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本帖最后由 偶尔范范小糊涂 于 2021-12-15 11:32 编辑
INN,是世界卫生组织编订的国际非专利药名( International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances)的简称: 1.国外撰写CTD申报资料的小伙伴肯定会注意到3.2.S.1.1 中要求提供: Information on the nomenclature of the drug substance should be provided. For example: 应提供原料药的命名信息。例如: Recommended International Nonproprietary Name (INN);推荐的国际非专利名称; Compendial name if relevant; Chemical name(s); Company or laboratory code; Other non-proprietary name(s), e.g., national name, United States Adopted Name(USAN), Japanese Accepted Name (JAN); British Approved Name (BAN), and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number.
2. 在CEP Content of the dossier for chemical purity and microbiological quality 资料中3.2.S.1.1 要求提供: The European Pharmacopoeia monograph name, the INN, and other chemical name(s) should be stated together with any laboratory code used in the dossier .
3.在 ASMF程序 资料要求指南:Guideline on the chemistry of active substances EMA/454576/2016 Information on the nomenclature of the active substance should be provided, if relevant: International Nonproprietary Name (INN); Compendial (e.g. European Pharmacopoeia) name; National Approved Names: BAN, DCF, DCIT, JAN, USAN Company or laboratory code; Systematic Chemical Name(s) (IUPAC nomenclature); Other Names (e.g. proprietary); Other non-proprietary name(s); Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number (RN).
下面就如何查询INN名:做简单介绍: 1.、在WHO官网查询INN 网址:https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-and-policy-standards/inn/inn-lists 介于有时候WHO会更新网站或者改版:大家可以注意这个路径,About WHO-Teams--health-product-and-policy-standards-inn. 一般大家都是知道中文名:如何知道翻译啥的英文是其INN名呢: 方法1:这里可以使用某智网的查询功能:药物研发--多语种通用名
可以对应查询到WHO 来源P-INN表和来源R-INN表,使用上述WHO方法核对:名称
补充内容 (2021-12-17 12:07):
补充内容 (2022-9-22 10:33):
美国的USAN(United States Adopted Names)、
英国的BAN (British Approved Names)、
日本的JAN(Japanese Accepted Names)、
法国的DCF( Dénomination Commune Fran aise)、
意大利的 DCIt (Denominazione Comun...
补充内容 (2022-9-22 10:33):
意大利的 DCIt (Denominazione Comune Italiana)
和中国的CADN(Chinese Approved Drug Names) |