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Thevalidation protocol should be based on the boundaries of the water system and thecritical water quality and process attributes needed to maintain consistentperformance. The system boundary may stop at the point of use or may includethe water transfer process. If the transfer process from the distributionsystem outlets to the water use locations (typically either with hoses orhard-piped equipment connections) is defined as outside the watersystem boundary, then this transfer process still needs to be validated to not negativeimpact the quality of the water as it is delivered for use. Because routinequality control microbial monitoring is performed for the same transfer processand components (e.g., hoses and heat exchangers)
请问boundaries 如何理解?
The system boundary may stop at the point of use or may include the water transfer process.
stop at the point of use 是否可以理解为用户点的末端/终端