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[FDA药事] FDA质量管理成熟度

发表于 2023-9-19 15:51:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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请帮忙找一下,2023年FDA发布的CDER’s Quality Management Maturity (QMM) Program: Practice Areas and Prototype Assessment Protocol Development的翻译版。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-20 10:14:17 | 显示全部楼层
CDER is developing a prototype assessment protocol covering five practice areas:

1. Management Commitment to Quality
1. 管理层对质量的承诺
2. Business Continuity
2. 业务连续性
3. Advanced Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS)
3. 先进的药品质量体系(PQS)
4. Technical Excellence
5. Employee Engagement and Empowerment
5. 员工敬业度和授权

使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-9-20 10:15:01 | 显示全部楼层
These practice areas were identified through a comprehensive review process. This process involved examining the literature on quality management including existing programs that evaluate elements of quality culture or pharmaceutical quality, surveying external stakeholders, gathering feedback from partner offices and centers within FDA, and evaluating data from the two QMM pilot programs developed and performed by third-party contractors, in addition to feedback from pilot participants. By conducting a survey of similar initiatives undertaken by external stakeholders,8 we gained valuable insights into the content of the practice areas and the scientific aspects of performance measurement. CDER also collaborated closely with our FDA partners to understand quality performance trends and learn from their experiences with similar efforts.9 The QMM pilot programs provided insight into the process of the assessment and best practices for engaging with participants. Additionally, we reviewed case studies based on the development and implementation of ICH Q9(R1), ICH Q10, and ICH Q12, as well as industry standards (e.g., ISO 9000 Series of Standards).10
这些实践领域是通过全面的审评过程确定的。该过程涉及检索质量管理的文献(包括评估质量文化或药品质量要素的现有计划),调查外部利益相关者,收集FDA内部合作办公室和中心的反馈,以及评估第三方合同商建立和执行的两个QMM试点项目的数据和试点参与者的反馈。通过对外部利益相关者采取的类似举措进行调查,8我们获得了关于实践领域的内容和绩效衡量的科学方面的宝贵见解。CDER还与FDA合作伙伴密切合作,以了解质量绩效趋势,并从他们的类似工作经验中学习。9 QMM试点项目提供了对评估过程以及与参与者互动的最佳实践的深入了解。此外,我们基于ICH Q9(R1)、ICH Q10 和 ICH Q12 的开发和实施以及行业标准(例如,ISO 9000 系列标准),对案例研究进行了回顾。10

The following section describes each practice area, provides examples of elements considered in an assessment, and explains why each practice area is important to QMM.
下文对每个实践领域进行了描述,提供了评估中考虑的要素的示例,并解释了为什么每个实践领域对 QMM 而言是重要的。

1. Management Commitment to Quality
1. 管理层对质量的承诺
The commitment of all levels of management is necessary to establish a company-wide commitment to quality. Leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality, safety, purity, and identity of drugs delivered to patients and consumers. Management bears the responsibility for setting the tone and modeling a culture of quality within the organization. Management is responsible for establishing the quality policy and objectives, ensuring that these objectives are prioritized, and aligning them with the business objectives and strategic plan. Management is also responsible for allocating the necessary resources to support quality objectives and continual improvement activities. Effective communication is vital to fostering a commitment to quality. Managers play a central role in facilitating clear and open communication channels throughout the organization.

Elements that may be reviewed under this practice area include how management prioritizes and establishes quality goals and policies, and how effectively these goals are communicated to staff at all levels in an organization. The assessment may also cover the effectiveness of management review, including how often they perform their review, to what depth they review data, and how they use the outputs of the review process to initiate continual improvements.

The management of less mature establishments may not align quality objectives with business objectives, and therefore may not allocate resources to quality improvement projects. Management may not ensure that their quality policy or goals are documented, or they may not communicate the quality policy or objectives to establishment personnel at all levels within an organization. By contrast, the management of more mature establishments will integrate quality into their business goals and strategic plans and ensure resources are made available to meet clearly defined quality goals that are known and understood by staff throughout their organization.

2. Business Continuity
2. 业务连续性
Business continuity ensures that business operations are sustained during expected or unexpected disruptions so that patients have access to a reliable supply of drug products. Successful development of business continuity plans can help establishments minimize economic losses by ensuring continuity of operations. Given the complexity and interdependencies in the pharmaceutical supply chain, it is essential to design operations and supply chains to safeguard against potential disruptive events, thus ensuring supply reliability. Building mature systems relies on effectively identifying hazards, analyzing and mitigating risks associated with those hazards, implementing good governance, and establishing robust monitoring programs. Such monitoring programs serve as early warning systems, enabling the rapid detection or prediction of disruptions to business operations.

Elements that may be reviewed under this practice area include how effectively an establishment builds redundancies into its supply chains to continue operations even when there are sudden changes in the availability of raw materials or packaging materials. This is tied to how well an establishment understands and mitigates risks inherent to its supply chain (e.g., through the development of effective risk management plans). The assessment may also cover the effectiveness of an establishment's preventive maintenance program, how frequently they experience production disruptions because of unplanned maintenance to their facilities or equipment, and how quickly they can overcome these disruptions to ensure a steady supply of products.

Less mature establishments may not thoroughly understand the complexities and risks inherent in their supply chains, and therefore, may develop limited risk mitigation strategies that may not be effective in managing unexpected disruptions. More mature establishments will have insight into the complexity and risks inherent in their supply chains, implement effective cybersecurity measures, develop effective risk management plans, forecast demand, qualify backup suppliers, and optimize inventory levels so that they can effectively respond to unexpected disruptions.

3. Advanced PQS
3. 先进的PQS
Establishments implement practices and procedures to support and sustain robust quality systems consistent with CGMP to produce drug products that meet expected identity, strength, purity, and quality characteristics. An advanced PQS effectively uses quality principles (e.g., quality by design) and risk management approaches to ensure its continued suitability, capability, and reliability to minimize disruptions to drug production operations. Establishments that cultivate an advanced PQS benefit from gains in production efficiencies and improved process performance and product quality, which can lead to reduced costs and greater customer satisfaction. Enhancements to the PQS can also help to ensure a more reliable supply of quality drug products by minimizing the occurrence of quality-related failures that can provoke drug shortages.

Elements that may be addressed under this practice area include the establishment's approach to quality risk management (QRM), the rationale for monitoring their process performance and product quality monitoring systems, understanding how the establishment leverages corrective actions and preventive actions (CAPAs) and information from process performance and product quality monitoring activities to improve their manufacturing operations, the rationale governing how a corrective or preventive action is determined to be effective, and the establishment's change management system's ability to effectively evaluate, approve, and implement changes properly.

An advanced PQS implements a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication, and review of risks to the quality and availability of the drug product across the product lifecycle. A proactive approach to QRM can minimize the occurrence of quality-related failures and is of foundational importance in achieving an effective PQS. Less mature organizations may invest in corrective actions in reaction to failures, but do not devote resources to preventive actions to mitigate potential failure modes. More mature establishments utilize QRM principles and leverage knowledge throughout the lifecycle to make informed and timely decisions, and proactively review risks at an appropriate frequency to drive continual improvement and ensure availability of drug products.

4. Technical Excellence
4. 卓越的技术
Technical excellence involves effectively managing information and data. This includes understanding the needs, capabilities, and limitations of operations, investing in learning, and adopting new technical skills. Technical excellence also includes implementing innovative manufacturing processes or novel solutions to problems impacting any aspect of the business (e.g., manufacturing, communications, accounting), and using advanced technologies that are fit for purpose. A commitment to technical excellence reflects a culture that proactively enhances the quality of pharmaceutical products, processes, and services while promoting operational excellence within the organization.

Elements that may be addressed under this practice area include how effectively an establishment manages information across their organization to ensure data is attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original, accurate, complete, consistent, enduring, and available to all who need it regardless of the format (e.g., paper-based system, electronic system). The assessment may also review how effective an establishment is at synthesizing information from different sources, determining a proposed solution (e.g., technological upgrade of equipment or software) is fit for purpose, and ensuring effective implementation of the solution to enhance business operations or production processes.

Less mature establishments may struggle with data integration, which limits their ability to perform holistic reviews, gain a better understanding of their business operations, and identify emerging hazards to quality. This limitation can hinder their ability to identify opportunities for optimizing production operations or business processes. In contrast, more mature organizations have effective methods or mechanisms in place to maximize the use of relevant data and sources of knowledge, enabling them to optimize both production and business operations. Even when financial resources are available, less mature establishments may be resistant to embracing unfamiliar changes (e.g., technological, procedural, conceptual) that could enhance their business operations. Yet more mature establishments are early adopters and are willing to evaluate and accept changes that have been vetted and add value to their operations while controlling any other risks that are introduced via the changes.

5. Employee Engagement and Empowerment
5. 员工敬业度和授权
Employee engagement refers to employees' motivation and commitment to positively impact an organization's quality policy and quality objectives. Engaged employees understand and care about how their roles within the organization impact patients and consumers, product quality, and product availability. Engaged employees at all levels take ownership and are empowered to identify, communicate, escalate, and initiate changes that continually improve processes, procedures, and practices.

Elements that may be addressed under this practice area include how willing employees are to making suggestions that can improve business or manufacturing operations and whether leadership creates an environment that encourages employees to share their thoughts and ideas. The assessment would also gauge employees' understanding of the impact of their role on product quality and patient safety. Engaged employees will seek and have access to opportunities to grow their expertise and have clear career paths to grow within the organization.

Less mature organizations will miss out on opportunities to solicit feedback from employees and act upon their suggestions to improve quality systems and production processes. A workforce that is not engaged, empowered, and enthusiastic will struggle to continually complete routine duties in a reproducible manner with the highest standards, employee turnover may be high, and institutional knowledge may be lost as a result. Employees who do not understand the importance of their role in the organization and appreciate the responsibility they bear toward patients may not give their work the attention it needs. By contrast, more mature establishments will have effective methods to facilitate engagement with staff at all levels. Establishments that foster a culture of active participation without fear of reprisal can more effectively leverage the expertise, experience, and input of employees to drive continual improvement. Satisfied employees are more likely to go above and beyond the call of duty and stay with an organization, keeping institutional knowledge in-house. Employees who actively feel they are part of the organization will be more invested in their work and see it as an investment in themselves and the patients they serve.

Addressing Possible Misconceptions About the QMM Program
解释关于 QMM 计划的可能误解
QMM assessments are not used to evaluate compliance with CGMP. CGMP requirements are foundational to any drug manufacturing operation. Compliance with CGMP is evaluated through surveillance inspections or other inspections conducted by credentialed investigators under section 704(a)11 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). Inspections are mandatory and refusal to permit entry or inspection is prohibited under section 301(f)12 of the FD&C Act. In contrast, QMM assessments are not part of FDA's inspection authority and participation in the QMM program is voluntary. The QMM assessment cannot be used to determine compliance with CGMP. QMM assessments focus on evaluating the behaviors, practices, and quality culture within an establishment. Higher levels of QMM indicate a higher process capability and performance and a reduced risk of quality failures that can contribute to drug shortages.13 14 15 16
QMM评估不用于评估CGMP合规性。CGMP要求是任何药品生产操作的基础。CGMP合规性根据联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案(FD&C法案)第704(a)节11,通过有资质的检查员进行的监督检查或其他检查进行评估。检查是强制性的,并且根据FD&C法案第301(f)节12,拒绝进入或检查是被禁止的。相比之下,QMM评估不是FDA检查权限的一部分,参与QMM计划是自愿的。QMM评估不能用于确定CGMP合规性。QMM评估的重点是评估场地内的行为、实践和质量文化。QMM水平越高,表明工艺能力和性能越高,可导致药品短缺的质量失败的风险越低。13 14 15 16

QMM assesses manufacturing establishments; QMM does not evaluate product quality. QMM assessments cannot and do not evaluate the quality of specific products. FDA evaluates product quality throughout the lifecycle by assessing regulatory submissions, post-market quality defect reports (e.g., field alert reports, biological product deviation reports, MedWatch reports, consumer complaints), sampling and testing results, and through CGMP inspections.

Maturity is independent of establishment size or age, and the types or number of products produced. QMM assessments focus on evaluating if a culture of quality exists at the establishment and how this mindset is reflected in the quality practices employed. Therefore, these evaluations are not product-specific, and the maturity of an establishment is not dependent on factors like establishment size or age, and the types or number of products that are manufactured, tested, processed, packaged, labeled/re-labeled, or held. Simply having larger profit margins does not mean an establishment is highly mature. For example, establishments with greater financial resources that purchase state-of-the-art equipment may not be highly mature if their use of resources and technology is not fit for purpose and appropriately controlled. Rather, establishments with a highly mature quality culture use practices that invest time and resources commensurate with their financial resources to proactively improve their operations.

QMM assessments are distinct from the collection of Quality Metrics. Quality metrics (QM) are quantitative data that are collected and reviewed by establishments to determine the capability and effectiveness of manufacturing processes and systems. On the other hand, QMM assessments are qualitative and focus on approach, including understanding why establishments select and define specific metrics for monitoring and how they leverage data to drive continual improvement.

QMM is NOT an additional burden or requirement. It is, in fact, integral to an establishment's quality system. Most establishments already have processes and practices aligned with QMM. Achieving higher levels of QMM naturally results from an establishment's proactive continual improvement efforts. Investing in a culture of quality should not require the creation of new departments; a quality culture should be integral to the quality system. Moreover, the benefits of improving quality systems are well-known and can lead to long-term cost savings.17 Each establishment makes decisions regarding how and where to invest resources, and this decision should consider the return on investment, not just the initial cost.
QMM不是额外的负担或要求。事实上,它是场地质量体系不可或缺的一部分。大多数场地已经具备与 QMM 相一致的工艺和实践。场地积极主动的持续改进自然会实现更高水平的QMM。在质量文化方面的投入不应该要求创建新的部门;质量文化应是质量体系不可或缺的一部分。此外,提升质量体系的益处是众所周知的,可以带来长期的成本节约。17 每个场地就如何以及在何处投入资源做出决策,该决策应考虑投入的回报,而不仅仅是最开始的成本。

The QMM program seeks to promote a strong culture of quality, recognize establishments with robust quality management practices, and provide support and recommendations for areas where quality management practices can be enhanced. Through the program, industry participants and QMM assessors can work together to drive proactive continual improvement in the pharmaceutical industry.

The QMM prototype assessment protocol that CDER is developing will offer a structured, objective approach to evaluate an establishment's level of maturity in the five practice areas described in this paper. Management's commitment to quality sets the tone for the entire organization, ensuring that quality is prioritized, aligned with business objectives, and resourced appropriately. Business continuity ensures operational resiliency, safeguarding against disruptions and minimizing risks to the supply chain. An advanced PQS takes advantage of learnings gained across products and from all stages of the product lifecycle to optimize process performance and product quality. Technical excellence promotes the acquisition of new skills and the implementation of advanced manufacturing and analytical methods that are fit for purpose, driving operational excellence. Finally, employee engagement fosters a culture of quality throughout the organization, empowering employees to actively contribute to continual improvement and patient safety.
CDER 正在开发的 QMM 原型评估方案将提供一种结构化、客观的方法来评估场地在本文件中描述的五个实践领域的成熟度水平。管理层对质量的承诺为整个组织定下基调,确保质量被优先考虑,与业务目标相一致,并提供适当的资源。业务连续性确保运营弹性,防止中断并最大限度地减少供应链的风险。先进的PQS利用从产品和产品生命周期所有阶段获得的经验来优化工艺性能和产品质量。卓越的技术促进了新技能的获得以及先进的适合于目的的生产和分析方法的实施,从而推动了卓越的运营。最后,员工敬业度促进整个组织中的质量文化,使员工能够为持续改进和患者安全做出积极贡献。 

By focusing on these practice areas, the prototype assessment protocol will encourage establishments to embrace a holistic approach to quality management. The QMM assessment will identify areas of strength in quality management practices and provide recommendations for impactful growth opportunities. Through collaboration between industry participants and the QMM assessors, the prototype assessment protocol will help support the development of a shared understanding of a commitment to quality, ultimately leading to a more reliable drug supply and positive patient outcomes.
通过专注于这些实践领域,原型评估方案将鼓励场地采用整体方法进行质量管理。QMM评估将确定质量管理实践中的优势领域,并为有影响力的提升机会提供建议。通过行业参与者和 QMM 评估人员之间的合作,原型评估方案将有助于形成对质量承诺的共同理解,最终实现更可靠的药品供应和积极的患者结果。 

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