has become a major component of FDA’s regulatory processes. When coupled with the Electronic Submission Gateway we can begin to see an end-to-end, standards-based, electronic receipt, review, and dissemination environment taking shape.


ICH efforts to standardize regulatory content and processes have moved research and healthcare data standardization efforts forward in dramatic fashion, as the recent eCTD submission statistics attest.
Head Alliance Management

Johnson & Johnson



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