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我们寄出了表格和带有税务局盖章的 涉税信息查询结果告知书,有税务信息。但是回复如下,有没大佬帮忙看看
If your National Taxing Authority refuses to certify section III of Form 3602A you may submit the following information below. 如果您的国家税务局拒绝认证表格3602A的第三节,您可以提交以下信息。 1.A statement of Refusal to certify section III of Form 3602A from your National Taxing Authority which must be in English if not in English you will need a Declaration from a Certified Translator to translate it. (Certified Translator cannot be a part of the company). 1. 国家税务机关拒绝证明表格3602A第三节的声明,该声明必须是英文的。如果不是英文,您将需要经过认证的翻译员的声明才能翻译。(认证翻译不能是公司的一部分)。 2.If you cannot get a statement from the National Taxing Authority refusal to certify Section III of Form 3602A you will need a sworn affidavit from the person that is dealing with the National Taxing Authority which will need the name & address of the National Taxing Authority, state the complete name & title of the person that he talked to and the explanation as to why Form 3602A was not certified. 2.如果您无法从国家税务局获得拒绝证明表格3602A第三节的声明,您将需要与国家税务局打交道的人员的宣誓证词,该人员将需要国家税务局的名称和地址,说明与他交谈的人的完整姓名和职务,以及表格3602A未经认证的原因解释。 3.You will need to get Certification of Sales from the National Taxing Authority which must be in English if not you will need a Declaration from a Certified Translator to translate it. (Certified Translator cannot be a part of the company). (Can use Tax return if Taxing Authority will not give certification of gross receipts but must submit original and translation). 3. 您需要获得国家税务机关的销售证明,该证明必须是英文。如果没有,您将需要经过认证的翻译人员的声明来翻译它。(认证翻译不能是公司的一部分)。(如果税务机关不提供总收入证明,但必须提交原件和翻译件,则可以使用纳税申报单)。 4.You will also need a written explanation of impossibility for why you were unable to obtain this certification along with form 3602A. 4. 您还需要一份关于无法获得此证书的原因的书面解释以及表格3602A。 5.Form 3602A Page 2 Section III must be filled in from lines 1 Thru 5b. 5.表格3602A第2页第三节必须从第1行到第5b行填写。 6.Need proof of Exchange Rate for Ending period of gross receipts. 6.需要总收入期末汇率证明