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[药品研发] 疫情时事:FDA更新了新冠疫情期间为患者提供REMS药物的最新政策

发表于 2020-3-24 14:52:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA provides update on patient access to certain REMS drugs during COVID-19 public health emergency
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took significant action to help increase the availability of ventilators and accessories, as well as other respiratory devices, during the COVID-19 pandemic to support patients with respiratory failure or difficulty breathing.

The guidance issued today outlines several key steps.

First, the guidance describes the agency’s intention to exercise enforcement discretion for certain modifications to these FDA-cleared devices. Normally, any time a manufacturer or user makes a modification to a ventilator device, for instance, adding wireless and/or Bluetooth capability for remote monitoring, those modifications can often trigger an FDA premarket review, which can delay the time it takes to get these devices to the bedside. The guidance also helps manufacturers ramp up their manufacturing by adding production lines or alternative sites, for instance, using non-medical device manufacturers such as automobile manufacturers, to start manufacturing ventilator parts. In recognition of the current pandemic situation, and to ease regulatory burden on manufacturers, the FDA is being flexible in not enforcing the premarket review requirement for these modifications.

Second, as outlined in this guidance, hospitals and health care professionals may use ventilators intended for other environments. For example, the guidance notes hospitals that could repurpose ventilators normally used for transporting patients in an ambulance into the hospital setting for long-term use. The FDA also provides recommendations for other alternatives that should be considered such as devices for treating sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), devices.

Finally, the agency encourages manufacturers, whether foreign or domestic, to talk to FDA about pursuing an emergency use authorization (EUA), which would allow them to distribute their ventilators in the United States. This includes U.S.-based manufacturers that were previously engaged in making medical devices, but which have capabilities to increase supply of these devices.

Taken altogether, these actions as outlined in the guidance demonstrates the FDA’s flexibility during this pandemic to help manufacturers and encourage increased production of ventilators.

We are updating in real time frequently asked questions from labs and test developers, providing information on alternative sources of reagents, extraction kits, swabs and more. The toll-free line, 1-888-INFO-FDA, is in place to help laboratories with any questions they may have about the EUA process or getting supplies.

The FDA has been working closely with PPE manufacturers to understand their supply capabilities during this pandemic. The agency is also aware of challenges throughout the supply chain that are presently impacting the availability of PPE products and is taking steps to mitigate shortages that health care facilities are already experiencing.


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发表于 2020-3-24 22:59:15 | 显示全部楼层

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