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[小容量] 工艺验证所需批次数的计算

发表于 2015-9-2 16:40:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2013年PDA  杂志   How Many Batches Are Needed for Process Validation under the New FDA Guidance?介绍了PPQ所需批次计算的贝叶斯定理,其中举例:用贝叶斯方法来决定第二阶段 PPQ 验证批次数 n选择批次数 n 以保证在成功的第二阶段PPQ之后未来生产的批次符合效价规格的后验概率不小于95%.成功的第二阶段PPQ指的是全部 n 个验证批次都符合规格。通过百分率 p 表示与在第二阶段PPQ相似工艺条件下的一个批次在第一阶段的生产性能,从符合规格的批次中抽取样本。为了解释 p 的不确定性,假设 p 服从β分布。从B(25,1.5)中模拟了40个随机 p 值,代表第一阶段PD工艺性能历史。结果列举在表1中,并根据效价测试用结果估计潜在的分布B(25,1.5),该分布为批次性能的先验知识。(以上为翻译内容,水平有限,附英文版自行对照),请问先验知识的模拟如何进行,需要哪些数据?如何建立模型,在现阶段国内的适用性如何?

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发表于 2015-9-2 17:28:25 | 显示全部楼层
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
How Many Batches Are Needed for Process Validation under theNew FDA Guidance?
Harry Yang
MedImmune LLC, One MedImmune Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878&#169DA, Inc. 2013
ABSTRACT: The newly updated FDA Guidance for Industry onProcess Validation: General Principles and Practices ushers in a life cycleapproach to process validation. While the guidance no longer considers the useof traditional three-batch validation appropriate, it does not prescribe thenumber of validation batches for a prospective validation protocol, nor does itprovide specific methods to determine it. This potentially could leave manufacturersin a quandary. In this paper, I develop a Bayesian method to address the issue.By combining process knowledge gained from Stage 1 Process Design (PD) withexpected outcomes of Stage 2 Process Performance Qualification (PPQ), the numberof validation batches for PPQ is determined to provide a high level ofassurance that the process will consistently produce future batches meetingquality standards. Several examples based on simulated data are presented toillustrate the use of the Bayesian method in helping manufacturers makerisk-based decisions for Stage 2 PPQ, and they highlight the advantages of themethod over traditional Frequentist approaches. The discussions in the paperlend support for a life cycle and risk-based approach to process validationrecommended in the new FDA guidance.
Introduction 概述
In January 2011, theU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the long-awaited FDA Guidance for Industry on Process Validation: General Principles and Practices (1). The guidance represents a significant shift of regulatoryrequirements from the traditional “test to compliance” at the end of process developmentto the current “quality by design” throughout the life cycle of the product andprocess. Process validation is no longer a set of documented evidencesdemonstrating consistency of the process in producing several consecutivebatches of commercial-scale product that meet pre-specified specifications. Instead,it is a science and risk-based development paradigm that yields product qualitythrough designing the process so that it is capable of consistently producingacceptable quality products within commercial manufacturing conditions. Theapproach is most apparent in the new regulatory definition for process validation:“the collection and evaluation of data, from the process design throughcommercial production, which establishes scientific evidence that a process is capableof consistently delivering quality” (1). The new guidance approaches processvalidation in three stages:
Stage 1—Process Design(PD): The commercial manufacturing process is defined during this stage basedon knowledge gained through development and scale-up activities.
Stage 2—ProcessPerformance Qualification (PPQ): During this stage, the PD is evaluated to determinewhether the process is capable of reproducible commercial manufacturing.
Stage 3—ContinuedProcess Verification: Ongoing assurance is gained during routine productionthat the process remains in a state of control (1).
The new process validationguideline aligns activities at each of the three stages with the other existingguidelines, including ICH Q8(R2) Pharmaceutical Development, 2006; ICH Q9Quality Risk Management, 2007; ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality Systems, 2007;ICH Q11 Concept Paper, 2011 (2–5). These encourage the use of modernpharmaceutical development concepts, quality risk management, and qualitysystems at all stages of the manufacturing process life cycle.
新的工艺验证指南在3个阶段中的每一阶段的活动都与其他指南相适应,包括ICH Q8(R2)药品开发,2006ICH Q9质量风险管理,2007ICH Q10 制药质量系统,2007ICH Q11 概念文件,20012-5)。这鼓励运用现代化的制药发展概念,如质量风险管理,贯穿于生产工艺生命周期每个阶段的质量系统等。
By and large, the new processvalidation guidance has been received favorably by the industry, as it allows manufacturersto demonstrate the performance of the manufacturing process, using not onlydata from commercial-scale studies including process qualification, but alsothose from laboratory- and pilot-scale experiments conducted during the processdesign stage. However, this guidance also brings about some new challenges. Atthe top of the list is determination of the number of validation batches forStage 2 PPQ, using process knowledge obtained from Stage 1 PD. Ever since theFDA published its original guidelines on GeneralPrinciples of Validation in 1987 (6), three-batch validation has been widelyviewed as industry best practice in the past 25 years. However thethree-batch-validation rule lacks in scientific basis. It is conceivable thatwhen data from Stage 1 suggest that the process is robust and that the processvariations are well understood and under control, Stage 2 PPQ is more likely tosucceed. Under those circumstances, an extended Stage 2 PPQ with numerousbatches might add little benefit than what is already gleaned from Stage 1 PD.On the other hand, if the process demonstrates inconsistent performance orlarge variations that are difficult to control during Stage 1, its passingthree-batch PPQ acceptance criteria does not necessarily imply that it will providea high level of assurance that batches produced in the future will consistentlymeet pre-specified specifications. As a result, determination of the number ofbatches required for Stage 2 PPQ needs to take into account knowledge andunderstanding of the process gained from Stage 1, including process capability,sources of variations, in-process control, quality attributes, or validation parametersused to characterize product quality, as well as practical limitations inmanufacturing the number of batches sufficient for PPQ within a period of time.
While the new guidanceno longer endorses the one-size-fits-all approach, it does not prescribe thenumber of validation batches for PPQ; the burden is on the manufacturers tomake a rational proposal, in light of data collected during Stage 1 PD andexpected outcomes of Stage 2 PPQ. However, how to combine data from both stagescan be challenging. In statistics, there are two types of inferences; one iscalled Bayesian and the other Frequentist. Through application of Bayes’ rule(7), the former provides a framework for combining new data with prior beliefsto calculate a posterior probability regarding parameters or random variables aboutwhich statistical inference is to be made. In the context of processvalidation, data concerning process performance during Stage 1 constitute priorbeliefs while data collected from Stage 2 PPQ are new evidences. One example ofthe prior belief is that the probability for batches produced during Stage 1 topass specifications varies according to certain statistical distribution. Thisis often true because raw materials, reagents, experimental conditions, andproduction scale change during early process development. When combined throughthe Bayes’ rule, the prior beliefs and new evidence result in an updatedestimate to the probability for future batches produced after PPQ to meetquality standards, producing a more sensible estimate of the number ofvalidation batches required for PPQ. By contrast, Frequentist methods rely onan assumption that the true probability for batches to meet quality standardsis a parameter that does not change. As a result, they rely on data such as thosefrom Stage 2 PPQ collected under the same manufacturing conditions to makeinference about the parameters of interest, having limited means to incorporateprior beliefs or data from Stage 1 with those from Stage 2 PPQ.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-2 21:34:05 | 显示全部楼层
Doitasyoulike 发表于 2015-9-2 17:28
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and TechnologyPDA制药科学与技术杂志How Many Batches Are Needed ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-26 16:15:18 | 显示全部楼层
beiwei5du 发表于 2015-11-24 23:16


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Doitasyoulike 发表于 2015-9-2 17:28
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and TechnologyPDA制药科学与技术杂志How Many Batches Are Needed ...


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