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[PharmLink] EP:增补版10.5的实施,对于CEP的影响

发表于 2021-1-21 08:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 PharmLink 于 2021-1-21 08:16 编辑



Supplement 10.5 of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur) is now available. CEP holders are invited to update their applications according to the revised monographs that will be implemented on 1 July 2021, and to follow the instructions given below.

The table at the end of this announcement provides a list of substances covered by a Certificate of Suitability to the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (CEP) and for which a revised monograph will be implemented on 1 July 2021 in Supplement 10.5 of the Ph. Eur.

According to Directives 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC, as amended, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to comply with the current version of a Ph. Eur. monograph, and therefore to update the specification when a revised monograph is issued. In addition, the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM) ensures that CEPs refer to the most recent version of a Ph. Eur. monograph at any time.
根据修订的法令2001/83 / EC和2001/82 / EC,生产商有责任遵守当前版本的EP专论,因此在发布修订的专论时要更新质量标准。此外,欧洲药品和健康质量管理局(EDQM)确保CEP引用EP专论的最新版本。

The need to submit information to the EDQM following a revised monograph depends on the changes made to the monograph. Updates to the monographs are classified by the EDQM into two categories, labelled “Case A” and “Case B”, and this influences the information required. In the list of revised monographs below, it is indicated which classification (“Case A” or “Case B”) is applicable. In addition to this web announcement, the EDQM, as a courtesy, will contact CEP holders with details of how to proceed for the dossiers impacted by the revised monograph(s). However, it remains the responsibility of the CEP holder to comply with the requirements of the monograph and if necessary to update their respective applications by the implementation date of the revised monograph at the latest, regardless of whether they have been contacted by the EDQM.


情况A Case A

The specification of the substance should be updated according to the revised monograph. Unless the CEP holder has made reference to the “current version of the monograph” (without providing details on the Ph. Eur. tests and methods in the CEP application), the updated specification should be included in the next request for revision that is submitted to the EDQM (minor, major or renewal of the certificate) and identified as such at that time (such an update will be free of charge). Where the CEP holder has made reference to the “current version of the monograph”, the revised monograph should be implemented without the need to update the specification of the substance at the next request for revision.

情况B Case B

This case concerns amendments to the monograph which require the submission of data to the EDQM.

An updated dossier demonstrating that the substance complies with the requirements of the revised monograph should be provided within three months of the EDQM contacting the CEP holder. The company is asked to provide a Module 1 briefly discussing the changes made to the application. This module should also include a clarification on whether all related substances are controlled using only the method described in the revised monograph and whether the substance contains any impurities which are not described in the revised monograph (and which are found above the reporting threshold of the Ph. Eur. general monograph 2034).

Module 3 should be updated to include, as necessary:

  • a comparison of the impurity profile of the substance with the updated transparency list of the monograph (3.2.S.3.2 “Impurities”, 3.2.S.4.5 “Justification of Specifications”);
  • a discussion on the suitability of the revised monograph to control any impurities which are not described in it;
  • an updated substance specification/test methods description (3.2.S.4.1 “Specifications”, 3.2.S.4.2 “Analytical Procedures”);
  • certificates of analysis of two batches with reference to the revised monograph (3.2.S.4.4 “Batch Analysis”);
  • validation and cross-validation data when an in-house method is used as an alternative to a new test method in the monograph (3.2.S.4.3 “Validation of Analytical Procedures”).
  • 将API的杂质分布与专论的更新列表进行比较(3.2.S.3.2“杂质”,3.2.S.4.5“质量标准合理性”);
  • 讨论修订后的专论是否适用于控制其中未描述的任何杂质;
  • 更新的API质量标准/检验方法说明(3.2.S.4.1“质量标准”,3.2.S.4.2“分析程序”);
  • 参照修订专论对两批次进行分析的证书(3.2.S.4.4“批次分析”);
  • 当使用内部方法代替专论中的新检验方法时,验证和交叉验证数据(3.2.S.4.3“分析程序的验证”)。

In the “Case B” scenario, CEP applications require an update and therefore any holder of a CEP for a substance in the “Case B” list below is expected to provide the requested information to the EDQM, even if no specific request for information was received (this may happen namely when information regarding a change of contact person has not been submitted to the EDQM in a timely manner).

If the requested information has already been presented in the approved dossier, a simple letter stating this is deemed sufficient.

Failure to update the CEP application and to provide data to the EDQM may challenge the validity of the concerned granted CEP, or delay the ongoing evaluation process of the concerned application.

Upon receipt, data will be reviewed within 3 months and the CEP holder will be informed of the outcome of the evaluation. The assessment may also result in a revised CEP being granted.

This procedure is free of charge, unless the holder submits, at the same time, a request for other changes.

Ref.: Implementation of the European Pharmacopoeia Supplement 10.5 – Notification for CEP holders. 18 JANUARY 2021. EDQM.

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