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[验证管理] 清洁验证限度

发表于 2018-5-10 16:43:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2018年4月30日,EMA发布了《Questions and answers on implementation of risk-based prevention of cross-contamination in production and ‘Guideline on setting health-based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities’ (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/SWP/169430/2012)基于风险防止药品生产中交叉污染以及“共用设施中不同药品生产风险识别所用基于健康的暴露限设定指南”实施问答》文件。该文件为的最终版。

  • 删除了使用1/1000最低治疗剂量和10ppm法来建立清洁验证限度。
  • 删除了高危害产品和其它产品之间的区分
  • 所有药品均应建立基于健康的暴露限度(HBEL=PDE),并定期重新评估。
  • 该文件提供了一个不同PDE值对应的风险水平的模型,以帮助企业针对不同水平的PDE值建立相应的风险控制措施
  • PDE值<10&micro;g/代表了高风险,PDE值>10000&micro;g/天为最低。
  • PDE应由具备足够专业知识并具有毒理学/药学经验、熟悉药物并具备基于健康暴露限确定经验如职业暴露水平(OEL)或PDE的人员来确定。
  • 如果使用第三方来确定HBEL(PDE),则应在开始工作前签订合同。
  • 委托生产时,要么将全面的HBEL评估给受托方,要么提供数据使得受托方可以实施HBEL评估。
  • 可以考虑根据清洁工艺能力设置警戒限。
  • 每次更换产品时均应对残留进行检验,除非通过稳健的书面质量风险管理(QRM)流程进行论证。论证时考虑以下几点:清洁过程的可重复性、产品构成的危害、是否可以依靠目视检查来确定设备的清洁程度能否符合 HBEL 规定的残留限度
  • 人工清洗通常不如自动清洗重复性好
  • 生产商应建立可见残留的限度水平
  • 对清洁残留进行目视检查时,应考虑现场的照明条件和观察距离。
  • 目视检查应包括所有可能留有污染的产品接触表面,包括拆卸设备进入检查/或使用工具(例如镜子,光源,内窥镜)检查不可见区域的表面
  • 对于非产品接触表面,但可能在未来掉落或转移至后续批次的,也应进行检查。
  • 生产商不能只是将一般产品与其它类型产品分隔作为处理患者风险和动物安全的手段。尽管此方法可以防止其它级别产品的污染,但它并未解决同一级别产品中交叉污染的可能性。
  • LD50不足以用作确定药品的HBEL。
  • 如果无法确定一个PDE值,或者是数据不能支持生产商使用共用设备,则杀外寄生虫剂应在专用设备中生产。
  • 兽药:基于健康的暴露限设定指南认为残留限度一般应使用人类PDE来计算。但是,如果已知某个特殊物种有感受性关切(例如,马对莫能菌素特别敏感,不能使用),则在使用HBEL方法评估共用设施/设备中生产的产品时应考虑特定动物毒性知识。


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伊诺 发表于 2018-5-10 19:38


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-11 09:33:22 | 显示全部楼层
Q1. Are Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) required for all medicinal products?

A: Yes, HBELs should be established for all medicinal products. The toxicological or pharmacological data, on which the HBEL calculation relies, requires periodical reassessment throughout a product’s lifecycle.

Q2. Is there a framework that could be used to define the significance of the Health-Based Exposure Limit (HBEL) such that there can be broad guidance on the extent of Quality Risk Management (QRM) and control measures required?

A: Firstly, it should be recognised that hazard varies on a continuum scale and that there are no firm cut off points, risk should be controlled on a proportionate basis. However, as a broad hypothetical model the following figure could be considered to show the increasing level of hazard (red being highest hazard) presented by products and there should be a commensurate increase in the level of control to prevent potential cross contamination in a shared facility. Actual HBEL values should be used in QRM studies to determine the actual controls required.
首先,应该认识到危害在连续规模上有所不同,并且没有确切的切点,风险应该按比例控制。 但是,作为一个广泛适用的假设模型,可以考虑下图来展示产品所呈现的危险程度的增加(红色为最高危险),并且控制级别应该相应增加以防止共享设施中潜在的交叉污染。 在QRM研究中应使用实际的HBEL值来确定所需的实际控制。

Q3. How should manufacturers use the HBELs?

A: The role of HBELs in determining cleaning limits is explained in Q&A 6. However, the purpose of generating HBELs goes beyond justification of cleaning limits.

Once the health-based assessment has been completed and the HBEL confirmed, these data should be used via a Quality Risk Management process to determine what controls need to be put in place and to assess if existing organisational and technical control measures are adequate or if they need to be supplemented. This Quality Risk Management process should be carried out prospectively in the case of new equipment/facility to determine what control measures are required.

It is expected that for products which present a higher potential harm to patients/animals, more elaborate organisational and technical control measures will be required. Using a structured Quality Risk Management process, manufacturers should consider the risks of cross contamination down to the established level from the HBEL. During the QRM study manufacturers should consider how easily such a quantity of contamination could occur, without detection, at batch and unit dose level.

The level of detail in the QRM process should be commensurate with the potential harm as indicated by the HBEL and the suitability of control measures supported by practical and science-based evidence.

Manufacturers should be mindful that cross contamination controls implemented previously may not adequately assure control of the cross-contamination risk in the context of the HBEL approach.

Additional observation of working practices, investigation and analysis may be required to provide full practical confidence in the effectiveness of controls.

Where control measures cannot adequately assure that the potential contamination is consistently controlled to a level below that of the HBEL then the products concerned should be manufactured in dedicated facilities.

Q4. What competencies are required for the person developing the Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBEL)?

A: Health-Based Exposure Limits should be determined by a person who has adequate expertise and experience in toxicology/pharmacology, familiarity with pharmaceuticals as well as experience in the determination of health-based exposure limits such as Occupational Exposure Levels (OEL) or Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE).

Where experts are contracted to provide the HBEL, contractual agreements in compliance with Chapter 7 requirements should be in place prior to work being conducted. It is not considered acceptable for manufacturers to ‘purchase’ HBEL assessments without recording an assessment of the suitability of the provider (including the specific technical expert) as a qualified contractor.
在专家签约提供HBEL的情况下,应在工作开始前制定符合第7章要求的合同协议。 制造商在购买HBEL评估时未考虑供应商(包括特定技术专家)作为合格承包商的适用性评估是不被接受的。

Q5. What responsibility do contract givers have to contract manufacturers in relation to data to support a HBEL assessment?

A: Contract givers should either provide a full HBEL assessment to contract manufacturers or provide the data to allow the contract manufacturer to conduct the HBEL assessment. In either case the HBEL assessment, including data references and relevant experts should be available on request during inspection of the manufacturer.
合同授予人应该向合同制造商提供完整的HBEL评估,或提供数据以允许合同制造商进行HBEL评估。 在任何一种情况下,HBEL评估(包括数据参考和相关专家)应在制造商检查期间根据要求提供。

Q6. How can limits for cleaning purposes be established?

A: Although the EMA guideline (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/SWP/169430/2012) may be used to justify cleaning limits (as per Introduction paragraph 3), it is not intended to be used to set cleaning limits at the level of the calculated HBEL.
尽管EMA指导原则(EMA / CHMP / CVMP / SWP / 169430/2012)可用于证明清洁限度(按照引言第3段),但并不打算用于设置清洁限度计算HBEL。

For existing products, manufacturer’s historically used cleaning limits should be retained and can be considered alert limits provided that when taking cleaning process capability into account, they provide sufficient assurance that excursions above the HBEL will be prevented. A similar process should be adopted when establishing cleaning alert levels for products introduced into a facility for the first-time.

Results above the alert cleaning limit should trigger an investigation and, where appropriate, corrective action to bring the cleaning process performance within the alert cleaning limits. Repeated excursions above the alert cleaning limit will not be considered acceptable where these indicate that the cleaning method is not in control. Recognised appropriate statistical methods may be used to determine whether the cleaning process is in control or not.

Q7. Is analytical testing required at product changeover, on equipment in shared facilities, following completion of cleaning validation?

A: Analytical testing is expected at each changeover unless justified otherwise via a robust, documented Quality Risk Management (QRM) process. The QRM process should consider, at a minimum, each of the following:
除非有正当理由,否则预计每次换线都会进行分析测试,记录质量风险管理(QRM)流程。 QRM过程应该至少考虑以下各项:

&#8226; the repeatability of the cleaning process (manual cleaning is generally less repeatable than
automated cleaning);

&#8226; the hazard posed by the product;

&#8226; whether visual inspection can be relied upon to determine the cleanliness of the equipment at the residue limit justified by the HBEL.

Q8. What are the requirements for conducting visual inspection as per Q&A 7?
按照Q&A 7进行目视检查有什么要求?

A. When applying visual inspection to determine cleanliness of equipment, manufacturers should stablish the threshold at which the product is readily visible as a residue. This should also take into account the ability to visually inspect the equipment, for example, under the lighting conditions and istances observed in the field.

Visual inspection should include all product contact surfaces where contamination may be held, including those that require dismantling of equipment to gain access for inspection and/or by use of tools (for example mirror, light source, boroscope) to access areas not otherwise visible. Non-product contact surfaces that may retain product that could be dislodged or transferred into future batches should be included in the visual inspection.

Written instructions specifying all areas requiring visual inspection should be in place and records should clearly confirm that all inspections are completed.

Operators performing visual inspection require specific training in the process including periodic eye sight testing. Their competency should be proven through a practical assessment.

Q9. Is it acceptable to simply segregate products of a common therapeutic classification in a dedicated area as a means of controlling risk of cross contamination?

A: Manufacturers cannot just segregate common products from other product types as a means of dealing with the risk to patient and animal safety. Although this may prevent contamination of other product classes it does not address the possibility for cross contamination within product classes. The approach taken to control cross contamination between individual products within a class produced in the same dedicated area should follow the principles in Q&A 3. This should include implementation of appropriate organisational and technical control measures to prevent contamination between such products within product specific HBELs.
制造商不能仅从其他产品类型中分离出通用产品作为处理患者和动物安全风险的手段。 虽然这可能会阻止其他产品类别的污染,但它并不能解决产品类别内产生交叉污染的可能性。 为控制同一专用区域内生产的一类产品之间的交叉污染所采取的方法应遵循问答3中的原则。这应包括实施适当的组织和技术控制措施,以防止产品特定HBEL中此类产品之间发生污染。

Q10. Is the use of LD50 to determine Health-Based Exposure Limits for drug products acceptable?

A: No, LD50 is not an adequate point of departure to determine a HBEL for drug products.

Q11. Can Ectoparasiticides be manufactured or primary packed in common equipment with other categories of medicinal products for human or veterinary use?

A: If a HBEL cannot be determined or data cannot support manufacture in shared facilities then the Ectoparasiticides should be manufactured in dedicated facilities.

Q12. What needs to be taken into account when manufacturing Veterinary Medicinal Products for different species in the same facility?

A: The guideline on setting health-based exposure limits indicates that the carry over limit should generally be derived using the human HBEL.

However, in cases where there is concern relating to known susceptibility of a particular species (e.g. monensin in horses) the HBEL approach should take into account knowledge of specific animal toxicity when evaluating products manufactured in shared facilities/equipment.

Q13. Should the HBEL be re-assessed throughout the phases of development of Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs)?

A: Health-Based Exposure Limits should be established based on all available data, and particularly as the knowledge base for IMPs is continually evolving the basis for establishing the HBEL, should be regularly reviewed taking account of any new relevant data.

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发表于 2018-12-30 09:28:22 | 显示全部楼层

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