发表于 2018-3-13 14:18:53
1. 工作描述的目的 Aim of Job Description
规范QC主管的工作内容、责任及权限。 Define the work content, duties and rights of Quality Control Dept supervisor.
2. 工作描述的内容 Content of Job Description
2.1 工作岗位 Job Position
QC 主管工作描述 Supervisor of Quality Control Department
岗位工作简述: 负责公司来料、成品等检验工作,洁净区及工艺用水的质量监测等。 Job position description: responsible for testing the materials and finished product and for monitoring the clean area and the pharmaceutical water quality.
2.2 QC 主管情况简述 Status of Supervisor of the Quality Control Dept
姓名: Name: 部门: Dept: 办公地址: Office address: 电话: Phone: 传真: Fax: 电子邮箱: E-mail: 第二责任人: Back-up Person:
2.3 直接主管姓名 Name of the Immediate Supervisor
2.4 直接主管职务 Title of the Immediate Supervisor
生效日期: Valid from: 版本号: 00 Version code: 页码: 4/6 Page No.:
2.5 工作目标 Aim of the job
2.5.1 公司生产用原料、辅料、包装材料以及生产环境符合质量管理要求。 Starting and packaging materials, excipients and production environment meet the quality control requirement.
2.5.2 建立一个团结、务实、高效的工作集体。 Set up a united, pragmatic and highly effective collectivity.
2.6 任职资格 Requirements needed for the execution of the job
2.6.1 本科或以上学历 Bachelor degree or above
2.6.2 初级以上职称 Primary-grade professional title or above
2.6.3 药学或相关专业 Pharmaceutical or other related major
2.6.4 熟练操作公司各种检验仪器,能进行基本的维护保养及排除简单故障。 Be familiar with the operation of various analytical equipments, and capable for the basic maintenance and failure modification.
2.6..5 熟悉GMP及相关法律法规,组织协调能力强。 Be familiar with GMP and related law and regulation. Have strong organizational and management capability.
2.7 工作内容 Job Content
2.7.2 制定QC检验人员的工作职责,保证检验工作的正常进行。 Define the responsibilities and roles of QC personnel to ensure the regular operations
2.7.2 负责安排检验人员承担公司生产品种检验任务,原料、辅料、包装材料的检验任务,保证及时工作完成,检
验数据准确可靠。 Arrange the inspectors to carry out the inspection for the products as well as the starting and packaging materials, and excipients. Make sure to complete the work on schedule with accurate and reliable inspection data.
生效日期: Valid from: 版本号: 00 Version code: 页码: 5/6 Page No.:
2.7.3 制定物料检验的详细操作规程。 Create the detailed operation procedures of material inspection.
2.7.6 制定检验用设备仪器使用操作规程及计量器具校正规程。 Establish the operation procedures of equipment and instruments inspection as well as the calibration procedures of measuring instruments.
2.7.8 执行物料的取样和留样管理制度及办法,对原料、中间产品和成品的质量稳定性进行评价,并确定按制度安
排进行留样观察。 Implement the material sampling and sample retaining according to the related roles and methods, evaluate the quality stability of the raw materials, intermediate products and finished products, and arrange the observation for retained sample.
2.7.9 负责安排对洁净区(室)尘埃粒子数及微生物数的监测及工艺用水的质量监测。 Arrange the inspection of the quantity of airborne particles and microbes in the clean area (room) as well as the quality of process water.
2.7.10 对化验原始记录的审核评价工作。 Review and assess the original chemical test records.
2.7.11 建立化验室、微生物限度检查室、无菌检查室的清洁卫生规程,并定期检查记录。 Be responsible for establishing the cleaning operation in analysis room, room for microbial limits test and sterility test room and for checking the record periodically.
2.7.12 检验用剧毒品的管理。 Manage the toxicity chemicals used for inspection.
2.8 责任 Duties
2.8.1 对质量控制部的工作负全面责任。 Take full responsibility for the routine operation within QC department.
2.8.2 对部门人员正确使用各种仪器负责。 Be responsible for the correct operation of equipments of all operators.
生效日期: Valid from: 版本号: 00 Version code: 页码: 6/6 Page No.:
2.8.3 对落实执行国家及GMP有关质量政策法规负责。 Be responsible for carrying out the inspection activities according to the state quality-related legislation and GMP requirement.
2.8.4 履行变更控制委员会成员的职责。 Perform the member's duty of change control committee
2.8.5 履行安全生产委员会成员的职责。 Perform the member's duty of Production safety committee
2.8.6 履行确认/验证委员会成员的职责。 Perform the member's duty of Qualification and Validation Committee
2.9 权限 Rights
2.9.1 有对存在隐患的仪器做出停止使用决定的权力。 Entitled to stop using the equipment which is suspected to have any hidden trouble.
2.9.2 对下属的浮动工资有分配权。 Entitled to allocate the floating salary of the subordinates
直接主管签名、日期 Signature of the supervisor and date
管理层签名、日期 Signature of the management board and date
员工签名、日期 Signature of the employee and date |