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[保健品] 2013国际益生菌与益生元科学会议

发表于 2013-2-23 20:30:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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斯洛伐克 科希策大学城  希尔顿酒店

International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2013
The International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics - IPC2013 will be held during 11th - 13th June 2013, in the university city of Kosice, Slovakia. IPC2013 will the oncoming event of the successful conference series focusing on probiotics in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. The scientific programme will focus on current advances in the research, production and use of probiotics and prebiotics with particular focus on their role in maintaining health and preventing diseases.

The conference's goal will to provide a scientific forum for all stakeholders of probiotics and prebiotics and enable the interactive exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge. The conference will focus on evidence-based benefits proven in clinical trials and scientific experiments.

At IPC2013 leading scientists present and discuss current advances in the research of probiotics and prebiotics. New scientific evidences that support or question the efficacy of already existing or prospective substances and applications will be conferred. In addition novel strains, controversial but scientifically solid ideas, approaches and visions presented as well.

Further to its scientific content, IPC2013 will be a networking event. A unique opportunity to meet all the stakeholders of probiotics and prebiotics. Meet those who influenced the past, influence the present and most importantly will enable the future of probiotics and prebiotics by means of basic research, clinical trials, regulatory efforts or development of industrial technology. Initiation of cross-boarder co-operations between scientists and institutions will be also facilitated.


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