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[药典/标准文件] USP <921>WATER DETERMINATION 水分测定 (中英文)

发表于 2014-4-14 07:13:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<921> WATER DETERMINATION水分测定                   非常感谢翻译人---Julia

Many Pharmacopeial articles either are hydrates or contain water in adsorbed form. As a result, the determination of the water content is important in demonstrating compliance with the Pharmacopeial standards. Generally one of the methods given below is called for in the individual monograph, depending upon the nature of the article. In rare cases, a choice is allowed between two methods. When the article contains water of hydration, the Method I (Titrimetric), the Method II (Azeotropic), or the Method III (Gravimetric) is employed, as directed in the individual monograph, and the requirement is given under the heading Water.


The heading Loss on drying (see Loss on Drying 731) is used in those cases where the loss sustained on heating may be not entirely water.



Determine the water by Method Ia, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.


Method Ia (Direct Titration) 方法Ia(直接滴定)

Principle— The titrimetric determination of water is based upon the quantitative reaction of water with an anhydrous solution of sulfur dioxide and iodine in the presence of a buffer that reacts with hydrogen ions.


In the original titrimetric solution, known as Karl Fischer Reagent, the sulfur dioxide and iodine are dissolved in pyridine and methanol. The test specimen may be titrated with the Reagent directly, or the analysis may be carried out by a residual titration procedure. The stoichiometry of the reaction is not exact, and the reproducibility of a determination depends upon such factors as the relative concentrations of the Reagent ingredients, the nature of the inert solvent used to dissolve the test specimen, and the technique used in the particular determination. Therefore, an empirically standardized technique is used in order to achieve the desired accuracy. Precision in the method is governed largely by the extent to which atmospheric moisture is excluded from the system. The titration of water is usually carried out with the use of anhydrous methanol as the solvent for the test specimen; however, other suitable solvents may be used for special or unusual test specimens.


Apparatus— Any apparatus may be used that provides for adequate exclusion of atmospheric moisture and determination of the endpoint. In the case of a colorless solution that is titrated directly, the endpoint may be observed visually as a change in color from canary yellow to amber. The reverse is observed in the case of a test specimen that is titrated residually. More commonly, however, the endpoint is determined electrometrically with an apparatus employing a simple electrical circuit that serves to impress about 200 mV of applied potential between a pair of platinum electrodes immersed in the solution to be titrated. At the endpoint of the titration a slight excess of the reagent increases the flow of current to between 50 and 150 microamperes for 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending upon the solution being titrated. The time is shortest for substances that dissolve in the reagent. With some automatic titrators, the abrupt change in current or potential at the endpoint serves to close a solenoid-operated valve that controls the buret delivering the titrant. Commercially available apparatus generally comprises a closed system consisting of one or two automatic burets and a tightly covered titration vessel fitted with the necessary electrodes and a magnetic stirrer. The air in the system is kept dry with a suitable desiccant, and the titration vessel may be purged by means of a stream of dry nitrogen or current of dry air.


Reagent— Prepare the Karl Fischer Reagent as follows. Add 125 g of iodine to a solution containing 670 mL of methanol and 170 mL of pyridine, and cool. Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250-mL graduated cylinder, and, keeping the pyridine cold in an ice bath, pass in dry sulfur dioxide until the volume reaches 200 mL. Slowly add this solution, with shaking, to the cooled iodine mixture. Shake to dissolve the iodine, transfer the solution to the apparatus, and allow the solution to stand overnight before standardizing. One mL of this solution when freshly prepared is equivalent to approximately 5 mg of water, but it deteriorates gradually; therefore, standardize it within 1 hour before use, or daily if in continuous use. Protect from light while in use. Store any bulk stock of the reagent in a suitably sealed, glass-stoppered container, fully protected from light, and under refrigeration.


A commercially available, stabilized solution of Karl Fischer type reagent may be used. Commercially available reagents containing solvents or bases other than pyridine or alcohols other than methanol may be used also. These may be single solutions or reagents formed in situ by combining the components of the reagents present in two discrete solutions. The diluted Reagent called for in some monographs should be diluted as directed by the manufacturer. Either methanol or other suitable solvent, such as ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, may be used as the diluent.


Test Preparation— Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, use an accurately weighed or measured amount of the specimen under test estimated to contain 2 to 250 mg of water. The amount of water depends on the water equivalency factor of the Reagent and on the method of endpoint determination. In most cases, the minimum amount of specimen, in mg, can be estimated using the formula:



in which F is the water equivalency factor of the Reagent, in mg per mL; C is the used volume, in percent, of the capacity of the buret; V is the buret volume,  in mL; and KF is the limit or reasonable expected water content in the sample, in percent. C is between 30% and 100% for manual titration, and between 10% and 100% for the instrumental method endpoint determination.


Where the specimen under test is an aerosol with propellant, store it in a freezer for not less than 2 hours, open the container, and test 10.0 mL of the well-mixed specimen. In titrating the specimen, determine the endpoint at a temperature of 10 or higher.

如果供试样品是带有推进剂的气雾剂(烟雾剂、气溶胶),将其存放于冷冻室中不少于2小时,打开容器,并检验10.0mL混合均匀的样品。在滴定该样品过程中,在10 或更高的温度下确定反应终点。

Where the specimen under test is capsules, use a portion of the mixed contents of not fewer than 4 capsules.


Where the specimen under test is tablets, use powder from not fewer than 4 tablets ground to a fine powder in an atmosphere of temperature and relative humidity known not to influence the results.


Where the monograph specifies that the specimen under test is hygroscopic, use a dry syringe to inject an appropriate volume of methanol, or other suitable solvent, accurately measured, into a tared container, and shake to dissolve the specimen. Using the same syringe, remove the solution from the container and transfer it to a titration vessel prepared as directed for Procedure. Repeat the procedure with a second portion of methanol, or other suitable solvent, accurately measured, add this washing to the titration vessel, and immediately titrate. Determine the water content, in mg, of a portion of solvent of the same total volume as that used to dissolve the specimen and to wash the container and syringe, as directed for Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titrations, and subtract this value from the water content, in mg, obtained in the titration of the specimen under test. Dry the container and its closure at 100 for 3 hours, allow to cool in a desiccator, and weigh. Determine the weight of specimen tested from the difference in weight from the initial weight of the container.

如果该各论中显示此供试样品易吸湿,使用一个干燥注射器,注射经过精确称量的适当体积的甲醇或其他适当溶剂,至一个已称过皮重的容器,并摇动以使该样品溶解。使用同一个注射器,从该容器中吸出此溶液并转移至按照步骤项下规定准备的一个滴定容器。使用精确称量的第二部分甲醇或其他适当溶剂,重复该步骤,将此洗液加入至滴定容器,并立刻滴定。取与用于溶解样品以及洗涤容器和注射器的溶剂同样体积的一部分溶剂,按照用于残留滴定的水溶液的标准化项下的规定,测定溶剂中的水分含量(以mg为单位),并从得自供试样品滴定的水分含量(以mg为单位)中减去此数值。在100 温度条件下将这些容器及其盖子干燥3小时,在干燥器中静置至凉,并称重。根据与该容器初始重量的差距,来确定试验所用的样品重量。

Standardization of the Reagent— Place enough methanol or other suitable solvent in the titration vessel to cover the electrodes, and add sufficient Reagent to give the characteristic endpoint color, or 100 ± 50 microamperes of direct current at about 200 mV of applied potential.

试剂的标准化:将足够的甲醇或其他适当溶剂置于滴定容器,以覆盖电极,并加入充足的试剂,以产生典型终点颜色,或者在约200mV应用电压下产生100 ± 50微安培直流电。

For determination of trace amounts of water (less than 1%), it is preferable to use Reagent with a water equivalency factor of not more than 2.0. Sodium tartrate may be used as a convenient water reference substance. Quickly add 75 to 125 mg of sodium tartrate (C4H4Na2O6·2H2O), accurately weighed by difference, and titrate to the endpoint. The water equivalence factor F, in mg of water per mL of reagent, is given by the formula:



in which 18.02 and 230.08 are the molecular weights of water and sodium tartrate dihydrate, respectively; W is the weight, in mg, of sodium tartrate dihydrate; and V is the volume, in mL, of the Reagent consumed in the second titration.


For the precise determination of significant amounts of water (1% or more), use Purified Water as the reference substance. Quickly add between 25 and 250 mg of water, accurately weighed by difference, from a weighing pipet or from a precalibrated syringe or micropipet, the amount taken being governed by the reagent strength and the buret size, as referred to under Volumetric Apparatus 31. Titrate to the endpoint. Calculate the water equivalence factor, F, in mg of water per mL of reagent, by the formula:



in which W is the weight, in mg, of the water; and V is the volume, in mL, of the reagent required.


Procedure— Unless otherwise specified, transfer 35 to 40 mL of methanol or other suitable solvent to the titration vessel, and titrate with the Reagent to the electrometric or visual endpoint to consume any moisture that may be present. (Disregard the volume consumed, since it does not enter into the calculations.) Quickly add the Test Preparation, mix, and again titrate with the Reagent to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Calculate the water content of the specimen, in mg, taken by the formula:



in which S is the volume, in mL, of the Reagent consumed in the second titration; and F is the water equivalence factor of the Reagent.



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