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来自: 生物通
文章的第一作者是宾州大学的研究人员Georgios Paschos博士,他表示,这项研究获得了两个方面令人惊讶的发现,“第一是我们发现从食物消耗向小鼠其它休息时间的温和转变有利于能量储存”,“这些小鼠由于没有更多的热量消耗,因此变得肥胖。”事实上,宾州大学的研究人员通过在正常小鼠中复制这种缺乏时序的小鼠食物消耗新模式,也发现正常小鼠也变胖了。
这种在小鼠体内发生的行为变化与之前发现的人类夜食症候有些相似,所谓夜食症候(night-eating syndrome)是由宾州大学Albert Stunkard最初于1955年发现的,这种疾病也与肥胖有关。
另外一个令人惊讶的发现就在于分子时钟本身。传统观点中,外周组织中分子时钟通常被认为是跟着大脑SCN区域的“主时钟(master clock)”指令行事,就像是乐队跟随着指挥的要求演奏一样。“虽然我们早就知道,外周组织中的分子时钟有一定的自主能力——就如同打击乐手没有指挥也可以拍鼓,但是在这项研究中,我们发现这种敲击的行为本身也会影响到指挥”,领导这一研究的Garret FitzGerald说。
Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl
Georgios K Paschos, Salam Ibrahim, Wen-Liang Song, Takeshige Kunieda, Gregory Grant, Teresa M Reyes, Christopher A Bradfield, Cheryl H Vaughan, Michael Eiden, Mojgan Masoodi, Julian L Griffin, Fenfen Wang, John A Lawson & Garret A FitzGerald
Adipocytes store excess energy in the form of triglycerides and signal the levels of stored energy to the brain. Here we show that adipocyte-specific deletion of Arntl (also known as Bmal1), a gene encoding a core molecular clock component, results in obesity in mice with a shift in the diurnal rhythm of food intake, a result that is not seen when the gene is disrupted in hepatocytes or pancreatic islets. Changes in the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides that regulate appetite are consistent with feedback from the adipocyte to the central nervous system to time feeding behavior. Ablation of the adipocyte clock is associated with a reduced number of polyunsaturated fatty acids in adipocyte triglycerides. This difference between mutant and wild-type mice is reflected in the circulating concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and nonesterified polyunsaturated fatty acids in hypothalamic neurons that regulate food intake. Thus, this study reveals a role for the adipocyte clock in the temporal organization of energy regulation, highlights timing as a modulator of the adipocyte-hypothalamic axis and shows the impact of timing of food intake on body weight. 文献链接:Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl