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[药典/标准文件] USP <1058> 分析仪器的确认(转载中英文)

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【转载】USP <1058> 分析仪器的确认(转载中英文)  





A large variety of laboratory equipment, instruments, and computerized analytical systems, ranging from simple nitrogen evaporators to complex multiple-function technologies (see Instrument Categories), are used in the pharmaceutical industry to acquire data to help ensure that products are suitable for their intended use. An analyst’s objective is to consistently obtain reliable and valid data suitable for the intended purpose. Depending on the applications, users validate their procedures, calibrate their instruments, and perform additional instrument checks, such as system suitability tests and analysis of in-process quality control check samples to help ensure that the acquired data are reliable. With the increasing sophistication and automation of analytical instruments, an increasing demand has been placed on users to qualify their instruments.


Unlike method validation and system suitability activities, analytical instrument qualification (AIQ) currently has no specific guidance or procedures. Competing opinions exist regarding instrument qualification and validation procedures and the roles and responsibilities of those who perform them. Consequently, various approaches have been used for instrument qualification, approaches that require varying amounts of resources and generate widely differing amount of documentation. This chapter provides a scientific approach to AIQ and considers AIQ as one of the major components required for generating reliable and consistent data. Note that the amount of rigor applied to the qualification process will depend on the complexity and intended use of the instrumentation. This approach emphasizes AIQ’s place in the overall process of obtaining the reliable data from analytical instruments.


Validation versus Qualification    验证对确认

In this chapter, the term validation is used for manufacturing processes, analytical procedures, and software procedures and the term qualification is used for instruments. Thus, the phrase “analytical instrument qualification” (AIQ) is used for the process of ensuring that an instrument is suitable for its intended application.



There are four critical components involved in the generation of reliable and consistent data (quality data). Figure 1 shows these components as layered activities within a quality triangle. Each layer adds to the overall quality. Analytical instrument qualification forms the base for generating quality data. The other components essential for generating quality data are analytical method validation, system suitability tests, and quality control checks samples. These quality components are described as below.


Analytical Instrument Qualification    分析仪器确认

AIQ is the collection of documented evidence that an instrument performs suitably for its intended purpose. Use of a qualified instrument in analyses contributes to confidence in the validity of generated data.


Analytical Method Validation     分析方法验证

Analytical method validation is the collection of documented evidence that an analytical procedure is suitable for its intended use. Use of a validated procedure with qualified analytical instruments provides confidence that the procedure will generate test data of acceptable quality. Additional guidance on validation of compendial procedures may be found in the general information chapter Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225>.


System Suitability Tests系统适用性测试

System suitability tests verify that the system will perform in accordance with the criteria set forth in the procedure. These tests are performed along with the sample analyses to ensure that the system’s performance is acceptable at the time of the test. USP general chapter Chromatography <621> presents a more detailed discussion of system suitability tests as related to chromatographic systems.


Quality Control Check Samples    质量控制检验样品

Many analysts carry out their tests on instruments standardized using reference materials and/or calibration standards. Some analysts also require the inclusion of quality control check samples to provide an in-process or ongoing assurance of the test’s suitable performance. In this manner, AIQ and analytical method validation contribute to the quality of analysis before analysts conduct the tests. System suitability tests and quality control checks help ensure the quality of analytical results immediately before or during sample analysis.




The following sections address in detail the AIQ process. The other three components of building quality into analytical data ----- analytical method validation, system suitability tests, and quality control check samples ----- are not within the scope of this chapter.


Qualification Phases   确认的阶段

Instrument qualification is not a single continuous process, but instead results from several discrete activities. For convenience, these activities can be grouped into four phases: design qualification (DQ), installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ).


Some AIQ activities cover more than one qualification phase, and analysts potentially could perform them during more than one of the phases (see Table 1). However, in many instances there is need for specific order to the AIQ activities; for example, installation qualification must occur first in order to initiate other qualification activities. The AIQ activities will be defined and documented.


Table 1. Timing, Applicability, and Activities for Each Phase of Analytical Instrument Qualification*

Design Qualification

Installation Qualification

Operational Qualification

Performance Qualification

Timing and Applicability

Prior to purchase of a new model of instrument

At installation of each instrument (new, old, or existing unqualified)

After installation or major repair of each instrument

Periodically at specified intervals for each instrument


Assurance of manufacturer’s DQ


Fixed parameters

Preventive maintenance and repairs

Assurance of adequate support availability from manufacturer

Instrument delivery

Establish practices to address operation, calibration, maintenance, and change control

Instrument’s fitness for use in laboratory



Assembly and installation

Network and data storage

Secure data storage, backup, and archive

Installation verification

Instrument function tests

Performance checks

*Activities under each phase are usually performed as given in the table. However, in some cases, it may be more appropriate to perform or combine a given activity with another phase. Such activities, spanning more than one qualification phase are shown as connected by double arrows. If an activity listed under a given phase is performed under another phase, it is not necessary to repeat the activity under the phase where the activity is listed. Performing the activity is far more important than the phase under which the activity is performed.

表1. 分析仪器确认每个阶段的时间表、实用性、活动





























Design qualification (DQ) is the documented collection of activities that define the functional and operational specifications of the instrument and criteria for the selection of the vendor, based on the intended purpose of the instrument. Design qualification (DQ) may be performed not only by the instrument developer or manufacturer but also may be performed by the user. The manufacturer is generally responsible for robust design and maintaining information describing how the analytical instrument is manufactured (design specifications, functional requirements, etc.) and tested before shipment to users. Nonetheless, the user should ensure that commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instrument are suitable for their intended application and that the manufacturer has adopted a quality system that provides for reliable equipment. Users should also determine the manufacturer’s capability for support installation, services, and training. This determination might be aided by the user’s previous interaction with the manufacturer.



Installation qualification (IQ) is the documented collection of activities necessary to establish that an instrument is delivered as designed and specified, and is properly installed in the selected environment, and that this environment is suitable for the instrument. IQ applies to an instrument that is new or was pre-owned, or to any instrument that exists on site but has not been previous qualified. Relevant parts of IQ would also apply to a qualified instrument that has been transported to another location or is being reinstalled for other reasons, such as prolonged storage. The activities and documentation typically associated with IQ are as follows.


Description----- Provide a description of the instrument or the collection of instrument components, including its manufacturer, model, serial number, software version, and location. Use of drawings and flow chart where appropriate.


Instrument Delivery----- Ensure that the instrument, software, manuals, supplies, and any other instrument accessories arrive as specified in the purchase order and that they are undamaged. For a pre-owned or existing instrument, manuals and documentation should be obtained.

仪器运输----- 确保该仪器、软件、手册、供给品,以及其他仪器附件按照订单中规定的方式抵达,并且他们没有损坏。对于二手或已有的仪器,手册和记录文件必须得到。

Utilities/Facility/Environment----Verify that the installation site satisfactorily meets manufacturer-specified environmental requirements.


Assembly and installation---- Assembly and install the instrument, and perform any preliminary diagnostics and testing. Assembly and installation may be done by the manufacturer, vendor, specialized engineers, or qualified in-house personnel. Manufacturer-established installation tests and guides provide a valuable baseline reference for determining instrument acceptance. Any abnormal event observed during assembly and installation merits documenting. Installation packages purchased from the manufacturer or the vendor may, however, need to be supplemented with user-specific criteria.

组装和安装---- 组装和安装仪器,并进行任何预诊断和测试。组装和安装可以由其制造商、供应商、专业工程师、或有资质的内部员工来进行。对于确定仪器的验收,制造商确定的安装测试和指导提供了具有价值的基本参考。在组装和安装过程中观察到的任何异常事件均需以文件记录。但是,购自制造商或供应商的安装包需要根据用户的具体标准进行补充。

Network and Data Storage---- Some analytical systems require users to provide network connections and data storage capabilities at the installation site. When required, connect the instrument to the network, and check its functionality.

网络和数据储存----- 一些分析系统要求使用者在安装场所提供网络连接和数据存储能力。当需要时,将仪器连接到网络,并检查其功能。

Installation Verification---- Perform the initial diagnostics and testing of the instrument after installation.

安装认证---- 在安装之后,进行该仪器的初始诊断和测试。


After a successful IQ, the instrument is ready for OQ testing. Operational qualification (OQ) is the documented collection of activities necessary to demonstrate that an instrument will function according to its operational specification in the selected environment. Testing activities in the OQ phase consist of these test parameters.


Fixed Parameter---- These tests measure the instrument’s non-changing parameter such as length, height, weight, voltage inputs, acceptable pressures, and loads. If the manufacturer-supplied specifications for these parameters satisfy the user, the test requirements may be waived. However, if the user wants to confirm the parameters, testing can be performed at the user’s site. Fixed parameters do not change over the life of the instrument, and therefore never need redetermination. [NOTE: These tests could also be performed during the IQ phase (see Table 1); if so, fixed parameters need not be redetermined as part of OQ testing.]

固定参数---- 这些测试测量该仪器的不变参数,例如长度、高度、重量、输入电压、可接受压力、载荷等。如果由制造商提供的这些参数的规格令用户满意,可以放弃测试要求。但是,如果用户需要确认这些参数,可以在使用者的场地进行测试。固定参数在仪器的寿命周期内不会变化,并且因此不需重测。【注意:这些测试还可以在IQ阶段(见表1)进行;如果这样,固定参数作为OQ测试的一部分,无需重测。】

Secure Data Storage, Backup, and Archiving---- When applicable, test secure data handling such as storage, backup, audit trails, and archiving at the user’s site according to written procedures.

安全数据存储、备份、存档---- 当可行的时候,根据书面程序,在用户的场所测试安全数据处理工作,例如存储、备份、审计追踪、存档等。

Instrument Function Tests----- Instrument functions required by the user should be tested to verify that the instrument operates as intended by the manufacturer. Manufacturer-supplied information is useful in identifying specifications for these parameters and in designing tests to evaluate the identified parameters. Users, or their qualified designees, should perform these tests to verify that the instrument meets manufacturer or user specifications in the user’s environment.

仪器功能测试---- 使用者要求的仪器功能应该被测试,以确认该仪器能够按照制造商所预期地操作。制造商提供的信息有助于识别这些参数的规范,并帮助设计用于评估这些识别出来的参数的测试。使用者,或者他们的有资质的设计师,应该进行这些测试,以便证实该仪器在使用者的环境中达到了制造商或使用者的标准。

The extent of OQ testing that an instrument undergoes depends on its intended applications. Therefore, no specific OQ tests for any instrument or application are offered in this chapter.


Routine analytical tests do not constitute OQ testing. OQ tests are specifically designed to verify the instrument’s operation according to specifications in the user’s environment, and repeating the testing at regular intervals may not be required. However, when the instrument undergoes major repairs or modifications, relevant OQ and/or PQ tests should be repeated to verify whether the instrument continues to operate satisfactorily. If an instrument is moved to another location, an assessment should be made of what, if any, OQ test should be repeated.


OQ tests can be modular or holistic. Modular testing of individual components of a system may facilitate interchanging of such components without requalification. Holistic tests, when involve the entire system, are also acceptable.



Performance qualification (PQ) is the documented collection of activities necessary to demonstrate that an instrument consistently performs according to the specifications defined by the user, and is appropriate for the intended use. After IQ and OQ have been performed, the instrument’s continued suitability for its intended use is demonstrated through performance qualification. The PQ phase may include the following parameters.


Performance Checks---- Set up a test or series of tests to verify the acceptable performance of the instrument for its intended use. PQ tests are usually based on the instrument’s typical on-site applications and may consist of analyzing known components or standards. The tests should be based on good science and reflect the general intended use of the instrument. Some system suitability tests or quality control checks that are performed concurrently with the test samples can be used to demonstrate that the instrument is performing suitably. PQ tests may resemble those performed during OQ, but the specifications for their results may be set differently if required. Nevertheless, user specifications for PQ tests should demonstrate trouble-free instrument operation for the intended applications. As is the case with OQ testing, PQ tests may be modular or holistic.

性能检查---- 设立一个或一系列测试,以确认具有满足其预定用途的表现。PQ测试通常基于仪器常见的现场用途并且可以包含分析已知组分或标准物。该测试应该具备良好的科学基础并反映该仪器的一般用途。与供试样品同步进行的一些系统适用性测试或者质量控制检查可以用于证实该仪器正在适当地运行。PQ测试可以模拟在OQ中进行的那些测试,但是如果需要,其结果的质量标准可以设定得不同。尽管如此,使用者对于PQ测试的标准应该证实仪器在其用途上的无故障运行。如同OQ测试一样,PQ测试可以为模块式或整体式。

Testing frequently depends on the ruggedness of the instrument and the criticality of the tests performed. Testing may be unscheduled---- for example, each time the instrument is used. It may be also scheduled for regular intervals. Experience with the instrument can influence this decision. It may be useful to repeat the same PQ tests each time the instrument is used so that a history of the instrument’s performance can be compiled. Alternatively, the instrument may be incorporated into an integrated support system to assure that it remains continually qualified. Some system suitability tests or quality control checks that are performed concurrently with the test samples also imply that the instrument is performing suitably.

测试的频率取决于该仪器的耐用性和利用其所做检验的重要性。测试可以是不定时的---- 例如该仪器每次使用的时候。它也可以在相同间隔下定时进行。使用该仪器的体验可以影响这个决定。最好每次使用仪器时重复同样PQ测试,以便能够汇编该仪器表现的历史数据。两个方法中的另外一个是,该仪器可以整合到一个整体辅助系统,以便确保其持续保持已确认的状态。与供试样品同步进行的一些系统适用性测试或质量控制检查也会说明该仪器正在适当地运行。

Preventive Maintenance and Repairs---- When an instrument fails to meet PQ test specifications, it requires maintenance or repair. A periodic preventive maintenance may also be recommended for many instruments. The relevant PQ test(s) should be repeated after the needed maintenance or repair to ensure that the instrument remains qualified.


Practices for Operation, Calibration, Maintenance, and Change Control---- Establish practices to maintain and calibrate the instrument. Each maintenance and calibration activity should be documented.

运行、校准、维护、变更控制的操作规范---- 建立维护和校准仪器的操作规范。每次维护和校准活动均应以文件记录。


Users  使用者

Users are ultimately responsible for instrument operations and data quality. The user’s group encompasses analyst, their supervisor, instrument specialists, and organization management. Users should be adequately trained in the instrument’s use, and their training records should be maintained as required by the regulations.


Users should also be responsible for qualifying their instruments because their training and expertise in the use of instruments make them the best-qualified group to design the instrument test(s) and specification(s) necessary for successful AIQ. Consultants, equipment manufacturer or vendors, validation specialists, and quality assurance (QA) personnel can advise and assist as needed, but the final responsibility for qualifying instruments lies with the users. The users must also maintain the instrument in a qualified state by routinely performing PQ.


Quality Unit质量部门

The role of the Quality Unit in AIQ remains the same as for any other regulated activity. Quality personnel are responsible for assuring that the AIQ process meets compliance requirements, that processes are being followed, and that the intended use of the equipment is supported by valid and documented data.



Manufacturers and developers are responsible for DQ when designing the instrument. They are also responsible for validation of relevant processes used in manufacturing and assembly of the instrument. Manufacturers should test the assembled instruments before shipping them to users.


Finally, it is desirable that manufacturers and vendors should notify all known users about hardware defects discovered after a product’s release; offer user training, service, repair, and installation support; and invite user audits as necessary.



Software used for analytical work can be classified into three categories: firmware; instrument control, data acquisition, and processing software; and stand-alone software. Although software validation is not the primary focus of this chapter, the following sections describe in which cases this activity is under the scope of the analytical instrument qualification.


Firmware  固件

Computerized analytical instruments contain integrated chips with low-level software (firmware). Such instruments will not function without properly operating firmware, and users generally cannot alter firmware design or function. Firmware is therefore considered a component of the instrument itself. Indeed, the qualification of hardware is not possible without operating it via its firmware. Thus, when the hardware (that is, the analytical instrument) is qualified at the user’s site, the integrated firmware is also essentially qualified. No separate on-site qualification of the firmware is needed. Whenever possible, the firmware version should be recorded as part of the IQ activities. Any changes made to firmware versions should be tracked through change control of the instrument (see Change Control, below)


Instrument Control, Data Acquisition, and Processing Software


Software for instrument control, data acquisition, and processing for many of today’s computerized instruments is loaded on a computer connected to the instrument. Operation of the instrument is then controlled via the software, leaving fewer operating controls on the instrument. Also, the software is needed for data acquisition and post-acquisition calculations. Thus, both hardware and software, their functions inextricably intertwined, are critical to providing analytical results.


The manufacturer should perform DQ, validate this software, and provide users with a summary of validation. At the user site, holistic qualification, which involves the entire instrument and software system, is more efficient than modular validation of the software alone. Thus, the user qualifies the instrument control, data acquisition, and processing software by qualifying the instrument according to the AIQ process.


Stand-Alone Software   独立软件

An authoritative guide for validating stand-alone software, such as LIMS, is available.[1] The validation process is administered by the software developer, who also specifies the development model appropriate for the software. Validation takes place in a series of activities planned and executed through various stages of the development cycle.



Changes to instruments, including software, become inevitable as manufacturers add new features and correct known defects. However, implementing all such changes may not always benefit users. Users should therefore adopt changes they deem useful or necessary and should also assess the effects of changes to determine what, if any, requalification is required. The change control process enables them to do this.


Change control may follow the DQ/IQ/OQ/PQ classification process. For DQ, evaluate the changed parameters, and determine whether need for the change warrants implementing it. If implementation of the change is needed, install the changes to the system during IQ. Evaluate which of the existing OQ and PQ tests need revision, deletion, or addition, as a result of the installed change. Where the change calls for additions, deletions, or revisions to the OQ or PQ tests, follow the procedure outlined below.


Operational Qualification---- Revise OQ tests as necessitated by the change. Perform the relevant tests affected by the change. This ensures the instrument’s effective operation after the change is installed.

行确认---- 按照变更所要求的,更改OQ测试。执行受到变更影响的相关测试。这确保了在变更执行之后仪器的有效运行。

Performance Qualification---- Revise PQ tests as necessitated by the change. Perform the PQ testing after installation of the change if similar testing is not already performed during OQ. In the future, perform the revised PQ testing.

能确认---- 按照变更所要求的,更改PQ测试。在变更执行之后,进行PQ测试,如果类似的测试没有在OQ中执行过。在将来,执行更改过的PQ测试。

For changes to firmware and to software for instrument control, data acquisition, and processing, change control is performed through DQ/IQ/OQ/PQ of the affected instrument. Change control for stand-alone software requires user-site testing of the changed functionality.



Documents obtained during instrument qualification should be retained in an accessible manner. Where multiple instruments of one kind exist, documents common to all instruments and documents specific to an instrument may be stored separately. During change control, additional documents may supplement those obtained during the qualification process, and both sets of documents should be retained and maintained in a suitable manner that allows for appropriate protection and access.



Modern laboratories typically include a suite of instruments and equipment varying from simple nitrogen evaporators to complex automated instruments. Therefore, applying a single set of principles to qualifying such dissimilar instruments would be scientifically inappropriate. Users are most capable of establishing the level of qualification needed for an instrument. On the basis of the level needed, it is convenient to categorize instruments into three groups: A, B, and C, as defined below. Examples of instruments in each group are provided. Note that the list of instruments provided here is for illustration only and is not meant to be exhaustive. It does not provide the exact category for an instrument at a user site. That category should be determined by users for their specific instruments or applications.


The exact grouping of an instrument must be determined by users for their specific requirements. Depending on individual user requirements, the same instrument may appropriately fall into one group for one user and another group for another user. Therefore, a careful selection of groups by users is highly encouraged.


Group A  A类

Group A includes standard equipment with no measurement capability or usual requirement for calibration, where the manufacturer’s specification of basic functionality is accepted as user requirements. Conformance of Group A equipment with user requirements may be verified and documented through visual observation of its operation. Examples of equipment in this group are nitrogen evaporators, magnetic stirrers, vortex mixers, and centrifuges.


Group B   B类

Group B includes standard equipment and instruments providing measured values as well as equipment controlling physical parameters (such as temperature, pressure, or flow) that need calibration, where the user requirements are typically the same as the manufacturer’s specification of functionality and operational limits. Conformance of Group B instruments or equipment to user requirements is determined according to the standard operating procedures for the instrument or equipment, and documented during IQ and OQ. Examples of instruments in this group are balances, melting point apparatus, light microscopes, pH meters, variable pipets, refractometers, thermometers, titrators, and viscosimeters. Examples of equipment in this group are muffle furnaces, ovens, refrigerator-freezers, water baths, pumps, and dilutors.


Group C   C类

Group C includes instruments and computerized analytical systems, where user requirements for functionality, operational, and performance limits are specific for the analytical application. Conformance of Group C instruments to user requirements is determined by specific function tests and performance tests. Installing these instruments can be a complicated undertaking and may require the assistance of specialists. A full qualification process, as outlined in this document, should apply to these instruments. Examples of instruments in this group include the following:


l         atomic absorption spectrometers原子吸收光谱仪

l         differential scanning calorimeters差示扫描量热仪

l         dissolution apparatus溶出度仪

l         electron microscopes电子显微镜

l         flame absorption spectrometers火焰吸收光谱仪

l         high-pressure liquid chromatographs高压液相色谱仪

l         mass spectrometers质谱仪

l         microplate readers酶标仪

l         thermal gravimetric analyzers热重分析仪

l         X-ray fluorescence spectrometers  X射线荧光光谱仪

l         X-ray powder diffractometers   X射线粉末衍射仪

l         densitometers密度计

l         diode-array detectors二极管阵列检测器

l         elemental analyzers元素分析仪

l         gas chromatographs气相色谱仪

l         IR spectrometers红外光谱仪

l         near-IR spectrometers近红外光谱仪

l         Raman spectrometers拉曼光谱仪

l         UV/Vis spectrometers紫外/可见光光谱仪

l         inductively coupled plasma-emission spectrometers电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪

[1] General Principle of Software Validation: Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff, U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, January 11, 2002.http://www.fda.org/cdrh/comp/guidance/938.html (accessed September 2004)软件验证的基本准则:行业与FDA员工的最终指导方针,美国卫生与人类服务部,食品与药品管理局,Rockville,MD,2002年1月11日,网址:http://www.fda.org/cdrh/comp/guidance/938.html (2004年9月登录)



使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-5-4 21:08:59 | 显示全部楼层


给送朵花吧?  发表于 2014-5-4 21:10

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参与人数 1金币 -2 收起 理由
咕咕 -2 纯表情



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不是英文突飞猛进,都是转来的帖子  发表于 2014-5-5 08:57

使用道具 举报

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-5-10 16:18:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cgc717 于 2014-5-10 20:45 编辑

1、关于B类“Group B includes standard equipment and instruments providing measured values as well as equipment controlling physical parameters (such as temperature, pressure, or flow) that need calibration, where the user requirements are typically the same as the manufacturer’s specification of functionality and operational limits. ”B类包括提供测量所得数值的标准设备和仪器,以及控制需要校准的物理参数(例如温度、压力、或流动)的设备,其中用户需求通常与制造商的功能标准和操作限度相同。
2、C类中的一段话“Installing these instruments can be a complicated undertaking and may require the assistance of specialists”安装这些仪器可以是一项负责的任务,并可能要求专家的协助。


我转来的文章,我英语不精通  发表于 2014-5-10 18:13

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-7-16 22:33:33 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-4-12 13:29:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-8-31 08:47:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2025-1-26 10:56:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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