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[医药工程资料] 欧盟GMP附录一2020征求意见稿 word不能上传,只能这样吧……

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Annex 1 : Manufacture of Sterile Products

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Section Number
章节号        概述
1        Scope
范围        Includes  additional  areas  (other  than sterile  products) where  the general principles of the annex can be applied.
2        Principle
通则        General principles as applied to the manufacture of sterile products.
3        Pharmaceutical   Quality System (PQS) 药品质量体系(PQS)       
Highlights the specific requirements of the PQS when applied to sterile products.
4        Premises
设施        General guidance regarding the specific needs for premises design and also guidance on the qualification of premises including the use of Barrier Technology.
5        Equipment
设备        General guidance on the design and operation of equipment.
6        Utilities
公用系统        Guidance with regards to the special requirements of utilities such as water, gas and vacuum. 关于公用系统,如水、空气和真空等设施的特殊要求指南。
7        Personnel
人员        Guidance on the requirements for specific training, knowledge and skills. Also gives guidance to the qualification of personnel.


Production  and  specific technologies
生产和特定技术        Discusses the approaches to be taken with regards to aseptic and terminal sterilization processes. Discusses approaches to sterilization of products, equipment and packaging components. Also discusses different technologies such as lyophilization and Form Fill Seal where specific requirements apply.


Viable and non viable environmental        and process
monitoring 适宜的环境和不适宜的 环境以及过程检测        This section differs from guidance given in section 4 in that the guidance here applies to ongoing routine monitoring with regards to the design of systems and setting of action limits alert levels and reviewing
trend data. 本节与第4节中给出的指导意见不同,因为此处的指导意见适用 于与系统设计和行动限制警报级别设置以及趋势数据审查有关的 持续例行监控。
The section also gives guidance on the requirements of Aseptic Process Simulation (APS).

10        Quality        control        (QC)

质量控制(QC)        Gives  guidance  on  some  of  the  specific  Quality  Control requirements relating to sterile products. 给出与无菌产品相关的一些具体质量控制要求的指导。

11        Glossary
术语        Explanation of specific terminology.

1.        Scope

1.1.        The manufacture of sterile products covers a wide range of sterile product types (active substance,sterile excipient, primary packaging material and finished dosage form), packed sizes (single unit to multiple units), processes (from highly automated systems to manual processes) and technologies (e.g.biotechnology, classical small molecule manufacturing and closed systems). This Annex provides general guidance that should be used for the manufacture of all sterile products using the principles of Quality Risk Management (QRM), to ensure that microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination is prevented in the final product.
包装尺寸(从单个单位到多个单位)、流程(从高度自动化系统到手动操作)和技术(例如:生物技 术、小分子制造和封闭系统)。本附件提供了使用质量风险管理原则(QRM)生产所有无菌产品时 应使用的一般指南。以确保能够防止最终产品中的微生物、微粒和热原的污染。

1.2.        QRM applies to this document in its entirety and will not be referred to in specific paragraphs. Where specific limits or frequencies are written, these should be considered as a minimum requirement. They are stated due to regulatory historical experience of issues that have previously been identified and have impacted the safety of patients.

1.3.        The intent of the Annex is to provide guidance for the manufacture of sterile products. However,some of the principles and guidance, such as contamination control strategy, design of premises,cleanroom classification, qualification, monitoring and personnel gowning, may be used to support the manufacture of other products that are not intended to be sterile such as certain liquids, creams, ointments and low bioburden biological intermediates but where the control and reduction of microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination is considered important. Where a manufacturer elects to apply guidance herein to non sterile products, the manufacturer should clearly document which principles have been applied and acknowledge that compliance with those principles should be demonstrated.
净室分类、环境监测和人员着装,也可用于支持其他非无菌产品的生产,例如如某些液体制剂、乳膏 软膏和低生物负荷的生物中间体,但在控制和减少微生物,微粒和热原污染方面被认为很重要的产品。
如果制造商选择将本指南应用于非无菌产品,制造商应明确记录应用了哪些原则,并承认应遵守这些 原则。

2.        Principle

2.1.        The manufacture of sterile products is subject to special requirements in order to minimize risks of microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination. The following key areas should be considered:

2.1.1.        Facility, equipment and process design should be optimized, qualified and validated according to the relevant   sections of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guide.The use of appropriate technologies (e.g.  Restricted Access Barriers Systems (RABS),isolators, robotic  systems,  rapid microbial testing and  monitoring systems) should be considered to increase the protection of the product from potential extraneous sources of particulate and microbial contamination such as personnel, materials and the surrounding environment, and assist in the rapid detection of potential contaminants in the environment and product.
效的确认和验证。应考虑增加对产品的保护(例如限制性屏障技术(RABS)、隔离器、机器 人系统、快速微生物测试和监测系统)使其免受人员、物料和周围环境等可能的外来颗粒物

2.1.2.        Personnel should have adequate qualifications and experience, training and attitude with aspecific focus on the principles involved in the protection of sterile product during the manufacturing, packaging and distribution processes.

人员应具备足够的资格和经验、培训和态度,人员需要特别关注在生产、包装和分销过程中 保护无菌产品所涉及的原则。

2.1.3.        Processes and monitoring systems for sterile product manufacture should be designed,commissioned, qualified and monitored by personnel with appropriate process, engineering and microbiological knowledge.

2.2.        Processes, equipment, facilities and manufacturing activities should be managed in accordance with QRM principles to provide a proactive means of identifying, scientifically evaluating and controlling potential risks to quality. Where alternative approaches are used, these should be supported by appropriate rationales and risk assessment and should meet the intent of this Annex. QRM priorities should include good design of the facility, equipment and process in the first instance,then implementation of well designed procedures, with monitoring systems as the final element that demonstrate that the design and procedures have been correctly implemented and continue to perform in line with expectations. Exclusively monitoring or testing does not give assurance of sterility.
替代办法,则应以适当的理由和风险评估来作为支持,并应符合本附件的意图。质量风险管理的优先 事项应首先包括设施、设备和工艺的良好设计,然后执行设计良好的工艺,并以监测系统作为最终要

2.3.        Quality Assurance is particularly important, and manufacture of sterile products must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of manufacture and control. A Contamination Control Strategy (CCS) should be implemented across the facility in order to define all critical control points and assess the effectiveness of all the controls (design, procedural, technical and organisational) and monitoring measures employed to manage risks associated with contamination. The CCS should be actively updated and should drive continuous improvement of the manufacturing and control methods.
工厂内实施污染控制策略(CCS),以定义所有关键控制点,并评估用于管理与污染相关的风险的所 有控制措施(设计,程序,技术和组织上)的有效性和监控措施。 应积极更新CCS,并应不断改进制 造和控制方法。

2.4.        Contamination control and steps taken to minimize the risk of contamination from microbial and particulate sources are a series of successively linked events and measures. These are typically assessed, controlled and monitored individually but their collective effectiveness should be considered altogether.

2.5.        The development of the CCS requires thorough technical and process knowledge. Potential sources of contamination are attributable to microbial and cellular debris (e.g. pyrogen, endotoxins) as well as particulate matter (e.g. glass and other visible and sub visible particulates).Elements to be considered within a documented CCS should include (but are not limited to):
毒素)以及颗粒物(例如,玻璃碎片以及其他可见的和次要的颗粒)。 CCS文件中应考虑的要素应包 括(但不限于):

2.5.1.        Design of both the plant and processes.

2.5.2.        Premises and equipment.

2.5.3.        Personnel.

2.5.4.        Utilities.

2.5.5.        Raw material controls – including in process controls.
原材料控制 包括过程控制。

2.5.6.        Product containers and closures.

2.5.7.        Vendor approval – such as keycomponent suppliers, sterilization of components and single use systems (SUS), andservices.

2.5.8.        For outsourced services, such as sterilization, sufficient evidence should be provided to the contract giver to ensure the process is operating correctly.

2.5.9.        Process risk assessment.

2.5.10.        Process validation.

2.5.11.        Preventative maintenance – maintaining equipment, utilities and premises (planned and unplanned maintenance) to a standard that will not add significant risk of contamination.
预防性维护保养 设备及设施的维护保养(计划性及非计划性维护保养)应有一个标准,使之

2.5.12.        Cleaning and disinfection.

2.5.13.        Monitoring systems        including an assessment of the feasibility of the introduction of scientifically sound, modern methods that optimize the detection of environmental contamination.
监测系统 包括评估引入科学合理的现代方法以优化环境污染检测的可行性。

2.5.14.        Prevention  –  trending,  investigation,  corrective  and  preventive  actions  (CAPA),  root  cause determination and the need for more comprehensive investigational tools.
预防 趋势分析、调查、纠正和预防措施(CAPA)、根本原因确定以及对更全面的调查工具

2.5.15.        Continuous improvement based on information derived from the above.

2.6.        The CCS should consider all aspects of contamination control and its life cycle with ongoing and periodic review resulting in updates within the quality system as appropriate.
2.7.        CCS应考虑污染控制及其生命周期的所有方面,进行持续和定期审查,酌情在质量体系内进行更新。

2.8.        The manufacturer should take all steps and precautions necessary to assure the sterility of the products manufactured within its facilities. Sole reliance for sterility or other quality aspects should not be placed on any terminal process or finished product test.
2.9.        制造商应采取所有必要的步骤和预防措施,以确保在其设施内生产的产品的无菌性。无菌或其他质量

3.        Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS)

3.1.        The manufacture of sterile products is a complex activity that requires specific controls and measures to ensure

the quality of products manufactured. Accordingly, the manufacturer’s PQS should encompass and address the specific requirements of sterile product manufacture and ensure that all activities are effectively controlled so that microbial, particulate and pyrogen contamination is minimized in sterile products. In addition to the PQS requirements detailed in Chapter 1 of the GMPs,
无菌产品的生产是一项复杂的活动,需要采取特定的控制措施以确保所生产产品的质量。 因此,生
产商的PQS应涵盖并满足无菌产品生产的特定要求,并确保有效的控制所有活动,以使无菌产品中的 微生物,微粒和热原污染最小化。 除了GMP第1章中详述的PQS要求外,用于无菌产品生产的PQS还 应确保:

3.1.1.        An effective risk management system is integrated into all areas of the product life cycle with the aim to minimize microbial contamination and to ensure the quality of sterile products manufactured.

3.1.2.        The manufacturer has sufficient knowledge and expertise in relation to the products manufactured and the equipment, engineering and manufacturing methods employed that have an impact on product quality.

3.1.3.        Root cause analysis of procedural, process or equipment failure is performed in such a way that the risk to product is correctly understood and suitable corrective and preventative actions (CAPA) are implemented.

3.1.4.        Risk management is applied in the development and maintenance of the CCS, to identify,assess, reduce/eliminate (where applicable) and control contamination risks. Risk management should be documented and should include the rationale for decisions taken in relation to risk reduction and acceptance of residual risk.

3.1.5.        The risk management outcome should be reviewed regularly as part of on going quality management, during change control and during the periodic product quality review.

3.1.6.        Processes associated with the finishing and transport of sterile products should not compromise the sterile product. Aspects that should be considered include: container integrity, risks of contamination and avoidance of degradation by ensuring that products are stored and maintained in accordance with the registered storage conditions.
污染的风险以及通过确保产品按照注册的储存条件进行储存和维护来避免降解。 与无菌产品的包装和运输相关的过程不应损害无菌产品。应考虑的方面包括:容器的完整性,

3.1.7.        Persons responsible for the quality release of sterile products have appropriate access to manufacturing and quality information and possess adequate knowledge and experience in the manufacture of sterile products and their critical quality attributes. This is in order to allow such persons to ascertain that the sterile products have been manufactured in accordance with the registered specifications and are of the required quality.
键质量属性方面拥有足够的知识和经验。这是为了让这些人能够确定无菌产品是按照注册规 格生产的,并且质量符合要求。

established procedures should be investigated. The investigation should determine the potential impact upon process and product quality and whether any other processes or batches are potentially impacted. The reason for including or excluding a product or batch from the scope of the investigation should be clearly justified and recorded.
量的潜在影响,以及是否有任何其他工艺或批次受到潜在影响。将某一产品或批次列入或排除在调查 范围之外的理由应当明确,并记录在案。

4.        Premises

4.1.        The manufacture of sterile products should be carried out in appropriate cleanrooms, entry to which should be through changing rooms that act as airlocks for personnel and airlocks for equipment and materials. Cleanrooms should be maintained to an appropriate cleanliness standard and supplied with air which has passed through filters of an appropriate efficiency. Controls and monitoring should be scientifically justified and capable of evaluating the state of environmental conditions for cleanrooms, airlocks and pass throughs used for material and equipment transfer.
员进入的更衣室为人流气闸,而用于设备和物料进入气闸则作为物流气闸。 洁净室应保持在适当的 洁净级别,并应有经过适当效率过滤器过滤的空气。控制和监视应具有科学依据,并能够评估用于物

4.2.        The various operations of component preparation, product preparation and filling should be carried out with appropriate technical and operational separation measures within the cleanroom or facility to prevent mix up and contamination.

4.3.        Restricted Access Barrier Systems (RABS) and isolators are beneficial in assuring the required conditions and minimizing the microbial contamination associated with direct human interventions in the critical zone. Their use should be considered in the CCS. Any alternative approaches to the use of RABS or isolators should be justified.
成的微生物污染。在CCS中应考虑使用它们。若使用其他任何方法替代RABS或隔离器,需要证明其 合理性。

4.4.        For the manufacture of sterile products there are four grades of cleanroom.

4.4.1.        Grade A zone: The critical zone for high risk operations or for making aseptic connections by ensuring protection by first air (e.g. aseptic processing line, filling zone, stopper bowl, open ampoules and vials). Normally, such conditions are provided by a localised airflow protection, such as unidirectional airflow work stations, RABS or isolators. The maintenance of unidirectional airflow should be demonstrated and qualified across the whole of the Grade A zone. Direct intervention (e.g. without the protection of barrier and glove port technology) into the Grade A zone by operators should be minimized by premises, equipment, process and procedural design.
域,加塞区域,开口的安瓿瓶和小瓶)。通常这种情况是带有局部气流保护的,例如:单向 气流工作站(FFU),RABS或隔离器。应对单向气流的维持进行论证和确认,直接干预(例

4.4.2.        Grade B area: For aseptic preparation and filling, this is the background cleanroom for the Grade A zone (where it is not an isolator). When transfer holes are used to transfer filled, closed products to an

adjacent cleanrooms of a lower grade, airflow visualization studies should demonstrate that air does not ingress from the lower grade cleanrooms to the Grade B. Pressure differentials should be continuously monitored. Cleanrooms of lower grade than Grade B can be considered where isolator technology is used (refer to paragraph 4.22).
孔将灌装的密封产品转移到相邻的较低等级的洁净室时,气流可视化研究应证明空气不会从 低等级洁净室进入B级洁净室。应持续监控压差。在使用隔离器技术的情况下,可以考虑使用

4.4.3.        Grade C and D area:  These  are  cleanrooms  used for   carrying out less critical stages in the manufacture  of   aseptically   filled sterile products but can be used for the preparation /filling of terminally sterilized products. (See section 8 for the specific details on terminal sterilization activities).

4.5.        In cleanrooms, all exposed surfaces should be smooth, impervious and unbroken in order to minimize the shedding or accumulation of particulates or micro organisms and to permit the repeated application of cleaning, disinfectant and sporicidal agents where used.

4.6.        To reduce accumulation of dust and to facilitate cleaning there should be no recesses that are difficult to clean effectively therefore projecting ledges, shelves, cupboards and equipment should be kept to a minimum. Doors should be designed to avoid recesses that cannot be cleaned.

4.7.        Materials used in cleanrooms should be selected to minimize generation of particles.

4.8.        Ceilings should be designed and sealed to prevent contamination from the space above them.

4.9.        Sinks and drains are prohibited in Grade A zone and Grade B area. In other cleanrooms, air breaks should be fitted between the machine or sink and the drains. Floor drains in lower grade cleanrooms should be fitted with traps or water seals designed to prevent back flow and should be regularly cleaned, disinfected and maintained.
断。低级别洁净室的地面排水管应安装设计用于防止回流的单向阀或水封,并应定期清洁、消毒和维 护。

4.10.        transfer of equipment and materials into and out of the cleanrooms and critical zones is one of the greatest potential sources of contamination. Any activities with the potential to compromise the cleanliness of cleanrooms or the critical zone should be assessed and if they cannot be eliminated, appropriate controls should be implemented.
设备和物料进出洁净室和关键区域的转移是最大的潜在污染源之一。 应评估可能危害洁净室或关键

4.11.        The transfer of materials, equipment, and components into an aseptic processing area should be carried out via a unidirectional process. Where possible, items should be sterilized and passed into the area through double ended sterilizers (e.g. through a double door autoclave or depyrogenation oven/tunnel) sealed into the wall. Where sterilization on transfer of the items is not possible, a procedure which achieves the same objective of not introducing contaminant should be validated and implemented, (e.g. using an effective transfer disinfection, rapid transfer systems for isolators or, for gaseous or liquid materials, a bacteria retentive filter).
将物料,设备和组件转移到无菌处理区域中应通过单向过程进行。 如有可能,应对物品进行灭菌并
通过密封在墙壁上的双端灭菌器(例如:通过双门高压灭菌器或去热原烘箱/隧道)进入该区域。 如果 无法在物品转移时进行灭菌,应验证和实施能够实现不引入污染物这一相同目标的程序(例如,使用 有效的转移消毒,隔离器或气态或液态物质的快速转移系统,微生物过滤器)。

4.12.        Airlocks should be designed and used to provide physical separation and to minimize microbial and particulate contamination of the different areas, and should be present for material and personnel moving between different grades. Wherever possible, airlocks used for personnel movement should be separated from those used for material movement.  Where  this  is  not  practical,  time based separation of movement (personnel /material) by procedure should be considered. Airlocks should be flushed effectively with filtered air to ensure that the grade of the cleanroom is maintained. The final stage of the airlock should, in the “at rest” state, be of the same cleanliness grade (viable and non viable) as the cleanroom into which it leads. The use of separate changing rooms for entering and leaving Grade B cleanrooms is desirable. Where this is not practical, time based separation of activities (ingress/egress) by procedure should be considered. Where the CCS indicates that the risk of cross contamination is high, separate changing rooms for entering and leaving production areas should be considered. Airlocks should be designed as follow:
同等级之间移动的物料和人员提供气闸。在可能的情况下,用于人员流动的气闸应与用于物料流动的 气闸分开。在不可行的情况下,应考虑在程序中规定人员和物料分不同时间段使用。气闸应用过滤后
洁净度相同(可行和不可行)。最好使用单独的更衣室进入和离开B级洁净室。在不可行的情况下, 应考虑按程序将活动(进/出)基于时间的分隔。如果CCS表示交叉污染的风险很高,则应考虑进入

4.12.1.        Personnel airlocks: Areas of increasing cleanliness used for entry of personnel (e.g. from Grade D to Grade C to Grade B). In general hand washing facilities should be provided only in the first stage of the changing room and not be present in changing rooms directly accessing Grade B cleanrooms.
况下,只应在更衣室的第一阶段提供洗手设施,而不应在直接进入B级洁净室的更衣室提供洗 手设施。

4.12.2.        Material airlocks: used for materials and equipment transfer.
物料气闸:用于材料和设备的转移。        Only materials and equipment that have been included on an approved list, developed during validation of the transfer process, should be allowed to be transferred into the Grade A zone or Grade B cleanroom via an airlock or pass through hatch. Equipment and materials (intended for use in the Grade A zone) should be protected when transiting through the Grade B cleanroom. Any unapproved items that require transfer should be pre approved as an exception. Appropriate risk assessment and mitigation measures should be applied and recorded as per the manufacturer's CCS and should include a specific disinfection and monitoring programme approved by quality assurance.
传递窗转移到A级区域或B级洁净室。设备和物料(用于A级区域)在通过B级洁净 室时应受到保护。任何需要转移的未批准项目应作为例外情况进行预先批准。应根 据CCS采用和适当的风险评估和风险控制措施,并进行记录,并且应包括经质量保 证批准的特定消毒和监控程序。        Pass through hatches should be designed to protect the higher grade environment, for example by effective flushing with an active filtered air supply.
化。        The movement of material or equipment from lower grade or unclassified area to higher grade clean areas should be subject to cleaning and disinfection commensurate with the risk and in line with the CCS.

4.13.        Both sets of doors  for pass throughs  and  airlocks  (for  material  and  personnel)   should   not  be opened

simultaneously. For airlocks leading to a Grade A zone and Grade B areas, an interlocking system should be used. For airlocks leading to Grade C and D cleanrooms, a visual and/or audible warning system should be operated as a minimum. Where required to maintain zone segregation, a time delay between the closing and opening of interlocked doors should be established.
使用互锁系统。 对于通向C级和D级洁净室的气闸,应至少使用视觉和或声音报警系统。 在要求自净 的地方,应在关闭和打开互锁门之间建立时间延迟。

4.14.        Cleanrooms should be supplied with a filtered air supply that maintains a positive pressure and/or an airflow relative to the background environment of a lower grade under all operational conditions and should flush the area effectively. Adjacent rooms of different grades should have pressure differentials of a minimum of 10 pascals (guidance value). Particular attention should be paid to the protection of the critical zone. The recommendations regarding air supplies and pressures may need to be modified where it is necessary to contain certain materials (e.g. pathogenic, highly toxic or radioactive products or live viral or bacterial  materials). The modification may include positively or negatively pressurized airlocks that prevent the hazardous material from contaminating surrounding areas. Decontamination of facilities (e.g. the cleanrooms and the heating, ventilation, and air  conditioning  (HVAC)  systems)  and  the  treatment  of  air  leaving  a  clean  area,  may be necessary for some operations. Where containment requires air to flow into a critical zone, the source of the air should be from an area of the same grade.
和/或气流,并应有效净化该区域。不同等级的相邻房间的压差应至少为10帕斯卡(指导值)。应特 别注意保护关键区域。在需要包含某些物料(例如病原性,高毒性或放射性产品或活病毒或细菌材料) 的地方,可能需要修改有关空气供应和压力的建议。修改可包括正压或负压气闸,以防止有害物质污
染周围区域。对于某些操作,可能需要对设施(例如无尘室和供暖,通风和空调(HVAC)系统)进 行消毒,并对离开清洁区域的空气进行处理。如果密闭需要空气流入临界区域,则空气来源应来自相 同等级的区域。

4.15.        Airflow patterns within cleanrooms and zones should be visualised to demonstrate that there is no ingress from lower grade to higher grade areas and that air does not travel from less clean areas (such as the floor) or over operators or equipment that may transfer contaminant to the higher grade areas. Where air movement is shown to be a risk to the clean area or critical zone, corrective actions, such as design improvement, should be implemented. Airflow pattern studies should be performed both at rest and in operation (e.g. simulating operator interventions). Video recordings of the airflow patterns should be retained. The outcome of the air visualisation studies should be considered when establishing the facility's environmental monitoring program.
清洁程度较低的区域(如地板)传播,或可能将污染物转移到更高等级区域的操作人员或设备。如果 空气流动对洁净区或关键区域构成风险,则应采取纠正措施,如改进设计。气流模式研究应在静态和

4.16.        Indicators of pressure differences should be fitted between cleanrooms and/or isolators. Set points and the criticality of pressure differentials should  be  documented  within the  CCS. Pressure differentials identified as critical should be continuously monitored and recorded. A warning system hould be in place to instantly indicate and  warn  operators  of  any failure  in the  air  supply  or reduction of pressure differentials (below set limits for those identified as critical). The warning signal should not be overridden without assessment and a procedure should be available to outline the steps to be taken when a warning signal is given. Where alarm delays are set, these should be assessed and justified within the CCS. Other pressure differentials should be monitored and recorded at regular intervals.
和记录被确定为关键点的压差。建立一个警告系统,以即时指示和警告操作员任何供气故障或压力下 降。(低于关键点的设定值).在没有评估的情况下,不得消除警告信号,并且应提供程序来概述在

4.17.        Facilities should be designed to permit observation of production activities  from outside the Grade A zone and Grade B area (e.g. through the provision of windows or remote cameras with a full view of the area and processes to allow observation and supervision without entry). This requirement should be considered when

designing new facilities or during refurbishment of existing facilities. 设施的设计应允许从A级区域和B级区域之外观察生产活动(例如,通过提供视窗或远程摄像头,可 对区域和工艺进行全方位观察和监督,而无需进入)。在设计新设施或翻修现有设施时应考虑到这一 要求。

Barrier Technologies

4.18.        Isolator or RABS technologies, and the associated processes, should be designed to provide protection of the Grade A environment. The entry of materials during processing (and after decontamination) should be minimized  and  preferably supported  by rapid transfer technologies  or transfer isolators.

4.19.        The design of the RABS or isolator should take into account all critical factors associated with these technologies including the quality of the air inside and the background environment, the materials and component transfer, the decontamination and/or sterilization processes, the risk factors associated with the manufacturing operations and the operations conducted within the critical zone.

4.20.        he critical zone of the RABS or open iso lator used for aseptic processes should meet Grade A requirements with unidirectional airflow. In closed isolator systems where airflow may not be unidirectional, it should provide Grade A conditions and be demonstrated to provide adequate protection for exposed products during processing. The design of the RABS and open isolators should ensure a positive airflow from the critical zones to the supporting background environment; (unless containment is required in which case localized air extraction is required to prevent contamination transfer to the surrounding room). Negative pressure isolators should only be used when containment of the product is considered
RABS和开放式隔离器的设计应确保从关键区域到所在背景环境的气流顺畅; (除非需要密闭,在这 种情况下,需要局部抽气以防止污染物转移到周围的房间)。负压隔离器仅应在认为产品包含有必要

4.21.        For RABS used for aseptic processing, the background environment should meet at least Grade B. The background environment for open isolators should meet Grade C or D, based on a risk assessment. Airflow studies should be performed to demonstrate the absence of air ingress during interventions, such as door openings.
达到C或D级。 应当进行气流研究,以证明在干预过程中(例如门打开)没有空气进入。

4.22.        The background environment of a closed isolator should correspond to a minimum of Grade D. The disinfection/decontamination  programme   should   be  included  as  a   key  consideration when performing the  risk assessment for the CCS  of an isolator. Where additional process risks are identified, a higher grade of   background should be considered. The decision as to the supporting background environment should be documented in the CCS.
键因素考虑。 如果发现了额外的工艺风险,则应考虑更高级别的背景。 有关支持的背景环境的决定 应记录在CCS中。

4.23.        The materials used for glove systems (for both RABS and isolators), as well as other parts of an isolator, should be demonstrated to have good mechanical and chemical resistance. Integrity testing of the barrier systems, and leak testing of the glove system and the isolator should be performed using a methodology demonstrated to be suitable for the task and criticality. The testing should be performed at defined periods, at a minimum at the beginning and end of each batch, and should include a visual inspection following any intervention that may affect the integrity of the system. For single unit batch sizes,  integrity  may  be  verified  based  on  other

criteria, such as the beginning and end of each manufacturing session. RABS gloves used in Grade A zone should be sterilized before installation and sterilized (or effectively decontaminated by a validated method which achieves the same objective) prior to each manufacturing campaign. The frequency of glove replacement should be defined within the CCS.
屏障系统的完整性测试以及手套系统和隔离器的泄漏测试应使用经证明适合于任务和关键程度的方法 进行。测试应在规定的时间段内进行,至少在每批的开始和结束时进行,并应在任何可能影响系统完
开始和结束)来验证完整性。在安装之前应对A级区域中使用的RABS手套进行灭菌,并在每次生产 活动之前对其进行灭菌(或通过达到相同目的的经过验证的方法进行有效灭菌)。手套的更换频率应 在CCS中规定。

4.24.        For RABS and isolator systems, decontamination methods should be validated and controlled within defined cycle parameters. The cleaning process prior to the disinfection step is essential; any residues that remain may inhibit the effectiveness of the decontamination process:

4.24.1.        For isolators, the decontamination process should be automated and should include a sporicidal agent in a suitable form (e.g. gaseous, aerosolized or vaporized form) to ensure thorough microbial decontamination of its interior. Decontamination methods (cleaning and sporicidal disinfection) should render the interior surfaces and critical zone of the isolator free of viable microorganisms.
对于隔离器,去污过程应自动化,并应包括适当形式(如气态、气溶胶或汽化形式)的杀芽 孢剂,以确保对其内部进行彻底的微生物去污。净化方法(清洗和杀芽胞消毒)应能保证隔

4.24.2.        For RABS systems, the disinfection should include the routine application of a sporicidal agent using a method that has been validated and demonstrated to robustly disinfect the interior and ensure a suitable environment for aseptic processing.

4.24.3.        Evidence should also be available to demonstrate that the agent used does not have adverse impact on the product produced within the RABS or isolator. The holding time before use of these systems should be validated.

Cleanroom and clean air equipment qualification

4.25.        Cleanrooms and clean air equipment such as unidirectional airflow units (UDAFs), RABS and isolators, used for the manufacture of sterile products, should be qualified and classified according to the required characteristics of the environment. Each manufacturing operation requires an appropriate environmental cleanliness level in the operational state in order to minimize the risk of particulate or microbial contamination of the product or materials being handled.
需的环境特征进行限定和分类。每个生产操作都需要在操作状态下达到适当的环境洁净度水平,以便 最大限度地减少正在处理的产品或材料存在颗粒或微生物污染的风险。

4.26.        Cleanrooms and clean air equipment should be qualified using  methodology  in  accordance  with  the requirements of Annex 15. Cleanroom qualification (including classification) should be clearly differentiated from operational environmental monitoring.


4.27.        Cleanroom Qualification is the overall  process  of  assessing  the  level  of  compliance  of a classified cleanroom or clean air equipment  with  its  intended  use.  As  part  of  the qualification requirements of Annex  15, the qualification of cleanrooms and clean air equipment should include (where relevant to the design/operation of the installation):

4.27.1.        Installed filter leakage and integrity testing.

4.27.2.        Airflow measurement   Volume and velocity.

4.27.3.        Air pressure difference measurement.

4.27.4.        Airflow direction and visualisation.

4.27.5.        Microbial airborne and surface contamination.

4.27.6.        Temperature measurement.

4.27.7.        Relative humidity measurement.

4.27.8.        Recovery testing.

4.27.9.        Containment leak testing.

4.28.        Cleanroom classification is part of a cleanroom qualification and is a method of assessing the level of air cleanliness against a specification for a cleanroom or clean air equipment by measuring the non viable airborne particulate concentration. Reference for the classification of the cleanrooms and clean air equipment can be found in the ISO 14644 series of standards.
气设备的规范评估空气洁净程度的一种方法。洁净室和洁净空气设备的分类参考可在ISO 14644系列 标准中找到。

4.29.        For cleanroom classification, the airborne particulates equal to or greater than 0.5 and 5 μm should be measured.
For Grade A zone and Grade B at rest, classification should include measurement of particles equal to or greater than 0.5 μm; however, measurement using a second, larger particle size, e.g. 1 μm in accordance with ISO 14644 may be considered. This measurement should be performed both at rest and in operation. The maximum
permitted airborne particulate concentration for each grade is given in Table 1. 对于洁净室分类,应测量等于或大于0.5和5μm的空气中颗粒物。对于静止的A级区域和B级区域,分 类应包括对等于或大于0.5μm的颗粒进行测量;  但是,要使用更大的第二个粒径(例如  可以考虑符合 ISO 14644的1μm。 该测量应在静止和运行状态下进行。 表1列出了每个等级的最大允许空气中颗粒物

Table 1: Maximum permitted airborne particulate concentration during classification

Not defined

Not defined

(a) For Grade D, in operation limits are not defined. The company should establish in operation limits based on a risk assessment and historical data where applicable.

4.30.        For classification of the cleanroom, the minimum number of sampling locations and their positioning can be found in ISO 14644 Part 1. In addition, for the aseptic processing room and the background environment (Grade A zone and Grade B area, respectively), sample locations should also consider all critical processing zones such as the point of fill and stopper bowls. Critical processing locations should be based on a documented risk assessment and knowledge of the process and operations to be performed in the area.
对于洁净室的分类,可以在ISO 14644第1部分中找到最少的采样数量及其位置。此外,对于无菌加工
区和背景环境(分别为A级区域和B级区域),采样位置 还应考虑所有关键的加工区域,例如灌装点 和加塞点。关键加工位置应基于文件化的风险评估以及对该区域要执行的工艺和操作的了解。

4.31.        Clean room classification should be carried out in the “at rest” and “in operation” states.

4.31.1.        The definition of “at rest” state is the condition whereby the installation of all the utilities is complete including any functioning HVAC, with the main manufacturing equipment installed as specified and standing by for operation, without personnel in the room.

4.31.2.        The definition of “in operation” state is the condition where the installation of the cleanroom is complete, the HVAC system fully operational, equipment installed and functioning in the manufacturer’s defined operating mode with the maximum number of personnel present performing or simulating routine operational work. In operation classification may be performed during simulated operations or during aseptic process simulations (where worst case simulation is required).
的运行模式运行,最大数量的人员在场执行或模拟常规操作工作的状态。 在操作中,分类可 以在模拟操作或无菌工艺模拟(需要最坏情况模拟)期间执行。

4.31.3.        The particulate limits given in Table 1 above for the “at rest” state should be achieved after a “clean up” period on completion of operations. The "clean up" period should be determined during the classification of the rooms (guidance value of 15 to 20 minutes).

4.32.        The speed of air supplied by unidirectional airflow systems should be clearly justified in the qualification protocol including the location for air speed measurement. Air speed should be designed, measured and maintained to ensure that appropriate unidirectional air movement provides protection of the product and open

components at the working height (e.g. where high risk operations and product and/or components are exposed). Unidirectional airflow systems should provide a homogeneous air speed in a range of 0.36 – 0.54 m/s (guidance value) at the working position, unless otherwise scientifically justified in the CCS. Airflow visualization studies should correlate with the air speed measurement.
由单向气流系统供应的空气的速度应在鉴定协议中明确说明,包括空气速度测量的位置。 应设计,
测量和保持风速,以确保适当的单向空气流动在工作高度(例如高风险操作和暴露于产品和/或无菌 连接的地方)为产品和敞开的组件提供保护。 单向气流系统应在工作位置提供0.36 0.54 m / s(指导 值)的均匀风速,除非在CCS中有科学依据。 气流可视化研究应与风速测量相关。

4.33.        The microbial concentration of the cleanrooms should be determined as part of the cleanroom qualification.
The number of sampling locations should be based on a documented risk assessment, including the results of the classification, air visualization studies and knowledge of the process and operations to be performed in the area. The maximum limits for microbial contamination during qualification for each grade are given in Table
2.        Qualification should include both at rest and in operation states. 洁净室的微生物浓度应作为洁净室资格的一部分进行测定。取样位置的数量应基于文件化的风险评估, 包括分类的结果。空气可视化研究和在该区域执行的工艺和操作的知识。表2给出了每个等级的合格 期间微生物污染的最大限值。鉴定应包括静止状态和运行状态。

Table 2: Limits for microbial contamination during qualification

Air sample 空气样本 CFU/m3        Settle plates
(diameter 90 mm) cfu/4 hours (a)        Contact plates
(diameter 55mm) cfu/plate
A(b)        No growth(b) 无增长
B        10        5        5
C        100        50        25
D        200        100        50
(a)        Settle plates should be exposed  for the duration of operations and changed as required after
4 hours. Exposure time should be based on recovery studies and should not allow desiccation of the media used.

(b)        It should be noted that for Grade A, the expected result should be no growth.

        Note 1: All methods indicated for a specific Grade in the table should be used for qualifying the area of that specific Grade. If one of the methods is not used, or alternative methods are used, the approach taken should be appropriately justified.

        Note 2: Limits are applied using cfu throughout the document. If different or new technologies are used that present results in a manner different from cfu, the manufacturer should scientifically justify the limits applied and where possible correlate them to cfu.

        Note 3: For qualification of personnel gowning, the limits given for contact plates and glove prints in Table 7 should apply.

        Note 4: Sampling methods should not pose a risk of contamination to the manufacturing


4.34.        The requalification of cleanrooms and clean air equipment should be carried out periodically following defined procedures. The requirement for requalification of cleanroom areas is as follows:

Table 3: Minimum test requirements for the requalification of cleanrooms

级别        Determination of the concentration of airborne viable and non viable particles

Integrity Test of Terminal Filters

Airflow volume measurement
Verification of air pressure difference between rooms

Air Velocity test





*performed according to a risk assessment documented as part of the CCS. However, required for filling zones
        when filling terminally sterilised products) and background to Grade A RABS.
*根据作为CCS一部分记录的风险评估执行。 但是,灌装区域(例如,灌装最终灭菌产品时)和A级

For Grade A & B areas, the maximum time interval for requalification is 6 months.  For Grade C & D areas, the maximum time interval for requalification is 12 months. Appropriate requalification  consisting of at least the above tests should also be carried out following completion of remedial action implemented to rectify an out-of-compliance equipment or facility condition or after changes to equipment, facility or processes. The significance of a change should be  determined through the change management process. Examples of changes to be considered include but are not limited to the  following:
流程来确定。要考虑的更改示例包括但不限于下列各项: 对于A级和B级地区,重新认证的最长时间间隔为6个月。 对于C级和D级地区,重新认证的最长时间 间隔为12个月。 在为纠正不合格设备或设施状况而采取的补救措施完成之后,或在设备,设施或工 艺发生变更后,也应进行至少由上述测试组成的适当重新认证。 变更的重要性应通过变更管理过程 来确定。 要考虑的更改示例包括但不限于以下内容:

        Change in the operational use of the cleanroom, or of the operational setting parameters of the HVAC system.

        Interruption of air movement which affects the operation of the installation.

        Special maintenance which affects the operation of the installation (e.g. change of final filters).

4.35.        Other characteristics, such as temperature and relative humidity, should be controlled within ranges that align

with product/processing requirements and support maintenance of defined cleanliness standards (e.g. Grade A or B).


4.36.        The disinfection of cleanrooms is particularly important. They should be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly in accordance with a written programme. For disinfection to be effective, prior cleaning to remove surface contamination should be performed. More than one type of disinfecting agent should be employed to ensure that where they have different modes of action and their combined usage is effective against all bacteria and fungi. Disinfection should include the periodic use of a sporicidal agent. Monitoring should be undertaken regularly in order to assess the effectiveness of the disinfection program and to detect changes in types of microbial flora (e.g. organisms resistant to the disinfection regime currently in use). Cleaning programs should effectively remove disinfectant residues.
面污染物。应使用一种以上的消毒剂,以确保它们具有不同的作用方式,并且它们的组合使用对所有 细菌和真菌均有效。消毒应包括定期使用杀孢子剂。应该定期进行监测,以评估消毒程序的有效性并
检测微生物菌群类型的变化(例如,对当前使用的消毒方案有抵抗力的生物)。清洁程序应有效去除 消毒剂残留物。

4.37.        The disinfection process should be validated. Validation studies should demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of disinfectants in the specific manner in which they are used and should support the in use expiry periods of prepared solutions.

4.38.        Disinfectants and detergents used in Grade A zone and Grade B areas should be sterile prior to use (disinfectants used in Grade C and D may also be required to be sterile). Where the disinfectants and detergents are made up by the sterile product manufacturer, they should be monitored for microbial contamination. Dilutions should be kept in previously cleaned containers and should only be stored for defined periods. If the disinfectants and detergents are supplied “ready-made” then results from certificates of analysis or conformance can be accepted subject to successful completion of the appropriate vendor qualification.
要求是无菌的)。如果消毒剂和清洁剂是由无菌产品生产商配制的,则应对其进行微生物污染监测。 稀释液应保存在事先清洁的容器中,并且只能在规定的时间内保存。如果消毒剂和清洁剂是“现成”的,

4.39.        Fumigation or vapour disinfection (e.g. Vapour phased Hydrogen Peroxide) of cleanrooms and associated surfaces may be useful for reducing microbial contamination in inaccessible places.

5.        Equipment

5.1.        A written, detailed description of the equipment design should be available (including process and instrumentation diagrams as appropriate). This should form part of the initial qualification package and be kept up to date as part of the ongoing review of the CCS.

5.2.        Equipment monitoring requirements should be defined in “user requirements specifications” and during early stages of development, and confirmed during qualification. Process and equipment alarm events should be reviewed and approved and evaluated for trends. The frequency at which alarms are assessed should be based on their criticality (with critical alarms reviewed immediately).

设备监控要求应在“用户需求说明”中以及在开发的早期阶段进行定义,并在验证过程中进行确认。 应对工艺和设备报警事件进行审查和批准并评估趋势。 评估报警的频率应基于警报的严重性(立即 审查关键报警)。

5.3.        As far as practicable, equipment, fittings and services should be designed and installed so that operations, maintenance, and repairs can be performed outside the cleanroom. If maintenance has to be performed in the cleanroom, and the required standards of cleanliness and/or asepsis cannot be maintained, then precautions such as restricting access to the work area to specified personnel, generation of clearly defined work protocols and maintenance procedures should be considered. Cleaning, additional disinfection and additional environmental monitoring should also be considered. If sterilization of equipment is required, it should be carried out, wherever possible, after complete reassembly.
必须在洁净室内进行维护,并且不能维持所需的清洁度和/或无菌标准,则应考虑采取预防措施,例 如限制特定人员进入工作区域,制定明确定义的工作规程和维护程序 。 还应考虑进行清洁,额外的 消毒和额外的环境监控。 如果需要对设备进行灭菌,则应在完全重新组装后尽可能进行灭菌。

5.4.        The cleaning process should be validated to:

5.4.1.        Remove any residue or debris that would detrimentally impact the effectiveness of the disinfecting agent used. 清除任何可能对所用消毒剂的效力产生不利影响的残留物或碎屑。

5.4.2.        Minimize chemical, microbial and particulate contamination of the product during the process and prior to disinfection.

5.5.        Direct and indirect contact parts should be sterilized. Direct contact parts are those that the product passes through, such as filling needles  or  pumps.  Indirect  product  contact  parts  are equipment parts that come into contact with sterilized critical items and components.

5.6.        All equipment such as sterilizers, air handling systems (including air filtration) and water systems should be subject to qualification, monitoring and planned maintenance. Upon completion of maintenance, their return to use should be approved.

5.7.        Where unplanned maintenance of equipment critical to the sterility of the product is to be carried out, an assessment of the potential impact to the  sterility of the product should be performed   and recorded.

5.8.        A conveyor belt should not pass  through  a  partition  between  a  Grade  A  or  B  area  and a processing area of lower air cleanliness, unless the belt itself is continually sterilized (e.g. in a sterilizing tunnel).

5.9.        Particle counters, including sampling tubing, should be qualified. The tubing length should be no greater than 1 meter with a minimum number of bends and bend radius should be greater than 15 cm. Portable particle counters with a short length of sample tubing should be used for classification purpose. Isokinetic sampling heads should be used in unidirectional airflow systems and should be positioned as close as possible to sample air representative of the critical location.
用于洁净级别分类的采样,应使用采样管较短的便携式颗粒计数器。。应在单向气流系统中使用等速 取样头,并应尽可能靠近代表关键位置的空气取样。

6.        Utilities

6.1.        The nature and extent of controls applied to utility systems should be commensurate with the risk to product quality associated with the utility. The impact should be determined via a risk assessment documented as part of the CCS.

6.2.        In general higher risk utilities are those that:

6.2.1.        Directly contact product e.g. water for washing and rinsing, gases and steam for sterilization.

6.2.2.        Contact materials that will ultimately become part of the product.

6.2.3.        Contact surfaces that come into contact with the product.

6.2.4.        Otherwise directly impact the product.

6.3.        Utilities should be designed, installed, operated, maintained and monitored in a manner to ensure that the utility functions as expected.

6.4.        Results for critical parameters and critical quality attributes of high risk utilities should be subject to regular trend analysis to ensure that system capabilities remain appropriate.

6.5.        Records of utility installation should be maintained throughout the system’s life cycle. Such records should include current drawings and schematic diagrams, construction material lists and specifications. Typically, important information includes attributes such as:

6.5.1.        Pipeline flow direction, slopes, diameter and length.

6.5.2.        Tank and vessel details.

6.5.3.        Valves, filters, drains, sampling and user points.

6.6.        Pipes, ducts and other utilities should not be present in cleanrooms. If unavoidable, then they should be installed so that they do not create recesses, unsealed openings and surfaces which are difficult to clean. Installation should allow cleaning and disinfection of outer surface of the pipes.

Water systems

6.7.        Water treatment plant and distribution systems should be designed, constructed and maintained to  minimize the risk of particulates, microbial contamination/proliferation and pyrogens (e.g. sloping of piping to provide complete drainage and the avoidance of dead legs), and prevent the formation of   biofilms to ensure a reliable source of water of an appropriate quality. Where filters are included in the system, special attention should be given to the monitoring and maintenance of these filters. Water produced should comply with the current monograph of the relevant Pharmacopeia.
(例如,倾斜管道以提供完全的排水和避免死角),并防止生物膜的形成,以确保具有适当质量的可 靠水源。当系统中包含过滤器时,应特别注意对这些过滤器的监控和维护。产生的水应符合有关药典 的最新规定。

6.8.        Water systems should be qualified to maintain the appropriate levels of physical, chemical andmicrobial control, taking seasonal variation into account.

6.9.        Water flow should remain turbulent through the pipes to minimize the risk of microbial adhesion,and subsequent biofilm formation.

6.10.        Water for injections (WFI) should be produced from water meeting specifications that have been defined during the qualification process, stored and distributed in a manner which minimizes the risk of microbial growth (for example by constant circulation at a temperature above 70°C). Where the WFI is produced by methods other than distillation, further techniques such as nanofiltration and ultra filtration as well as electrodeionization (EDI) should be considered in conjunction with reverse  osmosis (RO) membranes.
(例如,通过在70°C以上的温度持续循环)来存储和分配。 如果WFI是通过蒸馏以外的方法生产的, 则应考虑将诸如纳滤和超滤以及电去离子(EDI)的其他技术与反渗透(RO)膜结合使用。

6.11.        Where WFI storage tanks are equipped with hydrophobic bacteria retentive vent filters, the filters should be sterilized and the integrity of the filter tested before installation and after removal  following use.

6.12.        To minimize the risk of biofilm formation, sterilization or disinfection or regeneration of waterystems should be carried out according to a predetermined schedule and when microbial counts exceed action limits. Disinfection of a water system with chemicals should be followed by a validated rinsing/flushing procedure. Water should be tested after disinfection/regeneration. The results should be approved before the water system is returned to use.
系统进行灭菌或消毒或再生。使用化学品对水系统进行消毒后,应采用经过验证的漂洗/冲洗程序。 水应在消毒/再生后进行检测。在供水系统重新使用之前,应先批准检测结果。

6.13.        Regular ongoing chemical and microbial monitoring of water systems should be performed. Alert levels should be based on the qualification or a review of ongoing monitoring data that will identify an adverse trend in system performance. Sampling programs should reflect the requirements of the CCS and include:

6.13.1.        All points of use, at a specified interval, to ensure that representative water samples are obtained for analysis on a regular basis. 在规定的时间间隔内,确保定期收集有代表性的水样进行分析。

6.13.2.        Potential worst case sampling locations.

6.13.3.        A sample from the point at the end of the distribution loop each day that the water is used.

6.14.        Breaches  of  alert levels should  be  documented and reviewed, and include  investigation  of  system trends to determine whether the breach is a single (isolated) event or if results are indicative of loss of control or system deterioration. Each breach of action limits should be investigated to determine the root cause of the issue and any impact on the quality of products and manufacturing processes as a result of the potential use of the water.
还是表明失控或系统恶化。应对每一项违反行动限制的行为进行调查,以确定问题的根本原因,以及 由于可能使用水而对产品质量和生产工艺造成的任何影响。

6.15.        WFI systems should include continuous monitoring systems such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and conductivity, (unless justified otherwise) as these may give a better indication of overall system performance than  discrete  sampling. Sensor locations should  be based on  risk and the  outcome of qualification.

Steam used as a direct sterilizing agent

6.16.        Feed water to a pure steam (clean steam) generator should be appropriately purified. Pure steam generators should be designed, qualified and operated in a manner to ensure that the quality of steam produced meets defined chemical and endotoxin levels.

6.17.        Steam used as a direct sterilizing agent should be of suitable quality and should not contain additives at a level which could cause contamination of product or equipment. For a pure steam generator supplying pure steam used for the direct sterilization of materials or product-contact surfaces (e.g. porous hard-good autoclave loads), steam condensate should meet the current monograph for WFI of the relevant Pharmacopeia. A suitable sampling schedule should be in place to ensure that representative pure steam samples are obtained for analysis on a regular basis. Other aspects of the quality of pure steam used for sterilization should be assessed periodically against validated parameters. These parameters should include the following: non-condensable gases, dryness value (dryness fraction) and superheat.
于对物料或产品接触表面进行直接灭菌的纯蒸汽的纯蒸汽发生器(例如,多孔的硬质高压灭菌器), 蒸汽冷凝物应符合相关《药典》 WFI的最新标准。 应制定适当的采样时间表,以确保定期获取有代 表性的纯蒸汽样品进行分析。用于灭菌的纯蒸汽质量的其他方面应定期根据已验证的参数进行评估。

Gases and vacuum systems

6.18.        Gases that come in direct contact with the product/primary container surfaces should be of appropriate chemical, particulate and microbial quality. All relevant parameters, including oil and water content, should be specified, taking into account the use and type of the gas, the design of the gas generation system and, where applicable, comply  with   the   appropriate   Pharmacopoeia monographs.
包括油和水含量,同时考虑气体的用途和类型、气体生成系统的设计,并在适用的情况下,遵守适当 的药典专著。

6.19.        Gases used in aseptic processes should be filtered through a sterilizing filter (with a nominal pore size of a maximum of 0.22 μm) at the point of use. Where the filter is used on a batch basis (e.g. for   filtration of gas used for overlay of aseptically filled products) or as product vessel vent filter, then the  filter should be integrity tested and the results included as part of the batch certification process. Any  transfer pipework or tubing that is located after the final sterilizing filter should be sterilized. Whengases are used in the process, microbial monitoring of the gas should be performed periodically at thepoint of use.
在使用过程中,无菌工艺中使用的气体应通过除菌过滤器(标识孔径最大为0.22 μm)进行过滤。 如

果过滤器是产品使用的(例如用于过滤保护无菌灌装产品的气体)或用作产品容器排气的过滤器,那 么过滤器应进行完整性测试,其结果应作为批量验证过程的一部分。位于最终除菌过滤器之后的任何 输送管道或管道配件均应进行灭菌。在此工艺中使用气体时,应在使用时定期对气体进行微生物监测。

6.20.        Where backflow from vacuum or pressure systems poses a potential risk to the product, thereshould be mechanism(s) to prevent backflow when the vacuum or pressure system is shut off. Heating and cooling and hydraulic systems

Heating and cooling and hydraulic systems

6.21.        Major items of equipment associated with hydraulic, heating and cooling systems, e.g. such as those associated with Blow-Fill-Seal equipment should, where possible, be located outside the filling room. Where they are located inside the filling room there should be appropriate controls to contain any spillage and/or cross contamination associated with the hydraulic system fluids. Where possible, the system should be at a lower pressure than the processed fluid.
外。如果它们位于灌装室内,则应有适当的控制装置,以控制与液压系统流体相关的任何泄漏和/或 交叉污染。在可能的情况下,系统的压力应低于被处理流体的压力。

6.22.        Any leaks from these systems that would present a risk to the product should be detectable (i.e. an indication system for leakage).

6.23.        For both vacuum and cooling systems there should be periodic cleaning/disinfection as determined in the CCS.

7.        Personnel

7.1.        The manufacturer should ensure that there are sufficient appropriate personnel, suitably qualified, trained and experienced in the manufacture and testing of sterile products, and any of the specific manufacturing technologies used in the site’s manufacturing operations, to ensure compliance with GMP applicable to the manufacture and handling of sterile products.

7.2.        Only the minimum number of personnel required should be present in  cleanrooms.  The  maximum number of operators in cleanrooms should be determined, documented  and  validated  during  activities such as initial qualification and aseptic process simulations, so as not to compromise sterility assurance. This is particularly important during aseptic processing.
洁净室中只应存在所需的最少数量的人员。在初始鉴定和无菌工艺模拟等活动期间,应确定、记录 和验证洁净室中操作员的最大人数,以免影响产品的无菌保证。这在无菌生产过程中尤为重要。

7.3.        Non essential processes such as product inspection and in process testing should be conducted outside the clean areas wherever possible.

7.4.        All personnel including those performing cleaning, maintenance, monitoring and those that access cleanrooms should receive regular training, gowning qualification and assessment  in  disciplines relevant to the correct manufacture of sterile products. This training should include the basic elements of microbiology, hygiene, with a specific focus on cleanroom practices, contamination control, aseptic techniques and the protection of sterile products (for those operators entering the Grade B cleanrooms and/or intervening into the Grade A zone) and the potential safety  implications to the patient if product is not sterile. The level of training should be based on the  criticality of the function and area in which the personnel

are working. 所有人员,包括进行清洁,维护,监控的人员和进入洁净室的人员,均应接受与正确生产无菌产品 相关的学科的定期培训,更衣确认和评估。 该培训应包括微生物学,卫生学的基本知识,并特别关 注洁净室操作,污染控制,无菌技术和无菌产品的保护(针对进入B级洁净室和/或介入A级区域的操 作员) 如果产品不是无菌的,对患者的潜在安全隐患。 培训级别应基于人员工作的职能和领域的重

7.5.        The personnel working in a Grade A zone and Grade B areas should be trained for aseptic gowning and aseptic practices. Compliance with aseptic gowning procedures should be assessed and confirmed, periodically reassessed at least annually and should involve both visual and microbial assessment (using monitoring locations such as hands, arms, chest and forehead. Refer to paragraph 9.30 for the expected limits). The unsupervised access to Grade A zone and Grade B areas where aseptic operations are or will be conducted should be restricted to appropriately qualified personnel, who have passed the gowning assessment and have participated  in a  successful aseptic process    simulation (APS).
符合性。至少每年定期重新评估一次,并应包括目视和微生物评估。(使用监测位置,例如手,手臂, 胸部和前额。预期限制参见章节9.30)。应适当限制无监督人员进入正在或将要进行无菌操作的A级

7.6.        Unqualified personnel (e.g. building and maintenance contractors and regulatory inspectors)  should not enter Grade B cleanrooms or Grade A zones in operation. If needed in exceptional cases, manufacturers should establish  written procedures outlining the  process  by  which  unqualified  personnel are brought into the Grade B and A areas. Access by these persons should be assessed and recorded in accordance with the PQS. An authorized person from the manufacturer should supervise the unqualified personnel during their activities and should assess the impact of these  activities on   the cleanliness of the area.
果在例外情况下需要,生产商应建立书面程序,概述将不合格人员带入B级的过程,以及A地区。应 根据PQS对这些人员的接触情况进行评估和记录。制造商的授权人员应在不合格的人员进行活动的过

7.7.        There should be systems in place for disqualification of personnel from entry into cleanrooms based on aspects including ongoing assessment and/or identification of an adverse trend from the personnel monitoring program and/or after participation in a failed APS.  Once  disqualified,  retraining and requalification should be completed before permitting the operator to have any further involvement in aseptic practices. For operators entering Grade B cleanrooms or performing intervention into Grade A zone, this requalification should include consideration of participation in a successful APS.
划中识别不利趋势,以及/或者在参加失败的APS之后。 一旦取消资格,应在允许操作者进一步参与 无菌操作之前完成再培训和重新资格鉴定。 对于进入B级洁净室或对A级区域进行干预的操作员,此

7.8.        High standards of personal hygiene and cleanliness are essential to prevent excessive shedding or increased risk of introduction of microbial contamination. Personnel involved in the manufacture of sterile products should be instructed to report any specific health conditions or ailments which may cause the shedding of abnormal numbers or types of contaminants and therefore preclude cleanroom access. Health conditions and actions to be taken with regard to personnel who could be introducing an undue microbial hazard should be provided by the designated competent person and described in  procedures.
与无菌产品生产的人员报告任何可能导致污染的特定健康状况或疾病。从而防止进入洁净室,避免异 常数量或类型的污染物脱落。对于可能引入不适当微生物危害的人员,应由指定的称职人员提供健康

7.9.        Staff who have been engaged in the processing of human or animal tissue materials or of cultures of micro organisms, other than those used in the current manufacturing process, or any activities that   may have a negative impact to quality (e.g. microbial contamination), should not enter clean areas unless clearly defined and effective decontamination and entry procedures have been followed.

量产生负面影响(如微生物污染)的活动的工作人员,不得进入清洁区域,除非明确规定并遵循有效 的净化和进入程序。

7.10.        Wristwatches, make up, jewellery, other personal items such as mobile phones and any other        non essential items should not be allowed in clean areas. Electronic devices used in cleanrooms, e.g. mobile phones and tablets, that are supplied by the company solely for use in the cleanrooms, may  be acceptable if suitably designed to permit cleaning and disinfection commensurate with the Grade in which they are used. The use and disinfection of such equipment should be included in the CCS.
使用的电子设备,如移动电话和平板电脑,由公司提供,仅供在洁净室中使用,如果经过适当设计, 允许进行与其使用等级相称的清洁和消毒,则可以接受。这些设备的使用和消毒应包括在CCS中。

7.11.        Cleanroom gowning and hand washing should follow a written procedure designed to minimize contamination of cleanroom clothing and/or the transfer of contaminants to the clean areas.

7.12.        The  clothing  and  its  quality  should  be  appropriate  for the  process  and  the  grade  of the working area.
It should be worn in such a way as to protect the product from contamination. When the type of clothing chosen needs to provide the operator protection from the product, it should not      compromise the protection of the product from contamination. Garments should be visually checked     for cleanliness and integrity
immediately prior to gowning and prior to entry to the cleanroom. Gown integrity should also be checked upon
exit. For sterilized or effectively decontaminated garments and eye coverings, particular attention should be taken to ensure they have been processed, are within their specified hold time and that the packaging is visually inspected to ensure it is integral before use. Reusable garments (including eye coverings) should be replaced if damage is identified or at a set frequency that is determined during qualification studies. . Damage to garments may not be identified by visual inspection alone, so the qualification should consider any necessary  garment testing   requirements.
装类型需要为操作员提供免受产品影响的保护时,它不应能对产品造成受污染。在着装前和进入洁净 室前,应立即目视检查服装的清洁度和完整性。退场时还应检查礼服的完整性。对于已灭菌或有效净
损。可重复使用的服装(包括眼罩)如果发现损坏,或在确认验证期间确定的设定频次下进行更换。. 仅凭目视检查可能无法确定服装的损坏,因此,资格审查应考虑任何必要的服装测试要求

7.13.        Clothing should be chosen to prevent shedding due to operators moving excessively (when  cold) or sweating (when hot).

7.14.        The description of clothing required for each grade is given below:

7.14.1.        Grade A / B: Dedicated garments to be worn under a sterilized suit. Sterile  headgear should  enclose all hair (including facial hair) and where separate from the rest of the gown,  it should be tucked into  the neck of the sterile suit. A  sterile  face  mask and sterile  eye        coverings (e.g. goggles) should be worn to cover and enclose all facial skin and prevent the shedding of droplets and particulates. Appropriate sterilized, non powdered, rubber or plastic gloves and sterilized footwear (such as overboots) should be worn. Trouser legs        should be tucked inside the footwear and garment sleeves into the gloves. The protective  clothing should minimize shedding of fibres or particulate matter and retain particulates   shed by the body. Garments should be packed and folded  in such a way as to allow operators        to gown without contacting the outer surface of the garment.
服的其他部分分开,则应将其塞进无菌服的颈部。无菌面罩和无菌眼罩(如护目镜)应佩 戴,以覆盖和封闭所有面部皮肤,并防止飞沫和微粒脱落。应戴上适当灭菌、无粉末的橡胶
减少纤维或微粒物质的脱落,并保能截留身体脱落的微粒。服装的包装和折叠方式应允许操 作者在穿着时不接触服装的外表面。

7.14.2.        Grade C: Hair, beards and moustaches should be covered. A single or two piece trouser suit gathered at the wrists and with high neck and appropriately disinfected shoes or overshoes should be worn. They should minimize the shedding of fibres and particulate matter.

7.14.3.        Grade D: Hair,  beards  and moustaches  should be covered. A general protective  suit and appropriately disinfected shoes or overshoes should be worn. Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid any ingress of contaminants from outside the clean area.

7.14.4.        Gloves should be worn in Grade C and D areas when performing activities considered to be a contamination risk as defined by the CCS.

7.15.        Outdoor clothing (other than personal underwear) should not be brought into changing rooms leading directly to Grade B and C cleanrooms. Facility suits, covering the full length of the arms and the legs, and socks covering the feet, should be worn before entry to change rooms for Grades B and C. Facility suits and socks should not present a risk of contamination to the gowning area or   processes.
应穿上覆盖手臂和腿部全长的工作服和覆盖脚部的袜子。工作服和袜子不应对着装区域或流程造成污 染风险。

7.16.        Every operator entering Grade B or A areas should gown into clean, sterilized protective garments (including eye coverings and masks) of an appropriate size at each entry. The maximum duration of each garment use should be defined as part of the garment qualification.

7.17.        Garments and gloves should be changed immediately if they become damaged and present any risk of product contamination. Gloves should be regularly disinfected during operations.

7.18.        Clean area clothing should be cleaned in a dedicated laundry facility using a qualified process ensuring that the clothing is not damaged and/or contaminated by fibres and particles during the laundry process. Inappropriate handling and use of clothing will damage fibres and may increase the risk of shedding of particles. After washing and before packing, garments should be visually inspected for damage. The garment management processes should be evaluated and determined as part of the garment qualification program.
程中被纤维和颗粒污染。不适当地处理和使用衣物会损坏纤维,并可能增加脱落微粒的风险。在洗涤 后和包装前,应目视检查服装是否有损坏。服装管理流程应作为服装资格认证计划的一部分进行评估

7.19.        Activities in clean areas that are not critical to the production processes should be kept to a minimum, especially when aseptic operations are in progress. Movement of personnel should be slow, controlled and methodical to avoid excessive shedding of particulates and organisms due to over vigorous activity. Operators performing aseptic operations should adhere to aseptic technique at all times to prevent changes in air currents that introduce air of lower quality into the critical zone. Movement adjacent to the critical zone should be restricted and the obstruction of the path of the unidirectional (first air) airflow should  be  avoided. Airflow  visualisation studies  should  be considered as part of the operator’s training programme.
缓慢,控制和方法,以避免过度脱落的微粒和生物体,由于过于激烈的活动。执行无菌操作的操作人 员应始终坚持无菌技术,以防止气流的变化引入空气。我们的质量进入了临界区。邻近临界区的移动

在洁净区域中对生产过程不重要的活动应降低至最低水平,尤其是在进行无菌操作时。 人员的流动 应缓慢,受控和有条理,以避免由于过度剧烈活动而过多地散布微粒和微生物。 进行无菌操作的操
作的人员应始终坚持使用无菌技术,以防止气流变化而将劣质空气引入关键区域。 应限制靠近关键 区的操作,并应避免跟你说单向(第一空气)气流的路径。 气流可视化研究应被视为操作员培训计

8.        Production and Specific Technologies

Terminally sterilized products

8.1.        Preparation of  components  and  materials  should  be  performed  in  at  least  a  Grade  D cleanroom in order to limit the risk of microbial, pyrogen and particulate contamination, so that the product is suitable for sterilization. Where the product is at a high or unusual risk of microbial contamination (e.g. the product actively supports microbial growth, the product must be held for long periods before filling or the product is not processed mostly in closed vessels), then preparation should be carried out in a Grade C environment. Preparation of ointments, creams, suspensions and emulsions should be carried out in a Grade C environment before  terminal  sterilization.
当产品处于微生物污染的高风险或异常风险中时(例如:该产品适合于微生物生长,产品在灌装前必 须存放很长时间,或者产品不是在封闭容器中处理的),则应在C级环境中进行制备。配制药膏、乳

8.2.        Primary packaging containers and components should be cleaned using validated processes to ensure that particulate, pyrogen and bioburden contamination is appropriately controlled.

8.3.        Filling of products for terminal sterilization should be carried out in at least a Grade Cenvironment.

8.4.        Where the product is at  an  unusual  risk  of  contamination  from  the  environment  because,  for example, the filling operation is slow, the containers are wide necked or are necessarily exposed for more than a few seconds before closing, then the product should be filled in a Grade A zone with at least a Grade C background.

8.5.        Processing of the bulk solution should include a filtration step with a microorganism retaining filter, where possible, to reduce bioburden levels and particulates prior to  filling into the final  product containers and there should be a maximum permissible time between preparation and filling.

8.6.        Examples of operations to be carried out in the various grades are given in Table 4.

Table 4: Examples of operations and grades for terminally sterilized preparation and processing operations

A        Filling of products, when unusually at risk.

C        Preparation of solutions, when unusually at risk. Filling of products.
D        Preparation of solutions and components for subsequent filling.


Aseptic preparation and processing

8.7.        Aseptic preparation and processing is the handling of sterile product, containers and/or devices in a controlled environment in which the air supply, materials and personnel are regulated to prevent microbial, pyrogenic and particulate contamination.

8.8.        The aseptic process should be clearly defined. The risks associated with the aseptic process, and any associated requirements, should be identified, assessed and appropriately controlled. The site’s CCS should clearly define the acceptance criteria for these controls, requirements for monitoring and the review of their effectiveness. Methods and procedures to control these risks should be described and implemented. Accepted residual risks should be formally documented.
制。现场CCS应明确规定这些控制的验收标准、监测要求和有效性审查。应说明和执行控制这些风险 的方法和程序。被接受的剩余风险应该被正式记录下来

8.9.        Precautions to minimize microbial, pyrogenic and particulate contamination should  be  taken,  as per the site’s CCS, during the preparation of the aseptic environment, during all processing stages (including the stages before and after bulk product sterilization), and until the product is sealed in its final container. The presence of materials liable to generate particulates and fibres should be minimized   in cleanrooms.
在最后的容器中,应根据现场的CCS,采取预防措施,以最大限度地减少微生物、热原和微粒污染。 洁净室内应尽量减少易产生微粒及纤维的物料。

8.10.        Where possible, the use of equipment such as RABS, isolators or other systems, should be considered in order to reduce the need for critical interventions into the Grade A zone and to minimize the risk of contamination. Robotics and automation of processes can also be considered to eliminate direct human critical interventions (e.g. dry heat tunnel, automated lyophilizer loading, sterilization in place).
要,并将污染风险降至最低。还可以考虑机器人技术和工艺自动化,以消除直接的人类关键干预(例 如,干热隧道、自动冻干机装载、在线灭菌)。

8.11.        Examples of operations to be carried out in the various environmental grades are given in the Table 5.

Table 5: Examples of operations and grades for aseptic preparation and processing operations
Critical zone for
-        Aseptic assembly of filling equipment.
-        灌装设备的无菌组装。
-        Connections made under aseptic conditions (where sterilized product contact surfaces are exposed) that are post the final sterilizing filter. These connections

Grade A

should be sterilized by steam in place whenever feasible.
-        在最终除菌过滤器之后的无菌条件下(已暴露无菌产品接触表面的地方)进 行的连接。 在可行的情况下,应对这些连接处进行蒸汽灭菌。
-        Aseptic compounding and mixing.
-        无菌配制和混合。
-        Replenishment of sterile bulk product, containers and closures.
-        生产过程中添加无菌产品、容器和密封的部件

        -        。
-        Removal and cooling of unprotected (e.g. with no packaging) items from sterilizers.
-        将无保护(如无包装)的物品从消毒器中取出并冷却。
-        Staging and conveying of sterile primary packaging components.
-        无菌初级包装部件的准备和输送。
-        Aseptic filling, sealing of containers such as ampoules, vial closure, transfer of open or partially stoppered vials.
-        无菌灌装容器(如安瓿瓶)的密封,安瓿瓶密封,打开或半加塞的小瓶的转
-        Loading of a lyophilizer.
-        冻干机的装载。

Grade B        Background support for the Grade A zone (when not in an isolator).

Transport, while protected from the surrounding environment, of equipment, components and ancillary items for introduction into the Grade A zone.
Grade C        Preparation of solutions to be filtered including weighing.

Grade D        -        Cleaning of equipment.
-        设备的清洗。
-        Handling of components, equipment and accessories after washing.
-        清洗后部件、设备和附件的处理。
-        Assembly of cleaned components, equipment and accessories prior to sterilization.
-        在灭菌前装配清洁的部件、设备和附件。
-        Assembly of closed and sterilized SUS using intrinsic aseptic connectors.
-        使用内部无菌连接器组装封闭和灭菌的SUS。

8.12.        For sterile products that cannot be filtered, the following should be considered:

8.12.1.        All product and component contact equipment should be sterilized prior to use.

8.12.2.        All raw materials should be sterilized and aseptically added or subsequently sterilized by filtration.

8.12.3.        Bulk solutions should be sterilized by a validated process, e.g. by heat, chemical sterilizationor via sterile filtration. 散装溶液应通过经过验证的工艺进行灭菌,例如通过加热、化学灭菌或通过除菌过滤。

8.12.4.        All materials added to the sterile bulk product should be sterilized prior to addition.

8.13.        The unwrapping, assembly and preparation of sterilized equipment, components and ancillary items and the preparation and filling of the sterile product should be treated as an aseptic process and performed in a Grade A zone with a Grade B background. Where an isolator or RABS is used, the background should be in accordance with paragraphs 4.21 & 4.22.

8.14.        Preparation and filling of sterile products such as ointments, creams, suspensions and emulsions should be performed in a Grade A zone with a Grade B background when the product and components are exposed to the environment and the product is not subsequently filtered (via a sterilizing filter) or terminally sterilized. Where an isolator or RABS is used, the background should be in accordance with paragraphs 4.21 & 4.22.

8.15.        Aseptic connections should be performed in a Grade A zone with a Grade B background unless subsequently sterilized in place or conducted with validated intrinsic sterile connection devices that minimize any potential contamination from the immediate environment. Where an isolator or RABS is used, the background should be in accordance with paragraphs 4.21 & 4.22. Aseptic connections should be appropriately assessed and their effectiveness verified. For requirements regarding intrinsic sterile connection devices refer to paragraph 8.120.
接设备进行,以最大程度地减少对周围环境的潜在污染。 如果使用隔离器或RABS,则背景应符合第
4.21和4.22段的规定。 应当适当评估无菌连接并验证其有效性。有关固有无菌连接设备的要求,请参 见第8.120段。

8.16.        Aseptic manipulations (including non intrinsic aseptic connections) should be minimized through the use of engineering design solutions such as preassembled and sterilized equipment. Whenever feasible, product contact piping and equipment should be pre assembled, and sterilized in place.

8.17.        There should be an authorized list of allowed interventions, both inherent and corrective, that may occur during production. The procedures listing the types of inherent and corrective interventions, and how to perform them, should be updated, as necessary to ensure consistency with the actual manufacturing activities. In the event that an unauthorized intervention is required, details of the intervention conducted should be recorded and fully assessed under the manufacturer's PQS.
列出固有和纠正性干预的类型以及如何执行的程序应根据需要进行更新,以确保与实际制造活动的一 致性。 如果需要未经授权的干预,则应记录进行的干预的详细信息,并根据制造商的PQS进行全面评 估。

8.18.        The duration of each aspect of aseptic preparation and processing should be limited to a defined and validated maximum time, including:

8.18.1.        The holding time between equipment, component, and container cleaning, drying and sterilization.

8.18.2.        The holding time for sterilized equipment, components, and containers before use and during filling/assembly.

8.18.3.        The holding time for a decontaminated environment, such as the RABS and isolator before and during filling /assembly.

8.18.4.        The time between the start of the preparation of a product and its sterilization or filtrati on through a microorganism retaining filter (if applicable), through to the end of the aseptic filling process. There should be a maximum permissible time for each product that takes into account its composition and the prescribed method of storage.

的时间。 考虑到产品的成分和规定的存储方法,每种产品应有最大允许时间。

8.18.5.        The holding time for sterilized product prior to filling.

8.18.6.        The aseptic processing time.

8.18.7.        The filling time.

8.18.8.        The maximum exposure time of sterilized containers and closures in the critical processing zone (including filling) prior to closure.

8.19. Aseptic operations (including APS) should be observed at a regular basis by personnel with specific expertise in aseptic processing to verify the correct performance of operations and address inappropriate practices if detect

Finishing of sterile products

8.20.        Open primary packaging containers (including partially stoppered vials or prefilled syringes) should be maintained under Grade A conditions with Grade B background (e.g. Barrier Technology), or under Grade A conditions with physical segregation from operators (e.g. UDAF carts) until the stopper is fully inserted.

8.21.        Containers should be closed by appropriately validated methods. Containers closed by fusion,e.g. Blow fill seal (BFS), Form Fill Seal (FFS), Small and Large Volume Parenteral (SVP & LVP) bags, glass or plastic ampoules, should be subject to 100% integrity testing. Samples of containers closed by other methods should be taken and checked for integrity using validated methods. The frequency of testing should be based on the  knowledge and experience of the container and closure systems being used. A scientifically valid sampling plan should be utilized. The sample size should be based on information such as supplier approval, packaging component specifications and process knowledge. It should be noted that visual inspection alone is not considered as an acceptable integrity test method.
密封(FFS)、小容量和大容量注射剂(SVP和LVP)袋、玻璃或塑料安瓿,应进行100%完整性测试。 应对用其他方法封闭的容器取样,并用经过验证的方法检查其完整性。测试频率应基于所使用的容器
和封闭系统的知识和经验。应使用科学有效的抽样计划。样品量应基于供应商批准、包装组件规格和 工艺知识等信息。应当注意的是,仅凭目视检查并不被认为是一种可接受的完整性测试方法。

8.22.        Containers sealed under vacuum (where the vacuum is necessary for the product stability) should be tested for maintenance of vacuum after an appropriate pre determined period and during shelf life.

8.23.        The container closure integrity validation should take into consideration any transportation or shipping requirements that may negatively impact the integrity of the container (e.g. by decompression or temperature extremes).

8.24.        Where the equipment used to crimp vial caps can generate large quantities of non viable particulates, measures to prevent particulate contamination such as locating the equipment at a physically separate station equipped

with adequate air extraction should be taken. 如果用于压紧小瓶盖的设备会产生大量不可行的颗粒,则应采取措施来防止颗粒污染,例如将设备放 置在配备有足够空气的物理独立位置上。

8.25.        Vial capping can be undertaken as an aseptic process using sterilized caps or as a clean process outside the aseptic core. Where  the  latter  approach  is  adopted,  vials  should  be  protected by Grade A conditions up to the point of leaving the aseptic processing area, and thereafter stoppered vials should be protected with a Grade A air supply until the cap has been crimped. Where capping is a manual process it should be performed under Grade A conditions either in an appropriately designed isolator or into Grade A zone with a Grade B background.
在离开无菌处理区之前受到A级条件的保护,之后加塞的小瓶应使用A级空气供应保护,直到瓶盖卷 压紧为止。如果封盖是手工操作,则应在A级条件下进行,要么在设计适当的隔离器中进行,要么在 A级区域内进行,背景为B级。

8.26.        Where capping of aseptically filled sterile product is conducted as a clean process with Grade A air supply protection, vials with missing or displaced stoppers should be rejected prior to capping. Appropriately qualified, automated methods for stopper height detection should be in place.

8.27.        Where human intervention is required at the capping station, appropriate technological and organizational measures should be used to prevent direct contact with the vials and to minimize microbial contamination.

8.28.        RABS and isolators may be beneficial in assuring the required conditions and minimizing the microbial contamination associated with direct human interventions into the capping operation.

8.29.        All filled containers of parenteral products should be inspected individually for extraneous contamination or other defects. Defect classification and criticality should be determined during qualification and based on risk and historical knowledge. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, the potential impact of the defect to the  patient and the route of administration. Different defect types should be categorized  and  batch performance analysed. Batches with unusual levels of defects, when compared with routine defect numbers for the process (based on historical and trend data), should lead to an investigation. A defect library should be generated and  maintained which captures all known classes of defects. The defect library should be used for the training of production and quality assurance personnel. Critical defects should not be identified during any subsequent sampling and inspection of acceptable containers. Any critical defect identified should trigger an investigation as it indicates a possible failure of the original inspection process.
严重程度应在验证期间根据风险和历史知识确定。要考虑的因素包括但不限于缺陷对患者的潜在影响 和给药途径。应对不同的缺陷类型进行分类,并批量性能进行分析。当与工艺的常规缺陷数(基于历
史和趋势数据)比较时,具有异常缺陷水平的批次,应该会导致调查。应该生成并维护一个缺陷库, 该库捕获所有已知的缺陷类。缺陷库应用于生产和质量保证人员的培训。在随后对可接受容器进行的
任何抽样和检查期间,不应识别出关键缺陷。任何发现的关键缺陷都应引发调查,因为它表明最初的 检查过程可能失败。

8.30.        When inspection is done manually, it should be performed under suitable and controlled conditions of illumination and background. Inspection rates should be appropriately controlled and qualified. Operators performing the inspection should undergo visual inspection qualification (whilst wearing corrective lenses, if these are normally worn) at least annually. The qualification should be undertaken using appropriate samples from the manufacturer's defect library sets and taking into consideration worst case scenarios (e.g. inspection time, line speed where the product is transferred to the operator by a conveyor system, container size or fatigue at the end of shift) and should include consideration of eyesight checks. Operator distractions should be minimized and frequent breaks, of an appropriate duration, from inspection should be taken.

当手动进行检查时,应在合适的和受控的照明和背景条件下进行。应适当控制检查率并确保合格。执 行检查的操作员应进行目视检查资格鉴定(如果正常佩戴矫正镜片,则应佩戴矫正镜片)。至少每年 一次。应使用制造商缺陷库中的适当样品进行鉴定,并考虑最坏情况。场景(例如:检验时间、通过 输送系统将产品传送给操作员的生产线速度、容器尺寸或轮班结束时的疲劳程度)并应考虑进行视力 检查。应尽量减少操作者的注意力分散,并应在适当的时间内经常中断检查。

8.31.        Where automated methods of inspection are used, the process should be validated to detect known defects (which may impact the product quality, safety or efficacy) and be equal to, or better than, manual inspection methods. The performance of the equipment should be challenged using representative defects prior to start up and at regular intervals.
或有效性),且该流程应等于或优于人工检验方法。应在启动前定期使用代表性缺陷对设备的性能提 出质疑。

8.32.        Results of the inspection should be recorded and defect types and numbers trended. Reject levels for the various defect types should also be trended based on statistical principles. Impact to product on the market should be assessed as part of the investigation when adverse trends are observed.


8.33.        Where possible, finished product should be terminally sterilized, using a validated and controlled sterilization process, as this provides a greater assurance of sterility than a validated and controlled sterile filtration process and/or aseptic processing. Where it is not possible for a product to undergo terminal sterilization, consideration should be given to using terminal bioburden reduction steps, such as heat treatments (e.g. pasteurization), combined with aseptic process to give improved sterility assurance.
制的无菌过滤过程和/或无菌处理更大的无菌性保证。如果不可能对产品进行最终灭菌,则应考虑使 用最终生物负荷减少步骤,例如热处理巴氏杀菌),结合无菌工艺,以提供更好的无菌保证。

8.34.        The selection, design and location of the equipment and cycle/programme used for sterilization should be based on scientific principles and data which demonstrate repeatability and reliability of the sterilization process. Critical parameters should be defined, controlled, monitored and recorded.

8.35.        All sterilization processes should be validated. Validation studies should take into account the product composition, storage conditions and maximum time between the start of the preparation of a product or material to be sterilized and its sterilization. Before any sterilization process is adopted, its suitability for the product and equipment, and its efficacy in consistently achieving the desired sterilizing conditions in all parts of each type of load to be processed should be validated notably by physical measurements and where appropriate by biological indicators (BI). For effective sterilization, the whole of the product, and surfaces of equipment and components should be subject to the required treatment and the process should be designed to ensure that this is achieved.
到灭菌之间的最长时间。在采用任何灭菌工艺之前,其对产品和设备的适用性,并且应验证其在待处 理的每种装载的所有部分中持续达到所需灭菌条件的效力。可通过物理测量,并在适当情况下通过生

8.36.        Particular attention should be given when the adopted sterilization method is not described in the current edition of the Pharmacopoeia, or when it is used for a product which is not a simple aqueous solution. Where possible, heat sterilization is the method of choice.

8.37.        Validated loading patterns should be established for all sterilization processes and should be subject to periodic revalidation. Maximum and minimum loads should also be considered as part of the overall load validation strategy.

8.38.        The validity of the sterilizing process should be reviewed and verified at scheduled intervals based on risk. Heat sterilization cycles should be revalidated with a minimum frequency of at least annually.

8.39.        Routine operating parameters should be established and adhered to for all sterilization processes, e.g. physical parameters and loading patterns.

8.40.        There should be mechanisms in place to detect a sterilization cycle that does not conform to the validated parameters. Any failed sterilization or sterilization that deviated from the validated process (e.g. have longer or shorter phases such as heating cycles) should be investigated.

8.41.        Suitable BIs placed at appropriate locations may be considered as an additional method to support the validation of the sterilization process. BIs should be stored and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Where BIs are used to support validation and/or to monitor a sterilization process (e.g. for ethylene oxide), positive controls should be tested for each sterilization cycle. If BIs are used, strict precautions should be taken to avoid transferring microbial contamination to the manufacturing or other testing processes. BI results in isolation do not give assurance of sterilization and should not be used to override other critical parameters and process design elements.
进行储存和使用。其中BIS用于支持验证和/或监控灭菌过程(例如环氧乙烷)此外,应为每个灭菌周 期测试阳性对照。如果使用BIS,应采取严格的预防措施,以避免将微生物污染转移到制造或其他测

8.42.        The reliability of BIs is important. Suppliers should be qualified and transportation and storage conditions should be controlled in order that BI quality is not compromised. Prior to use of a new batch/lot of BIs, the population and identity of the indicator organism of the batch/lot should be verified. For other critical parameters, e.g. D value, Z value, the batch certificate provided by the qualified supplier can normally be used.
使用新批/批次BIS之前,应核实该批/批次的指示生物的种群和身份。对于其他关键参数,如D值、Z 值,可正常使用合格供方提供的批次证。

8.43.        There should be a clear means of differentiating products, equipment and components, which have not been subjected to the sterilization process from those which have. Containers used to carry products such as baskets or trays, items of equipment and/or components should be clearly labelled (or electronically tracked) with the material name, product batch number and an indication of whether or not it has been sterilized. Indicators such as autoclave tape, or irradiation indicators may be used, where appropriate, to indicate whether or not a batch (or sub batch) has passed through a sterilization process. However, these indicators show only that the sterilization process has occurred, they do not indicate product sterility or achievement of the required sterility assurance level.
品的容器,如篮子或托盘,设备和(或)部件应清楚地贴上标签(或电子跟踪)有物料名称、产品批 号和是否灭菌的说明。在适当的情况下,可以使用诸如高压灭菌带或辐照指示器之类的指示器来指示
一批(或子批)已经经过了消毒过程。然而,这些指标只表明发生了灭菌过程,它们不表示产品无菌 或达到要求的无菌保证水平。

8.44.        Sterilization records should be available for each sterilization run. Each cycle should have a unique identifier.

They should be reviewed and approved as part of the batch certification procedure. 每次灭菌都应有灭菌记录。每个周期应该有一个唯一的标识符。它们应作为批认证程序的一部分进行 审查和批准。

8.45.        Where possible, materials, equipment and components should be sterilized by validated methods appropriate to the specific material. Suitable protection after sterilization should be provided to prevent recontamination. If sterilized items are not used immediately after sterilization, these should be stored using appropriately sealed packaging. A maximum hold time should also be established. Where justified, components that have been packaged with multiple sterile packaging layers need not be stored in a cleanroom if the integrity and configuration of the sterile pack allows the items to be readily disinfected during transfer by operators into the Grade A zone, (e.g. by the use of multiple sterile coverings that can be removed at each transfer from lower to higher grade). Where protection is achieved by containment in sealed packaging, this packaging process should be undertaken prior to sterilization.
适当的保护,以防止再污染。如果灭菌后的物品没有立即使用,应使用适当的密封包装储存。还应规 定最长保留时间。在合理的情况下,已经用多个无菌包装层包装的部件不需要存储在洁净室中,如果

8.46.        Where materials, equipment, components and ancillary items are sterilized in sealed packaging and then transferred into the Grade A zone, this should be done using appropriate, validated methods (for example, airlocks or pass through hatches) with accompanying disinfection of the exterior of the sealed packaging. The use of rapid transfer port technology should also be considered. These methods should be demonstrated to effectively control the potential risk of contamination of the Grade A zone and Grade B area and, likewise, the disinfection procedure should be demonstrated to be effective in reducing any contamination on the packaging to acceptable levels for entry of the item into the Grade B and Grade A areas.
气闸或传递窗)进行此项工作。同时对密封包装的外部进行消毒。还应考虑使用快速传输端口技术。 应证明这些方法可有效控制A级区和B级区的潜在污染风险,应证明灭菌程序能有效地将包装上的任

8.47.        Where materials, equipment, components and ancillary items are sterilized in sealed packaging or containers, the packaging sealing process should be validated. The validation should consider the integrity of the sterile protective barrier system and the maximum hold time before sterilization and maximum shelf life assigned to the sterilized items. The integrity of the sterile protective barrier system for each of the sterilized items should be confirmed prior to use.
证应考虑无菌保护屏障系统的完整性、灭菌前的最长保存时间以及分配给已灭菌物品的最长保存期。 在使用前,应确认每个已灭菌物品的无菌保护屏障系统的完整性。

8.48.        For materials, equipment, components and ancillary items that are necessary for aseptic processing but cannot be sterilized, an effective and validated disinfection and transfer process should be in place. These items, once disinfected, should be protected to prevent recontamination. These items, and others representing potential routes of contamination, should be included in the environmental monitoring program.
流程。这些物品一旦灭菌后,应加以保护,防止再次污染。这些物品和其他代表潜在污染途径的物品, 应列入环境监测计划。

Sterilization by heat

8.49.        Each heat sterilization cycle should be recorded either electronically or by hardcopy, on equipment with suitable accuracy and precision. Monitoring and recording systems should be independent of the controlling system (e.g. by the use of duplex/double probes).

8.50.        The position of the temperature probes used for controlling and/or recording should be determined during the validation which should include heat distribution and penetration studies and, where applicable, also checked against a second independent temperature probe located at the same position.

8.51.        Sufficient time should be allowed for the whole of the load to reach the required temperature before measurement of the sterilizing time period starts. For sterilization cycles controlled by using a reference probe within the load, specific consideration should be given to ensuring the load probe temperature is controlled within defined temperature range prior to cycle commencement.
在开始测量灭菌时间之前,应使整个负载有足够的时间达到所需的温度。 对于在负载内使用参考探

8.52.        After completion of the high temperature phase of a heat sterilization cycle, precautions should be taken against contamination of a sterilized load during cooling. Any cooling liquid or gas that comes in contact with the product or sterilized material should besterilized.

8.53.        In those cases where parametric release has been authorized, a robust system should be applied to the product lifecycle validation and the routine monitoring of the manufacturing process. This system should be periodically reviewed. Further guidance regarding parametric release is provided in Annex 17.
在已批准参数发布的情况下,应将稳定的系统应用于产品生命周期验证和制造过程的常规监视。 该
系统应定期审查。 附件17提供了有关参数释放的更多指南。

Moist heat sterilization

8.54.        Moist heat sterilization utilises steam or superheated water, typically at lower temperatures and shorter duration than dry heat processes, in order to sterilize a product or article. Moist heat sterilization of hard goods or porous loads is primarily effected by latent heat of condensation of clean steam and the quality of steam is therefore important to provide consistent results. For aqueous liquid filled containers, energy from moist heat is transferred through conduction and/or convection to the content of the container without direct contact with the autoclave steam. In these cases, time and temperature are the key parameters and steam quality does not have the same impact to the process. Moist heat sterilization processes may be utilized to sterilize or control bioburden (for non sterile applications) of thermally stable materials, articles or products and is the preferred method of sterilization, where possible. Moist heat sterilization can be achieved using steam, (direct or indirect contact), but also includes other systems such as superheated water systems. Superheated systems are typically used for the terminal sterilization of product in flexible containers where the pressure differentials associated with the steam would cause damage to the primary container.
质物品或多孔物的湿热灭菌主要受清洁蒸汽的冷凝潜热和蒸汽质量的影响。因此,提供一致的结果很 重要。对于水液体填充的容器,来自湿热的能量通过传导和/或对流传递到容器的内容物,而不与高 压釜直接接触蒸汽。在这些情况下,时间和温度是关键参数,而蒸汽品质对过程的影响并不相同。湿
热灭菌过程可用于灭菌或控制生物菌(对于非无菌应用)。对热稳定的材料、物品或产品进行消毒, 并在可能的情况下作为首选的消毒方法。可使用蒸汽(直接或间接接触)进行湿热灭菌。,还包括过 热水系统等其他系统。过热系统通常用于对柔性容器中的产品进行终端灭菌,其中压力差蒸汽会对主 容器造成损坏。

8.55.        For porous cycles (hard goods) time, temperature and pressure should be used to monitor the process. Each item sterilized should be inspected for damage, packaging material integrity and moisture on removal from the autoclave. Any item found not to be fit for purpose should be removed from the manufacturing area and an investigation performed.
灭菌的每个物品是否损坏、包装材料是否完整以及是否受潮。任何发现不适合使用的物品都应从制造 区域移走,并进行调查。

8.56.        For autoclaves fitted with a drain at the bottom of the chamber, the temperature should be recorded at this position throughout the sterilization period. For steam in place systems, the temperature should be recorded at condensate drain locations throughout the sterilization period.

8.57.        Validation of porous cycles should include a calculation of equilibration time, exposure time, correlation of pressure and temperature and maximum temperature range during exposure. Validation of fluid cycles should include temperature, time and/or Fo. These critical processing parameters should be subject to defined limits (including appropriate tolerances) and be confirmed as part of the sterilization validation and routine cycle acceptance criteria.
算。流体循环的验证应包括温度、时间和/或FO。这些关键工艺参数应符合规定的限值(包括适当的 公差),并作为灭菌验证和常规周期验收标准的一部分加以确认。

8.58.        Leak tests on the sterilizing system should be carried out periodically (normally weekly) when a vacuum phase is part of the cycle or the system is returned, post sterilization, to a pressure lower than the environment surrounding the sterilized system.

8.59.        There should be adequate assurance of air removal prior to and during sterilization when the sterilization process includes air purging (e.g. porous autoclave loads, lyophilizer chambers). For autoclaves, this should include an air removal test cycle (normally performed on a daily basis) or an air detector system. Loads to be sterilized should be designed to support effective air removal and be free draining to prevent the build up of condensate.
空气去除。对于高压灭菌器,这应包括空气去除试验循环(通常每天进行)或空气检测系统。要消毒 的负载应设计为支持有效的空气去除,并可自由排放,以防止冷凝水的积聚。

8.60.        The items to be sterilized, other than products in sealed containers, should be dry, wrapped in a material which allows removal of air and penetration of steam and prevents recontamination after sterilization. All loaded items should be dry upon removal from the sterilizer. Load dryness should be confirmed by visual inspection as a part of the sterilization process acceptance.
消毒后再次污染。所有装载的物品从消毒器中取出后应保持干燥。作为灭菌过程验收的一部分,应通 过目视检查来确认负载的干燥度。

8.61.        If it is necessary to wet equipment using WFI (e.g. ultrafiltration membrane) prior to the sterilization process, then a risk based assessment should be carried out to demonstrate the acceptable dryness level that will not impact the sterility of the equipment sterilized and the product sterility assurance level. The hold time between the wetting phase and sterilization should be justified and validated.
受的干燥水平不会影响灭菌设备的无菌和产品的无菌保证水平。润湿阶段和灭菌之间的保持时间应合 理并经过验证。

8.62.        Distortion and damage of non rigid containers that are terminally sterilized, such as containers produced by Blow Fill Seal or Form Fill Seal technologies, should be prevented by appropriate cycle design and control (for instance setting correct pressure, heating and cooling rates and loading patterns).

8.63.        Where steam in place systems are used (e.g. for fixed pipework, vessels and lyophilizer chambers), the system should be appropriately designed and validated to assure all parts of the system are subjected to the required treatment. The system should be monitored for temperature, pressure and time at appropriate locations during routine  use  to  ensure  all  areas  are  effectively  and  reproducibly  sterilized.  These  locations  should  be

demonstrated as being representative of, and correlated with, the slowest to heat locations during initial and routine validation. Once a system has been sterilized by steam in place it should remain integral and held under positive pressure prior to use.
以确保系统的所有部件都经过所需的处理。应监测系统的温度,在常规使用过程中,在适当的位置施 加压力和时间,以确保所有区域都得到有效和可重复的消毒。应证明这些位置具有代表性,并与之相
关。在初始和常规验证期间,加热位置最慢。一旦系统被蒸汽就地消毒,在使用前应保持完整并在正 压力下保持。

8.64.        For systems using superheated water rather than steam, as the sterilizing agent, the heated water should consistently reach all of the required contact points. Initial qualification studies should include temperature mapping of the entire load. There should be routine checks on the equipment to ensure that nozzles (where the water is introduced) are not blocked and drains remain free from debris.

8.65.        For the qualification of superheated systems it should be demonstrated that all parts of the load meet the minimum required temperature and that routine monitoring probes are located in the worst case positions identified during the qualification process.

Dry heat sterilization

8.66.        Dry heat sterilization is of particular use in the removal of thermally robust contaminants such as pyrogens and is often used in the preparation of components for aseptic filling. The combination of time and temperature to which product, components and equipment are exposed should produce an adequate and reproducible level of lethality and/or pyrogen (endotoxin) inactivation/removal when operated routinely within the established limits.
暴露的时间和温度组合应在规定限度内常规操作时产生足够的和可再现的致死性和/或热原(内毒素) 灭活/去除水平。

8.67.        Dry heat sterilization/depyrogenation tunnels should be configured to ensure that airflow protects the integrity and performance of the Grade A sterilizing zone by maintaining pressure differentials and airflow through the tunnel from the higher grade area to the lower grade area. Airflow patterns should be visualised and correlated with temperature studies. The impact of any airflow change should be assessed to ensure the heating profile is maintained. All air supplied to the tunnel should pass through at least a HEPA filter and periodic tests should be performed to demonstrate air filter integrity (at least biannually). Any tunnel parts that come into contact with sterilized components should be appropriately sterilized or disinfected. Critical process parameters that should be considered during validation and/or routine processing should include, but may not be limited to:
道从较高等级区域到较低等级区域来形成加热区。气流模式应可视化,并与温度研究相关联。应评估 任何气流变化的影响,以确保维持加热剖面。所有供应至隧道的空气应至少通过一个高效空气过滤器,

8.67.1.        Belt speed or dwell time within the sterilizing zone.

8.67.2.        Temperature – minimum and maximum temperatures.
温度 最低和最高温度。

8.67.3.        Heat penetration of the material/article.

8.67.4.        Heat distribution/uniformity.


8.67.5.        Airflows – correlated with the heat distribution and penetration studies.

8.68.        When a thermal depyrogenation process is used for any component or product contact equipment, validation studies should be performed to demonstrate that the process provides a suitable Fh value and results in a minimum 3 log reduction in endotoxinsconcentration.

8.69.        Containers inoculated with endotoxin should be used during validation and should be carefully managed with a full reconciliation performed. Containers should be representative of the materials normally processed. Endotoxin quantification and recovery efficiency should also be demonstrated through biological measurement.

8.70.        Dry heat ovens are typically employed to sterilize or depyrogenate primary packaging components, finished materials or active substances but may be used for other processes. They should be maintained at a positive pressure relative to lower grade areas throughout the sterilization and post sterilization hold process. All air entering the oven should pass through a sterilizing filter. Critical process parameters that should be considered in qualification and/or routine processing should include, but may not be limited to:
个灭菌和灭菌后保持过程中,它们应保持相对于较低等级区域的正压。所有进入烤箱的空气都应经过 消毒过滤器。在鉴定和/或例行处理中应考虑的关键工艺参数应包括但不限于:

8.70.1.        Temperature.

8.70.2.        Exposure period/time.

8.70.3.        Chamber pressure (for maintenance of over pressure).

8.70.4.        Air speed.

8.70.5.        Air quality within the oven.

8.70.6.        Heat penetration of material/article (slow to heat spots).

8.70.7.        Heat distribution/uniformity.

8.71.        For dry heat sterilization of starting materials and intermediates, the same principles should be applied.
Consideration should also be given to factors affecting heat penetration such as the container type, size and packing matrix.

Sterilization by radiation

8.72.        Guidance regarding ionising radiation sterilization can be found within Annex 12.


8.73.        Sterilization by radiation is used mainly for the sterilization of heat sensitive materials and products. Ultraviolet irradiation is not an acceptable method of sterilization.

8.74.        Validation procedures should ensure that the effects of variations in density of the product and packages are considered.

Sterilization with ethylene oxide

8.75.        This method should only be used when no other method is practicable. During process validation, it should be shown that there is no damaging effect on the product and that the conditions and time allowed for degassing result in the reduction of any residual ethylene oxide (EO) gas and reaction products to defined acceptable limits for the given product or material.
用,且脱气的条件和时间允许将任何残留的环氧乙烷(EO)气体和反应产物减少到给定产品或材料 的规定的可接受限度。

8.76.        Direct contact between gas and microbial cells is essential, precautions should be taken to avoid the presence of organisms likely to be enclosed in material such as crystals or dried protein. The nature, porosity and quantity of packaging materials can significantly affect the process.

8.77.        Before exposure to the gas, materials should be brought into equilibrium with the humidity and temperature required by the process. The time required for this should be balanced against the opposing need to minimize the time before sterilization.

8.78.        Each sterilization cycle should be monitored with suitable BIs, using the appropriate number of test units distributed throughout the load at defined locations that have been shown to be worst case during validation.

8.79.        Critical process variables that could be considered as part of the sterilization process validation and routine monitoring include, but are not limited to:

8.79.1.        EO gas concentration.

8.79.2.        EO gas pressure.

8.79.3.        Amount of EO gas used.

8.79.4.        Relative humidity.

8.79.5.        Temperature.

8.79.6.        Exposure time.

8.80.        After sterilization, the load should be aerated to allow EO gas and/or its reaction products to desorb from the packaged product to predetermined levels. Aeration can occur within a sterilizer chamber and/or in a separate aeration chamber or aeration room. The aeration phase should be validated as part of the overall EO sterilization process validation.
以发生在灭菌器室内和/或单独的曝气室或曝气室中。曝气阶段应作为总体环氧乙烷灭菌工艺验证的 一部分进行验证。

Filter sterilization of products which cannot be sterilized in their final container

8.81.        If the product cannot be sterilized in the final container, solutions or liquids should be sterilized by filtration through a sterile sterilizing grade filter (with a nominal pore size of 0.22 μm (or less) that has been appropriately validated to obtain a sterile filtrate) and subsequently aseptically filled into a previously sterilized container. The selection of the filter used should ensure that it is compatible with the product and as described in the marketing authorization (refer to paragraph 8.125).
(或更小),已适当验证可获得无菌滤液)随后无菌填充到预先消毒的容器中。所用过滤器的选择应 确保与产品兼容,并符合营销授权书中的说明。(参见PARAG)拉斐尔8。125)

8.82.        Suitable bioburden reduction prefilters and/or sterilizing grade filters may be used at multiple points during the manufacturing process to ensure a low and controlled bioburden of the liquid prior to the primary sterilizing grade filter. Due to the potential additional risks of a sterile filtration process, as compared with other sterilization processes, a second filtration through a sterile sterilizing grade filter, immediately prior to filling, should be considered as part of an overall CCS.
级滤器之前液体的生物负荷低且受控制。由于与其他灭菌工艺相比,无菌过滤工艺存在潜在的额外风 险,因此,在灌装之前,通过无菌消毒级过滤器进行的第二次过滤应被视为整个CCS的一部分。

8.83.        The selection of components for the filtration system and their interconnection and arrangement within the filtration system, including pre filters, should be based on the critical quality attributes of the product, justified and documented. The filtration system should minimize the generation of fibres and particulates, not cause or contribute to unacceptable levels of impurities, or possess characteristics that otherwise alter the quality and efficacy of the product. Similarly, the filter characteristics should be compatible with the fluid and not be adversely affected by the product to be filtered. Adsorption of product components and extraction/leaching of filter components should be evaluated (refer to paragraph 8.125).
为基础,证明合理并记录在案。过滤系统应最大限度地减少纤维和微粒的产生,不会导致或促成不可 接受的杂质水平。或具有以其他方式改变产品质量和功效的特性。同样,过滤器特性应与流体相容,

8.84.        The filtration system should be designed to:

8.84.1.        Allow operation within validated process parameters.

8.84.2.        Maintain the sterility of the filtrate.

8.84.3.        Minimize the number of aseptic connections required between the sterilizing filter and the final filling of the product.

8.84.4.        Allow cleaning procedures to be conducted as necessary.

8.84.5.        Allow sterilization procedures, including sterilization in place, to be conducted as necessary.

8.84.6.        Permit in place integrity testing, of the 0.22 μm sterilizing filter, preferably as a closed system, prior to filtration as necessary. In place integrity testing methods should be selected to avoid any adverse impact on the quality of the product.

8.85.        Sterile filtration of liquids should be validated in accordance with European (or other relevant) Pharmacopeia requirements. Validation can be grouped by different strengths or variations of a product but should be done under worst case conditions. The rationale for grouping should be justified and documented.

8.86.        During filter validation, wherever possible, the product to be filtered should be used for bacterial retention testing of the sterilizing filter. Where the product to be filtered is not suitable for use in bacterial retention testing, a suitable surrogate product should be justified for use in the test. The challenge organism used in the bacterial retention test should be justified.
的产品不适合用于细菌保留试验,则应证明合适的替代产品可用于该试验。在细菌保留试验中使用的 挑战生物应该是合理的。

8.87.        Filtration parameters that should be considered and established in validation and monitored in routine processing should include, but are not limited to:

8.87.1.        The wetting fluid used for filter integrity testing should be based on the filter manufacturer’s recommendation or the fluid to be filtered. The appropriate integrity test value specification should be established.

8.87.2.        If the system is flushed or integrity tested in situ with a fluid other than the product, appropriate actions are taken to avoid any deleterious effect on product quality.

8.87.3.        Filtration process conditions including:
过滤工艺条件包括:        Fluid pre filtration holding time and effect on bioburden.
流体预滤保持时间及其对生物膜的影响。        Filter conditioning, with fluid if necessary.
过滤器调节,必要时使用液体。        Maximum filtration time/total time filter is in contact with fluid.
最大过滤时间/过滤器与流体接触的总时间。        Maximum operating pressure.
最大工作压力。        Flow rate.

流量。        Maximum filtration volume.
最大过滤容积。        Temperature.
温度。        The time taken to filter a known volume of bulk solution and the pressure difference to be used across the filter.

Note: Results of these checks should be included in the batch record. Any significant difference in parameters from those validated to those observed during routine manufacturing should be noted and investigated.

8.88.        The integrity of the sterilized filter assembly should be verified by integrity testing before use, to check for damage and loss of integrity caused by the filter preparation prior to use. A sterilizing grade filter that is used to sterilize a fluid should be subject to a non destructive integrity test post use prior to removal of the filter from its housing. Test results should correlate to the microbial retention capability of the filter established during validation. Examples of tests that are used include bubble point, diffusive flow, water intrusion or pressure hold test. It is recognized that pre use post sterilization integrity testing (PUPSIT) may not always be possible after sterilization due to process constraints (e.g. the filtration of very small volumes of solution). In these cases, an alternative approach may be taken providing that a thorough risk assessment has been performed and compliance is achieved by the implementation of appropriate controls to mitigate any risk of non sterility. Points to consider in such a risk assessment should include but are not be limited to:
使用前进行准备。用于对流体进行消毒的消毒级过滤器在去除F之前,应在使用后进行无损完整性测 试。滤器从它的外壳。测试结果应与验证期间建立的过滤器的微生物保留能力相关。使用的测试示例 包括泡点、扩散流、水侵入或压力保持测试。使用前和灭菌后完整性测试(PUPSIT)由于工艺的限 制(例如,过滤极少量的溶液),在灭菌后可能不总是可行的。在这些情况下,如果已经进行了彻底 的风险评估,并且通过实施以下措施实现了合规性,则可以采用另一种方法适当的控制措施,以减轻 任何不育的风险。此类风险评估中要考虑的要点应包括但不限于:

8.88.1.        In depth knowledge and control of the sterilization process to ensure that the potential for damage to the filter is minimized.

8.88.2.        In depth knowledge and control of the supply chain to include:
对供应链的深入了解和控制包括:        Contract sterilization facilities.
合同消毒设施。        Defined transport mechanisms.
定义的传输机制。        Packaging of the sterilized filter, to prevent damage to the filter during transportation and storage.

8.88.3.        In depth process knowledge such as:
深入的工艺知识,如:        The specific product type, including particulate burden and whether there exists any risk of impact on filter integrity values, such as the potential to alter integrity testing values and

therefore prevent the detection of a non integral filter during a post use filter integrity test. 具体的产品类型,包括颗粒负荷,以及是否存在影响过滤器完整性值的任何风险, 例如改变完整性测试值的可能性,从而防止在使用后过滤器完整性测试期间检测到
非完整的过滤器。        Pre filtration and processing steps, prior to the sterilizing filter, which would remove particulate burden and clarify the product prior to the sterile filtration.

8.89.        The integrity of critical sterile gas and air vent filters (that are directly linked to the sterility of the product) should be verified by testing after use, with the filter remaining in the filterassembly.

8.90.        The integrity of non critical air or gas vent filters should be confirmed and recorded at appropriate intervals.
Where gas filters are in place for extended periods such as vent filters, integrity testing should be carried out pre and post use. The maximum duration of use should be specified and monitored based on risk (e.g. considering the maximum number of uses and sterilization cycles permitted).
过滤器)安装时间较长,则应在使用前和使用后进行完整性测试。应根据风险(例如,考虑允许的最 大使用次数和绝育周期)规定和监测最长使用期限。

8.91.        For gas filtration, attention should be paid to avoiding unintended moistening or wetting of the filter or filter equipment. This can be achieved by the use of hydrophobic filters.

8.92.        If the sterilizing filtration process has been validated as a system consisting of multiple filters to achieve the sterility for a given fluid, the filtration system is considered to be a single sterilizing unit and all filters within the system should satisfactorily pass integrity testing after use.

8.93.        In a redundant filtration system (where a second filter is present as a backup but the sterilizing process is validated as only requiring one filter), post use integrity test of the primary sterilizing filter should be performed and if demonstrated to be integral, then a post use integrity test of the secondary filter is not necessary. However, in the event of a failure of the post use integrity test on the primary filter, a risk assessment should be carried out to determine the acceptability of performing a post use integrity test on the secondary (redundant) filter.
毒过滤器进行使用后的完整性测试,如果证明是完整的,则无需对次级过滤器进行使用后完整性测试。 但是,如果主过滤器的后使用完整性测试失败,应进行风险评估,以确定对二次(冗余)进行使用后

8.94.        Bioburden samples should be taken from the bulk product and immediately prior to the final sterile filtration.
Systems for taking samples should be designed so as not to introduce contamination.

8.95.        Liquid sterilizing filters should be discarded after the processing of a single lot and the same filter should not be used for more than one working day unless such use has been validated.

8.96.        Where campaign manufacture of a product has been appropriately justified in the CCS and validated, the filter user should:

8.96.1.        Assess and document the risks associated with the duration of filter use for the sterile filtration process

for a given fluid.

8.96.2.        Conduct and document effective validation and qualification studies to demonstrate that the duration of filter use for a given sterile filtration process and for a given fluid does not compromise performance of the sterilizing filter or filtrate quality.

8.96.3.        Document the maximum validated duration of use for the filter and implement controls to ensure that filters are not used beyond the validated maximum duration. Records of these controls should be maintained.

8.96.4.        Implement controls to ensure that filters contaminated with fluid or cleaning agent residues, or considered defective in any other way, are removed from use.

Form Fill Seal

8.97.        Form Fill Seal (FFS) units include blow moulding from thermoplastic granulate and thermoforming from thermoplastic film, typically known as Blow Fill Seal (BFS) and Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS), respectively. VFFS process is an automated filling process, typically for terminally sterilized products, that may utilize a single or dual web system which constructs the primary container out of a flat roll of thermoplastic film while simultaneously filling the formed bags with product and sealing the filled bags in a continuous process. All such containers are considered to be closed through sealing by fusion and, as such, fall under the requirement to perform 100% integrity testing (refer to paragraph 8.21).
填 表密封( FFS) 设备包括 热塑性颗 粒的吹 塑和热 塑性薄膜 的热成 型,通 常称为吹 塑填充 密封
(BFS)。和垂直形式填充密封件(VFFS)。VFFS工艺是一种自动灌装工艺,通常用于终端灭菌产 品。其可以利用单幅或双幅系统,该系统在同时填充的同时从热塑性薄膜的平卷构造主容器在连续的

8.98.        Process parameters relating to seal integrity should be qualified and appropriately controlled.

8.99.        Critical parameters include, but are not limited to:

8.99.1.        Seal strength.

8.99.2.        Seal uniformity.

8.99.3.        Sealing temperatures.

8.99.4.        Sealing pressures.

8.99.5.        Sealing times.

8.99.6.        Dwell time for filling.


8.100.        Seal strength and uniformity should be monitored routinely.

8.101.        The controls identified during qualification should be in alignment with the site’s CCS. Aspects to be considered include but are not limited to:

8.101.1.        Determination of the boundaries of the critical zone.

8.101.2.        Environmental control and monitoring, both of the machine and the background in which it is placed.

8.101.3.        Integrity testing of the product filling lines.

8.101.4.        Integrity testing of the cooling system.

8.101.5.        Duration of the batch or filling campaign.

8.101.6.        Control of polymer starting material (including resin pellets).

8.101.7.        Cleaning in place and sterilization in place of equipment in direct contact to the formulation (product filling lines); sterilization in place of sterile air pathways.

Blow Fill Seal

8.102.        Blow Fill Seal (BFS) units are purpose built machines in which, in one continuous operation, containers are formed from a thermoplastic granulate, filled and then sealed by one automatic machine. Air that makes contact with critical surfaces of the container during extrusion, formation or sealing of the moulded container should undergo appropriate filtration.
充,然后由一台自动机器密封。在模塑容器的挤压、成型或密封过程中与容器的关键表面接触的空气 应经过适当的过滤。

8.103.        For shuttle type equipment used for aseptic filling, the area between parison cutting and mould sealing should be covered by a flow of filtered air to provide Grade A conditions at the critical zone. The equipment should be  installed in at least a Grade C environment, provided that Grade A/B clothing is used. The filling environment should meet Grade A for viable and non viable limits at rest and the viable limit only when in operation.
供A级条件。设备应至少安装在C级环境中,前提是使用A/B级服装。充填环境在静止时应满足可行和 不可行极限的A级,仅在操作时满足可行极限的A级。

8.104.        For rotary type equipment, used for aseptic filling, the filling environment should be designed to meet Grade A conditions. Other sterility assurance controls such as monitoring of critical parameters and alarms during each batch and parison support filter integrity testing should be considered.

8.105.        The environmental control and monitoring program should take into consideration the moving parts and

complex airflow paths generated by the BFS process and the effect of the high heat outputs of the process, e.g. by performing smoke studies and/or other equivalent studies. Environmental monitoring should be applied taking into consideration elements such as air filter configuration, air filter integrity, cooling systems integrity, equipment design and installation.
例如通过进行烟雾研究和/或其他等效研究。在进行环境监测时,应考虑空气过滤器配置、空气过滤 器完整性、冷却系统完整性、设备设计和安装等因素。

8.106.        Blow Fill Seal equipment used for the manufacture of products which are terminally sterilized should be installed in at least a Grade D environment. The conditions at the point of fill should comply with the environmental requirements of paragraphs 8.3 and 8.4.

8.107.        External particulate and microbial contamination of the polymer should be prevented by appropriate design, control, and maintenance of the polymer storage, sampling and distribution systems. The capability of the extrusion system to provide appropriate sterility assurance for the moulded container should be fully understood and validated. The sampling frequency, the bioburden and, where applicable, endotoxins levels of the raw polymer should be defined and controlled within the CCS.
染。应充分了解和验证挤压系统为模制容器提供适当无菌保证的能力。应在CCS中规定和控制取样频 率、生物负荷和(如适用)原聚合物的内毒素水平。

8.108.        Interventions requiring cessation of filling and/or extrusion, moulding and sealing and, where required, re sterilization of the filling machine should be clearly defined and well described in the aseptic filling procedure, and included in the APS (refer to paragraphs 9.36, 9.37 and 9.38).

8.109.        The moulds used to form containers are considered critical equipment and any changes or modification to moulds should result in an assessment of finished product container integrity, and should be supported by validation.


8.110.        Lyophilization is a critical process step and all activities that can affect the sterility of the product or material need to be regarded as extensions of the aseptic processing of the sterilized product. The lyophilization equipment and its processes should be designed to ensure that product or material sterility is maintained during lyophilization by preventing microbial and particulate contamination between the filling of products for lyophilization, and completion of lyophilization process. All control measures in place should be determined by the site’s CCS.
菌工艺。冻干设备及其工艺的设计应确保产品或材料在冻干过程中保持无菌防止冻干产品灌装和冻干 过程完成之间的微生物和颗粒污染。所有控制措施应由现场的CCS确定。

8.111.        The sterilization of lyophilizers and associated equipment, (e.g. trays, vial support rings) should be validated and holding times between sterilization cycles appropriately challenged during aseptic process simulations. The lyophilizer should be sterilized regularly, based on system design. Re sterilization should be performed following maintenance or cleaning. Sterilized lyophilizers and associated equipment should be protected from contamination after sterilization.
周期之间的保持时间。根据系统设计,冻干机应定期消毒。应在维护或清洁后进行再消毒。灭菌后的 冻干机和相关设备应防止污染。

8.112.        Lyophilizers that are manually loaded or unloaded should normally be sterilized before each load. For lyophilizers loaded by automated closed systems or located within systems that exclude operator intervention, the frequency of sterilization should be justified and documented as part of the CCS.

8.113.        The integrity of the lyophilizer system should be maintained following sterilization and during use. The filter used to maintain lyophilizer integrity should be sterilized before each use of the system and its integrity testing results should be part of the batch certification. The frequency of vacuum/leak integrity testing of the chamber should be documented and the maximum permitted leakage of air into the lyophilizer should be specified and checked at the start of every cycle.
系统之前进行消毒,其完整性测试结果应作为批次认证的一部分。应记录真空室的真空/泄漏完整性 测试的频率,并应规定进入冻干机的空气的最大允许泄漏量,并在每个周期开始时进行检查。

8.114.        Lyophilization trays should be checked regularly to ensure that they are not misshapen or damaged.

8.115.        Points to consider for the design of loading (and unloading, where the lyophilised material is not in a sealed container (e.g. open tray dried materials), include but are not limited to:

8.115.1.        The loading pattern within the lyophilizer should be specified and documented.

8.115.2.        The transfer of partially closed containers to a lyophilizer should be undertaken under Grade A conditions at all times and handled in a manner designed to minimize direct operator intervention. Technologies such as conveyor systems, portable transfer systems (e.g. clean air transfer carts, portable unidirectional airflow workstations) should be used to ensure that the cleanliness of the system used to transfer the partially closed containers is maintained). Alternatively, where supported by validation, containers closed in the Grade A zone and not reopened whilst in the Grade B may be used to protect partially stoppered vials (e.g. sealed sterilized trays).
大限度地减少操作员的直接干预。技术,如输送机系统、便携式传送系统(如清洁空气传送 推车、便携式单向气流工作站)以确保用于转移部分封闭容器的系统保持清洁)。或者,在

8.115.3.        Airflow patterns should not be adversely affected by transport devices and venting of the loading zone.

8.115.4.        Unsealed containers (such as partially stoppered vials) should be maintained under Grade A conditions and should normally be separated from operators by physical barrier technology or any other appropriate measures.

8.115.5.        Where seating of the stoppers is not completed prior to opening the lyophilizer chamber, product removed from the lyophilizer should remain under Grade A conditions during subsequent handling.

8.115.6.        Utensils used during transfer to and loading and unloading of the lyophilizer (such as trays, bags, placing devices, tweezers, etc.) should be subject to a validated sterilization process.

Closed systems

8.116.        Closed systems can be single use systems (i.e. disposable systems) and fixed systems (such as vessels with fixed pipework). Guidance in this section is equally applicable to both systems.

8.117.        The use of closed systems can reduce the risk of extraneous contamination such as microbial, particulate and chemical from the adjacent environment. Closed systems should always be designed to reduce the need for, and complexity of manual interventions.

8.118.        It is critical to ensure the sterility of all product contact surfaces of closed systems used for aseptic processing.
The design and selection of any closed system used for aseptic processing should ensure maintenance of sterility. Connection of sterile equipment (e.g. tubing / pipework) to the sterilized product pathway after the final sterilizing filter should be designed to be connected aseptically (e.g. by intrinsic aseptic connectors or fusion systems).
的设计和选择应确保保持无菌。在最终灭菌过滤器之后,无菌设备(例如,管道)与灭菌产品通道的 连接应设计为无菌连接(例如,通过内部无菌连接器或熔合系统)。

8.119.        Appropriate measures should be in place to ensure the integrity of components used in aseptic connections. The means by which this is achieved should be determined and captured in the CCS. Appropriate system integrity tests should be considered when there is a risk of compromising product sterility. Supplier assessment should include the collation of data in relation to potential failure modes that may lead to a loss of system sterility.
入综合传播战略。当存在危及产品无菌的风险时,应考虑进行适当的系统完整性测试。供应商评估应 包括整理与可能导致系统失效的潜在故障模式相关的数据。

8.120.        The background in which closed systems are located should be based on their design and the processes undertaken. For aseptic processing and where there are any risks that system integrity may be compromised, the system should be located in a Grade A zone. If the system can be shown to remain integral at every usage
(e.g. via pressure testing and/or monitoring) then a lower classified area may be used. If the closed system is opened (e.g. for maintenance of a bulk manufacturing line) then this should be performed in a classified area appropriate to the materials (e.g. Grade C for terminally sterilization processes, or Grade A for aseptic processing) or be subject to further cleaning and disinfection (and sterilization in case of aseptic processes).
系统应位于A级区域。如果系统在每次使用时(例如通过压力测试和/或监控)都能保持完整,则可以 使用较低分类的区域。如果封闭系统被打开(例如,用于批量生产线的维护)则应在与材料相适应的 分类区域执行此操作。(例如:C级用于最终灭菌过程,或A级用于无菌过程)或进行进一步的清洁和 消毒(如果是无菌工艺,则进行灭菌)

Single use systems (SUS)

8.121.        SUS are those technologies used in manufacture of sterile products which are used as an alternative to reusable equipment. SUS can be individual components or made up of multiple components such as bags, filters, tubing, connectors, valves, storage bottles and sensors.

8.122.        There are some specific risks associated with SUS which should be assessed as part of the CCS. These risks include but are not limited to:

8.122.1.        The interaction between the product and product contact surface (such as adsorption, or the formation of leachables and extractables).

8.122.2.        The fragile nature of the system compared to fixed reusable systems.

8.122.3.        The increase in the number and complexity of manual operations (including inspection and handling of the system) and connections made.

8.122.4.        The complexity of the assembly.

8.122.5.        The performance of the pre use integrity test for sterilizing grade filters (refer to paragraph 8.88).

8.122.6.        The risk of holes and leakage.

8.122.7.        The potential for compromising the system at the point of opening the outer packaging.

8.122.8.        The risk of particulate contamination.

8.123.        Sterilization  processes  for  SUS  should  be  validated  and  shown  to  have  no  adverse  impact  on  system performance.

8.124.        Assessment of suppliers of disposable systems including sterilization is critical to the selection and use of these systems. For sterile SUS, verification of sterility should be performed as part of the supplier qualification and on receipt and use of each unit. 对包括灭菌在内的一次性系统供应商的评估对于这些系统的选择和使用至关重要。对于无菌SUS,应

8.125.        The adsorption and reactivity of the product with product contact surfaces should be evaluated under process conditions.

8.126.        The extractable and leachable profile of the SUS and any impact on the quality of the product especially where the system is made from polymer based materials should be evaluated. An assessment should be carried out for each component to evaluate the applicability of the extractable profile data. For components considered to be at high risk from leachables, including those that may absorb processed materials or those with extended material contact times, an assessment of leachable profile studies, including safety concerns, should be taken into consideration. If applying simulated processing conditions, these should accurately reflect the actual processing conditions and be based on a scientific rationale.
材料进行评估。应对每个组成部分进行评估,以评价可提取的剖面数据的适用性。对于被认为来自可 沥滤物的高风险部件,包括可能吸收处理过的材料或材料接触时间延长的材料,评估可沥滤的概况研

8.127.        SUS should be designed to maintain integrity throughout processing under the intended operational conditions.

Attention to the structural integrity of the single use components is necessary where these may be exposed to more extreme conditions (e.g. freezing and thawing processes) either during routine processing or transportation. This should include verification that intrinsic aseptic connections (both heat sealed and mechanically sealed) remain integral under these conditions.
性使用部件可能暴露于更极端的条件(例如冷冻和解冻过程),则必须注意这些部件的结构完整性。 这应包括验证内在无菌连接(热密封和机械密封)在这些条件下保持完整。

8.128.        Acceptance criteria should be established and implemented for SUS corresponding to the risks or criticality of the products and its processes. On receipt, each piece of SUS should be checked to ensure that they have been manufactured, supplied and delivered in accordance with the approved specification. A visual inspection of the outer packaging (e.g. appearance of exterior carton, product pouches), label printing, and review of attached documents (e.g. certificate of conformance and proof of sterilization) should be carried out and documented prior to use.
SUS,以确保它们是制造的。按照批准的规格供应和交付。外部包装的目视检查(如外部纸箱、产品 小袋的外观)、标签打印和附加文件的审核(例如,符合性证书和灭菌证明)应在使用前进行并记录。

8.129.        Critical manual handling operations of SUS such as assembly and connections should be subject to appropriate controls and verified during the APS.

9.        Viable and non viable environmental & process monitoring


9.1.        The site’s environmental and process monitoring program forms part of the overall CCS and is used to monitor the controls designed to minimize the risk of microbial and particulate contamination. It should be noted that the reliability of each of the elements of the monitoring system (viable, non viable and APS) when taken in isolation is limited and should not be considered individually to be an indicator of asepsis. When considered together, their reliability is dependent on the design, validation and operation of the system that they are monitoring.
粒污染。应当指出,监测系统的每一个要素(可行、不可行和APS)的可靠性当采取隔离是有限的, 不应被视为一个单独的无菌指标。当综合考虑时,它们的可靠性取决于它们所监测的系统的设计、验

9.2.        This program is typically comprised of the following elements:

9.2.1.        Environnemental monitoring – non viable particles.
环境监测 非活性颗粒。

9.2.2.        Environmental and personnel monitoring – viable particles.
环境和人员监测 活性粒子。

9.2.3.        Aseptic process simulation (aseptically manufactured product only).

9.3.        The information from these systems should be used for routine batch certification and for periodic assessment during process review or investigation. This applies for both terminal sterilization and aseptic processes, however, the criticality of the impact may differ depending upon the product and process type.

Environmental monitoring

9.4.        Risk assessments should be performed in order to establish a comprehensive environmental

9.5.        monitoring program, i.e. sampling locations, frequency of monitoring, monitoring method used and incubation conditions (e.g. time, temperature(s), aerobic and/or anaerobic conditions). These risk assessments should be conducted based on detailed knowledge of; the process inputs and final product, the facility, equipment, specific processes, the operations involved, historical monitoring data, monitoring data obtained during qualification and knowledge of typical microbial flora isolated from the environment. Consideration of other information such as air visualization studies should also be included. These risk assessments should be reviewed regularly in order to confirm the effectiveness of the site’s environmental monitoring program. The monitoring program should be considered in the overall context of the trend analysis and the CCS for the site.
件)。这些风险评估应在以下方面的详细知识的基础上进行:过程输入和最终产品、设施、设备特定 流程、涉及的操作、历史监控数据从环境中分离的典型微生物区系鉴定和知识期间获得的监测数据。
还应考虑其他信息,如空气可视化研究。应定期审查这些风险评估,以确认现场环境监测计划的有效 性。应在趋势分析和场址的CCS的总体背景下考虑监测方案。

9.6.        Routine monitoring of cleanrooms, clean air equipment and personnel should be performed in operation throughout all critical stages, including equipment set up.

9.7.        The monitoring of Grade A zones should demonstrate the maintenance of aseptic processing conditions during critical operations. Monitoring should be performed at locations posing the highest risk of contamination to the sterile equipment surfaces, container, closures and product. The selection of monitoring locations and the orientation and positioning of sampling devices should be justified and appropriate to obtain reliable data from the critical zones.
品造成最大污染风险的位置进行监测。监测地点的选择以及取样装置的定向和定位应当合理和适当, 以便从关键地带获得可靠的数据。

9.8.        Sampling methods should not pose a risk of contamination to the manufacturing operations.

9.9.        Appropriate alert levels and action limits should be set for the results of viable and non viable particle monitoring. Alert levels should be established based on results of cleanroom qualification tests or trend data and should be subject to periodic review.

9.10.        Alert levels for Grade A (non viable particles only) Grade B, Grade C and Grade D should be set such that adverse trends (e.g. a numbers of events or individual events that indicate a deterioration of cleanliness) are detected and addressed.

9.11.        Monitoring procedures should define the approach to trending. Trends can include, but are not limited to:

9.11.1.        Increasing numbers of action limit or alert level breaches.

9.11.2.        Consecutive breaches of alert levels.

9.11.3.        Regular but isolated breaches of action limits that may have a common cause, for example single excursions that always follow planned preventative maintenance.

9.11.4.        Changes in microbial flora type and numbers and predominance of specific organisms. Particular attention should be given to objectionable organisms or those that can be difficult to control such as spore forming microorganisms.

9.12.        The monitoring of Grade C and D cleanrooms in operation should be performed based on data collected during qualification and historical data to allow effective trend analysis. The requirements of alert levels and action limits will depend on the nature of the operations carried out. Action limits may be more stringent than those listed in Table 6 and Table 7.
分析。警戒级别和行动限制的要求将取决于所开展行动的性质。作用限度可能比表6和表7所列的更为 严格。

9.13.        If action limits are exceeded, operating procedures should prescribe a root cause investigation, an assessment of the potential impact to product and requirements for corrective and preventive actions. If alert levels are exceeded, operating procedures should prescribe assessment and follow up, which should include consideration of an investigation and/or corrective actions to avoid any further deterioration of the environment.
求。如果超过警戒级别,操作程序应规定进行评估和跟踪,其中应包括考虑进行调查和/或采取纠正 措施,以避免环境进一步恶化。

9.14.        Results from environmental monitoring should be considered when reviewing batch documentation for finished product batch certification.

Environmental monitoring non viable particles

9.15.        Non viable particulate monitoring systems should be established to obtain data for assessing potential contamination risks and to ensure the maintenance of the environment for sterile operations in a qualified state.

9.16.        The limits for environmental monitoring of airborne particulate concentrations for each graded area are given in Table 6.

Table 6: Limits for airborne particulate concentration for the monitoring of non viable contamination. 表6:监 测非活菌污染的空气颗粒物浓度限值。

级别        Maximum limits for particulates

≥ 0.5 μm/m3        Maximum limits for particulates

≥ 5 μm/m3
        at rest        in operation        at rest        in operation
A        3 520        3 520        29        29
B        3 520        352 000        29        2 900

C        352 000        3 520 000        2 900        29 000
D        3 520 000        Not defined(a)        29 000        Not defined(a)

(a) For Grade D, in operation limits are not defined. The company should establish in operation limits based on a risk assessment and on historical data, where applicable.
(a) 对于D级,未定义运行限制。公司应根据风险评估和历史数据(如适用)确定运营限额。

Note 1: The particulate limits given in the table for the “at rest” state should be achieved after a short “clean up” period (defined during qualification with a guidance value of 15 to 20 minutes) in an unmanned state, after the completion of operations (refer to paragraph 4.30 and 4.31).

Note 2: With regards to the monitoring of airborne particulates ≥5 μm particulate concentration, the limit of 29 (Grade A) is selected due to the limitations of monitoring equipment. Alert levels should be set based on historical data, such that frequent sustained counts below the action limit which may be indicative of system contamination or deterioration should trigger an investigation. For the Grade A zone and Grade B
area the importance of monitoring the ≥5 μm particulates is to identify negative trends as defined in the
manufacturer's CCS. 注2:大气颗粒物≥5μm颗粒物浓度监测,限值为29(A级)由于监控设备的限制而被选择。应根据历史 数据设置警报级别,这样,如果经常持续计数低于作用极限(这可能表明系统污染或恶化),则应触 发调查。继承。对于A级区和B级区,监测≥5μm颗粒物的重要性在于确定《国家大气污染物排放标准》 中规定的负面趋势。ER的CCS。

9.17.        For the Grade A zone, particulate monitoring should be undertaken for the full duration of critical processing, including equipment assembly.

9.18.        The Grade A zone should be monitored continuously (for particulates ≥0.5 and ≥5 μm) and with a suitable sample flow rate (at least 28 litres (1ft3) per minute) so that all interventions, transient events and any system deterioration is captured. The system should frequently correlate each individual sample result with the limits in Table 6 at such a frequency that any potential excursion can be identified and responded to in a timely manner. Alarms should be triggered if alert levels are exceeded. Procedures should define the actions to be taken in response to alarms including the consideration of additional microbial monitoring.
每分钟),以便捕获所有干预、瞬态事件和任何系统恶化。系统应以这样的频率频繁地将每个单独的 样本结果与表6中的限制相关联,该频率使得任何潜在的偏移都可以得到及时识别和响应。如果超过

9.19.        It is recommended that a similar system be used for Grade B area although the sample frequency may be decreased. The Grade B zone should be monitored at such a frequency and with suitable sample size that the programme captures any increase in levels of contamination and system deterioration. If alert or action levels are exceeded, alarms should be triggered.
监测,以使方案能够捕捉到污染程度的任何增加和系统的恶化。如果超过警报或行动级别,则应触发 警报。

9.20.        The selection of the monitoring system should take i n t o account any risk presented by the materials used in the manufacturing operation (for example, those involving live organisms, powdery products or radiopharmaceuticals) that may give rise to biological or chemical hazards.

9.21.        In the case where contaminants are present due to the processes involved and would potentially damage the particle counter or present a hazard (e.g. live organisms, powdery products and radiation hazards), the frequency and strategy employed should be such as to assure the environmental classification both prior to and post exposure to the risk. An increase in viable particle monitoring should be considered to ensure comprehensive monitoring of the process. Additionally, monitoring should be performed during simulated operations. Such operations should be performed at appropriate intervals. The approach should be defined in the CCS.
物体、粉末状产品和辐射危害),所采用的频率和策略应确保在暴露于风险之前和之后进行环境分类。 应考虑增加可行的粒子监测,以确保对该过程进行全面监测。此外,应在模拟操作期间进行监测。此

9.22.        The size of monitoring samples taken using automated systems will usually be a function of the sampling rate of the system used. It is not necessary for the sample volume to be the same as that used for formal classification of cleanrooms and clean air equipment. Monitoring sample volumes should be justified.

9.23.        The occasional indication of macro particulate counts, especially ≥ 5 μm, may be considered to be false counts due to electronic noise, stray light, coincidence, etc. However, consecutive or regular counting of low levels may be indicative of a possible contamination event and should be investigated. Such events may indicate early failure of the room air supply filtration system, filling equipment failure, or may also be diagnostic of poor practices during machine set up and routine operation.
或定期计数的低水平可能表明可能的污染事件,应进行调查。这类事件可能表明房间送风过滤系统的 早期故障、灌装设备故障或者也可以在机器设置和日常操作期间诊断不良操作。

9.24.        Monitoring conditions such as frequency, sampling volume or duration, alert levels and action limits and corrective actions (including an investigation) should be established in each manufacturing area based on data generated during the initial qualification process, ongoing routine monitoring and periodic review of data.

Environmental and personnel monitoring viable particles

9.25.        Where aseptic operations are performed, microbial monitoring should be frequent using a combination of methods such as settle plates, volumetric air sampling, glove, gown and surface sampling (e.g. swabs and contact plates). The method of sampling used should be justified within the CCS and should be demonstrated not to have a detrimental impact on Grade A and B airflow patterns.
方法的组合进行微生物监测。所使用的取样方法应在CCS范围内合理,并应证明不会对A级和B级气 流模式产生有害影响。

9.26.        Monitoring should include sampling of personnel at periodic intervals during the process. Sampling of personnel should be performed in such a way that it will not compromise the process. Particular consideration should be given to monitoring personnel following involvement in critical interventions and on each exit from the Grade B cleanroom.

9.27.        Viable particle monitoring should also be performed within the cleanrooms when normal manufacturing operations are not occurring (e.g. post disinfection, prior to start of manufacturing, on completion of the batch and after a shutdown period), and in associated rooms that have not  been used, in order to detect potential incidents  of contamination which may affect the controls within the cleanrooms. In case of an incident, additional sample locations may be used as a verification of the effectiveness of a corrective action (i.e. cleaning and disinfection).

在A级区进行连续的空气监测(如空气采样或沉降板)应在整个关键工艺过程中进行,包括设备(无 菌装置)装配和灌装操作。对于B级洁净室,应根据影响无菌工艺的风险,考虑采用类似的方法。应 以这样一种方式进行监测,瞬态事件和任何系统恶化都将被捕获,并且避免了因监控操作的干预而导 致的任何风险。

9.28.        Continuous viable air monitoring in the Grade A zone (e.g. air sampling or settle plates) should be undertaken for the full duration of critical processing, including equipment (aseptic set up) assembly and filling operations. A similar approach should be considered for Grade B cleanrooms based on the risk of impact on the aseptic processing. The monitoring should be performed in such a way that all interventions, transient events and any system deterioration would be captured and any risk caused by interventions of the monitoring operations is avoided.
始前、批次完成时和停工期后),以及尚未使用的相关房间,以便检测可能影响洁净室内控制的潜在 污染事件。在发生事故的情况下,可以使用额外的取样位置来验证纠正措施的有效性(即:(清洁及

9.29.        The adoption of suitable rapid or automated monitoring systems should be considered by manufacturers in order to expedite the detection of microbiological contamination issues and to reduce the risk to product. These rapid and automated microbial monitoring methods may be adopted after validation has demonstrated their equivalency or superiority to the established methodology.

9.30.        Sampling methods and equipment used should be fully understood and procedures should be in place for the correct operation and interpretation of results obtained. The recovery efficiency of the sampling methods chosen should be qualified.

9.31.        Action limits for viable particle contamination are shown in Table 7

Table 7: Maximum action limits for viable particle contamination


Air sample
Settle plates (diam. 90 mm)
米)cfu/4 hours (a)       
Contact plates (diam. 55mm) 接触 板(直径55mm),
cfu/ plate (c)        Glove print,
Including 5 fingers on both hands
cfu/ glove手套印,

A                        No growth(b) 无增
B        10        5                5        5
C        100        50                25       
D        200        100                50       

(a)        Settle plates should be exposed for the duration of operations and changed as required after4 hours (exposure time should be based on validation including recovery studies and it should not have any negative effect on the suitability of the media used). Individual settle plates may be exposed for less than 4 hours.

(b)        It should be noted that for Grade A, any growth should result in an investigation.

(c)        Contact plate limits apply to equipment room and gown surfaces within the Grade A zone and Grade B area. Routine gown monitoring is not normally required for Grade C and D areas, depending on their function.

(C)接触板限制适用于A级区域和B级区域内的设备室和外套表面。对于C级和D级区域,根据其功能, 通常不需要常规的长袍监测。

Note 1: It should be noted that the types of monitoring methods listed in the table above are examples and other methods can be used provided they meet the intent of providing information across the whole of the critical process where product may be contaminated (e.g. aseptic line set up, filling and lyophilizer loading).

Note 2: Limits are applied using cfu throughout the document. If different or new technologies are used that present results in a manner different from cfu, the manufacturer should scientifically justify the limits applied and where possible correlate them to cfu.

9.32.        Microorganisms detected in Grade A zone and Grade B area should be identified to species level and the potential impact of such microorganisms on product quality (for each batch implicated) and overall state of control should be evaluated. Consideration should also be given to the identification of microorganisms detected in Grade C and D areas (for example where action limits or alert levels are exceeded or where atypical or potentially objectionable microorganisms are recovered). The approach to organism identification and investigation should be documented.
(例如,其中的操作限制或警报)含量超标或回收了非典型或可能有害的微生物).有机体识别和调 查的方法应记录在案。

9.33.        Personnel gloves (and any part of the gown that may potentially have direct impact on the product sterility (e.g. the sleeves if these enter a critical zone) should be monitored for viable contamination after critical operations and on exit from the cleanroom. Other surfaces should be monitored at the end of an operation.

9.34.        Microbial monitoring of personnel in the Grade A zone and Grade B area should be performed to assess their aseptic behaviour. Where filling operations are manual in nature e.g. hand filling, the process in its entirety may be considered as one critical intervention. In these cases, the frequency of microbial monitoring of gowning should be based on  scientific principles and justified as part of the CCS. Where monitoring is routinely performed by  manufacturing personnel, consideration should be given to periodic monitoring under the supervision of the quality unit.
作,例如手工灌装,则整个过程可被视为一种关键干预。在这些情况下,对长袍进行微生物监测的频 率应基于科学原则,并作为CCS的一部分加以证明。在由制造人员例行执行监控的情况下,应考虑在

Aseptic process simulation (APS) (also known as media fill)

9.35.        Periodic verification of the effectiveness of the controls in place for aseptic processing should include a process simulation test using a sterile nutrient media and/or surrogate in place of the product. Selection of an appropriate nutrient media should be made based on the ability of the media and/or surrogate to imitate product characteristics at all processing stages. Where processing stages may indirectly impact the viability of any introduced microbial contamination, (e.g. sterile aseptically produced semi solids, powders, solid materials, microspheres, liposomes and other formulations where product is cooled or heated or lyophilized), alternative procedures that represent the operations as closely as possible can be developed and justified. Where surrogate materials, such as buffers, are used in parts of the process simulation, the surrogate material should not inhibit the growth of any potential contamination.

果加工阶段可能间接影响任何引入的微生物污染的生存能力,(例如:无菌生产的半固体,粉末,固 体材料,微球,脂质体和其他制剂(其中产品被冷却或加热或冻干)此外,还可以制定尽可能接近业 务的替代程序,并证明其合理性。在工艺模拟的某些部分使用替代材料(如缓冲剂)时,替代材料不 应抑制任何潜在污染物的增长。

9.36.        The process simulation test should imitate as closely as possible the routine aseptic manufacturing process and include all the critical manufacturing steps, specifically:

9.36.1.        Process simulation tests should assess all aseptic operations performed subsequent to the sterilization and decontamination cycles of materials utilised in the process to the point where the container is sealed.

9.36.2.        For non filterable formulations, any additional aseptic steps should be assessed.


9.36.3.        Where aseptic manufacturing is performed under an inert atmosphere, the inert gas should be substituted with air in the process simulation unless anaerobic simulation is intended.

9.36.4.        Processes requiring the addition of sterile powders should use an acceptable surrogate material in containers identical to those used in the process under evaluation.

9.36.5.        Separate simulations of individual unit operations (e.g. processes involving drying, blending, milling and subdivision of a sterile powder) should generally be avoided. Any use of individual simulations should be  supported by a documented justification and ensure that the sum total of the individual simulations continues to fully cover the whole process.
程)。单独模拟的任何使用都应得到书面证明的支持,并确保单独模拟的总和继续完全覆盖 整个流程。

9.36.6.        The process simulation procedure for lyophilized products should represent the entire aseptic processing chain including filling, transport, loading, chamber dwell, unloading and sealing under specified, documented and justified conditions representing worst case operating parameters.

9.36.7.        The lyophilization process simulation should duplicate all aspects of the process, except those that may affect the viability or recovery of contaminants. For instance, boiling over or actual freezing of the solution should be avoided. Factors to consider in determining APS

9.36.8.        dsign include, where applicable:
9.36.9.  在适用的情况下,包括:        The use of air to break vacuum instead of nitrogen.
用空气代替氮气打破真空。        Replicating the maximum interval between sterilization of the lyophilizer and its use.
复制冻干机灭菌和使用之间的最大间隔。        Replicating the maximum period of time between sterilization and lyophilization.
重复灭菌和冻干之间的最大时间间隔。        Quantitative aspects of worst case situations, e.g. loading the largest number of trays, replicating the longest duration of loading where the chamber is open to the environment.

9.37.        The process simulation testing should take into account various aseptic manipulations and interventions known to occur during normal production as well as worst case situations, including:

9.37.1.        Inherent interventions representative of the routine process at the maximum accepted frequency per number of filled units (e.g. loading of vials into a lyophilizer).

9.37.2.        Corrective interventions, that occur frequently during routine production, in a representative number and with the highest degree of acceptable intrusion (e.g. correcting jammed stoppers).

9.38.        Interventions should not be designed or selected to justify poor process or facility design or to assess unacceptable interventions that rarely occur and which should lead to a thorough investigation and product assessment when they do occur.

9.39.        In developing the process simulation test plan, consideration should be given to the following:

9.39.1.        Identification of worst case conditions covering the relevant variables, such as container size and line speed, and their impact on the process. The outcome of the assessment should justify the variables selected.

9.39.2.        Determining the representative sizes of container/closure combinations to be used for validation.
Bracketing  or  matrix  approach  may be  considered  for validation  of the  same  container/closure configuration for different products where process equivalence is scientifically justified.

9.39.3.        The volume filled per container, which should be sufficient to ensure that the media contacts all equipment and component surfaces that may directly contaminate the sterile product. The volume used should provide sufficient headspace to support potential microbial growth and ensure that turbidity can be detected during inspection.
所使用的体积应提供足够的顶部空间,以支持潜在的微生物生长,并确保在检查过程中可以 检测到浊度。

9.39.4.        Maximum permitted holding times for sterile product and associated sterile components and equipment exposed during the aseptic process.

9.39.5.        The method of detection of microbial contamination should be scientifically justified to ensure that any contamination is detectable.


9.39.6.        The selected nutrient media should be capable of growing a designated group of reference microorganisms as described by the relevant pharmacopeia and suitably representative local isolates and supporting recovery of low numbers of these microorganisms.

9.39.7.        The requirement for substitution of any inert gas used in the routine aseptic manufacturing process by air unless anaerobic simulation is intended. In these situations, inclusion of

9.39.8.        occasional anaerobic simulations as part of the overall validation strategy should be considered (refer to paragraph 9.35 point iii).

9.39.9.        The process simulation should be of sufficient duration to challenge the process, the operators that perform interventions, shift changes and the capability of the processing environment to provide appropriate conditions for the manufacture of a sterile product.

9.39.10.        Where the manufacturer operates different shifts then the APS should be designed to capture specific factors (e.g. for those manufacturing during a night or extended shift, fatigue should be considered).

9.39.11.        Simulating normal aseptic manufacturing interruptions where the process is idle (e.g. shift changeovers, recharging dispensing vessels, introduction of additional equipment, etc.).

9.39.12.        Ensuring that environmental monitoring is conducted as required for routine production, and throughout the entire duration of the process simulation.

9.39.13.        Where campaign manufacturing occurs, such as in the use of Barrier Technologies or manufacture of sterile active substances, consideration should be given to designing and performing the process simulation so that it simulates the risks associated with both the beginning and the end of the campaign and demonstrating that the campaign duration does not pose any risk. The performance of "end of production or campaign APS" may be used as additional assurance or investigative purposes; however, their use should be justified in the CCS and should not replace routine APS. If used, it should be demonstrated that any residual product does not negatively impact the recovery of any potential microbial contamination.
以便它模拟与开始和执行过程相关的风险d活动结束,并证明活动持续时间不构成任何风险。 "生产或活动APS结束"的性能可用作额外的保证或调查目的;然而,它们的使用应在综合传播 战略中得到证明,不应取代常规的行动方案。如果使用,应证明任何残留产品不会对任何潜 在微生物污染的恢复产生负面影响。

9.40.        For sterile active substances, batch size should be large enough to represent routine operation, simulate intervention operation at the worst case, and cover potential contact surfaces. In addition, all the simulated materials (surrogates or growth medium) should be subjected to microbial evaluation. The simulation materials should be sufficient to satisfy the evaluation of the process being simulated and should not compromise the recovery of micro organisms.

触面。此外,所有模拟材料(代用品或生长培养基)均应进行微生物评价。模拟材料应足以满足对所 模拟过程的评估,且不应影响微生物的恢复。

9.41.        Process simulation tests should be performed as part of the initial validation, with at least three consecutive satisfactory simulation tests that cover all working shifts that the aseptic process may occur in, and after any significant modification to operational practices, facilities, services or equipment (e.g. modification to the HVAC system, equipment, major facility shut down, changes to process, number of shifts and numbers of personnel etc.). Normally, process simulation tests (periodic revalidation) should be repeated twice a year (approximately every six months) for each aseptic process, each filling line and each shift. Each operator should participate in at least one successful APS annually. Consideration should be given to performing an APS after the last batch prior to shut down, before long periods of inactivity or before decommissioning or relocation of a line.
能发生的所有工作班次,以及在对操作做法、设施、服务或设备进行任何重大修改之后(e)HVAC 系统的改造、设备、主要设施关闭、工艺变更、班次和人员数量等)。通常,工艺模拟试验(定期再 验证)应每年重复两次(大约每六个月一次)对于每个无菌过程,每个灌装线和每个班次。每个运营 商每年至少应参加一次成功的APS。应考虑在关闭之前的最后一个批处理之后执行APS,在长期不活 动之前或在线路退役或搬迁之前。

9.42.        Where manual operation (e.g. aseptic compounding or filling) occurs, each type of container, container closure and equipment train should be initially validated with each operator participating in at least 3 consecutive successful APS and revalidated with one APS approximately every 6 months for each shift. The APS batch size should mimic that used in the routine aseptic manufacturing process.
每个操作员至少参加3次连续成功的APS,并且每个班次大约每6个月进行一次APS的再验证。APS批 次大小应与常规无菌生产工艺中使用的批次大小相似。

9.43.        The number of units processed (filled) for APS tests should be sufficient to effectively simulate all activities that are representative of the aseptic manufacturing process. Justification for the number of units to be filled should be clearly captured in the PQS. Typically, a minimum of 5000 to 10000 units are filled. For small batches
(e.g. those under 5000 units), the number of containers for media fill should at least equal the size of the production batch.
确说明要填充的单元数量的理由。通常,至少填充5000到10000个单元。对于小批量(例如5000单位 以下),用于介质填充的容器数量应至少等于生产批次的大小。

9.44.        Filled APS units should be agitated, swirled or inverted before incubation to ensure contact of the media with all interior surfaces in the container. Units with cosmetic defects or those who have gone through non destructive in process control checks should be identified and incubated. Units discarded during the process simulation and not incubated should be comparable with units discarded during a routine fill. Examples may include those normally discarded after the set up process or due to an intervention or where the integrity of the unit is compromised as would be identified by the routine inspection process for the product.
外观缺陷或已通过非破坏性过程控制检查的部件进行识别和孵化。在工艺模拟过程中丢弃且未孵化的 单位应与常规填充过程中丢弃的单位相当。示例可包括通常在建立过程之后或由于干预而被丢弃的部

9.45.        Where processes have materials that contact the product contact surfaces but are then discarded, the discarded material should be simulated with nutrient media and be incubated as part of the APS, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this waste process would not impact the sterility of the product.

9.46.        Filled APS units should be incubated in a clear container to ensure visual detection of microbial growth. Where the product container is not clear (i.e. amber glass, opaque plastic), clear containers of identical configuration may be substituted to aid in the detection of contamination. When a clear container of identical configuration cannot be substituted, a suitable method for the detection of microbial growth should be developed and validated.

Microorganisms isolated from contaminated units should be identified to at least genus, and to the species level when practical, to assist in the determination of the likely source of the contaminant. The selection of the incubation conditions and duration should be scientifically justified and validated to provide an appropriate level of sensitivity of detection of microbial contamination.
Clear容器时,应开发和验证检测微生物生长的合适方法。从受污染单元分离的微生物应至少鉴定到 属,在可行的情况下鉴定到种水平。协助确定污染物的可能来源。孵育条件和孵育时间的选择应经过 科学论证和验证,以提供适当的敏感性水平。微生物污染的检测。

9.47.        Filled APS units should be incubated without unnecessary delay to achieve the best possible recovery of potential contamination.

9.48.        On completion of incubation:

9.48.1.        Filled APS units should be inspected by staff, who have been trained and qualified in the visual inspection procedures, under conditions similar to those for visual inspection, that facilitate the identification of any microbial contamination.

9.48.2.        Samples of these units should undergo positive control by inoculation with a suitable range of reference organisms and local isolates.

9.49.        The target should be zero growth. Any contaminated unit should result in a failed process simulation and the following actions should occur:

9.49.1.        An investigation to determine the most probable root causes.

9.49.2.        Determination and implementation of appropriate corrective measures.

9.49.3.        A sufficient number of successful, consecutive repeat media fills (normally a minimum of 3) should be conducted in order to demonstrate that the process has been returned to a state of control.

9.49.4.        A prompt review of all appropriate records relating to aseptic production since the last successful APS. The outcome of the review should include a risk assessment of potential sterile breaches in batches manufactured since the last successful process simulation. All other batches not released to the market should be included in the scope of the investigation. Any decision regarding their release status should consider the investigation outcome.
次成功的工艺模拟以来生产的批次中潜在的无菌违规的风险评估。其他未投放市场的批次均 应纳入调查范围。关于释放他们的任何决定都应考虑到调查结果。

9.49.5.        All products that have been manufactured on a line subsequent to a process simulation failure should be quarantined until a successful resolution of the process simulation failure has occurred.

9.49.6.        Production should resume only after completion of successful revalidation.

9.50.        APS should be carefully observed by personnel with specific expertise in aseptic processing to assess the correct performance of operations and address inappropriate practices if detected.

9.51.        Where results indicate that an operator may have failed qualification, actions to limit the operator’s activities, until retrained and requalified, should be taken.

9.52.        An aseptic process or filling should be subject to a repeat of the initial validation when:

9.52.1.        The specific aseptic process has not been in operation for an extended period of time.

9.52.2.        There is a change to the process, equipment, procedures or environment that has the potential to affect the aseptic process or an addition of new product containers or container closure combinations.

9.53.        All process simulation runs should be fully documented and include a reconciliation of units processed (e.g. units filled, incubated, not incubated, and rejected). All interventions performed during the process simulations should be recorded, including the start and end of each intervention. All microbial monitoring data as well as other testing data should be recorded in the APS batch record.
位)的对账。应记录在流程模拟期间执行的所有干预,包括每次干预的开始和结束。所有微生物监测 数据以及其他检测数据均应记录在APS批记录中。

10.        Quality Control (QC)

10.1.        It is important that there are personnel with appropriate training and experience in microbiology and knowledge of the process to support the design of the manufacturing process, environmental monitoring regime and any investigation assessing the impact of microbiologically linked events to the safety of the sterile product.

10.2.        Specifications for raw materials, components and products should include requirements for microbial quality when the need for this has been indicated by monitoring and/or by the CCS.

10.3.        The bioburden assay should be performed on each batch for both aseptically filled product and terminally sterilized products and the results considered as part of the final batch review. There should be defined limits for bioburden immediately before the sterilizing filter or the terminal sterilization process, which are related to the efficiency of the method to be used. Samples should be taken to be representative of the worst case scenario
(e.g. at the end of hold time). Where overkill sterilization parameters are set for terminally sterilized products, bioburden should be monitored at suitable scheduled intervals.
查的一部分。在灭菌过滤器或终端灭菌过程之前,应该有明确的生物负荷限值。这与要使用的方法的 效率有关。取样应代表最坏的情况(例如,在保持时间结束时)。在为最终灭菌产品设置过杀灭菌参

10.4.        A pre sterilization bioburden monitoring program for the product and components should be developed to support parametric release. The bioburden should be performed for each batch. The sampling locations of filled units before sterilization should be based on a worst case scenario and be representative of the batch. Any organisms found during bioburden testing should be identified and their impact on the effectiveness of the

sterilizing process determined. Where appropriate, the level of pyrogen (endotoxins) should be monitored. 应开发产品和部件的预灭菌生物负载监控程序,以支持参数放行。应对每个批次执行生物负载。灭菌 前灌装单位的取样位置应基于最坏情况,并代表该批次。在生物负荷试验中发现的任何微生物都应进

10.5.        The sterility test applied to the finished product should only be regarded as the last in a series of control measures by which sterility is assured. It cannot be used to assure sterility of a product that does not meet its design, procedural or qualification parameters. The test should be validated for the product concerned.

10.6.        The sterility test should be performed under aseptic conditions. Samples taken for sterility testing should be representative of the whole of the batch but should in particular include samples taken from parts of the batch considered to be most at risk of contamination, for example:

10.6.1.        For products which have been filled aseptically, samples should include containers filled at the beginning, middle and end of the batch and after any significant intervention (e.g. interventions where the integrity of a barrier is breached (open door)) or an operator intervention into critical zones.

10.6.2.        For products which have been heat sterilized in their final containers, samples taken should be representative of the worst case locations (e.g. the potentially coolest or slowest to heat part of each load).

10.6.3.        For products that are lyophilized, samples taken from different lyophilization loads.Note: Where the manufacturing process results in sub batches (e.g. for terminally sterilized products) then sterility samples from each sub batch should be taken and a sterility test for each sub batch performed. Consideration should also be given to performing separate testing for other finished product tests.
菌的产品),则应从每个子批中抽取无菌样品,并对每个子批进行无菌试验。还应考虑对其 他成品测试进行单独测试。

10.7.        For some products it may not be possible to perform a sterility test prior to release because the shelf life of the product is too short to allow completion of a sterility test. In these cases, the CCS should clearly capture the identified risks, the additional considerations of design of the process and additional monitoring required to mitigate the identified risks.
些情况下,综合传播战略应清楚地掌握已查明的风险、程序设计的额外考虑因素以及为减轻已查明的 风险所需的额外监测。

10.8.        Any process (e.g. Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide or VH202, Ultra Violet) used to decontaminate the external surfaces of sterility samples prior to testing should not negatively impact the sensitivity of the test method.

10.9.        Media used for environmental monitoring and APS should be tested for its growth promotion capability, in accordance with a formal written program.

10.10.        Environmental monitoring data and trend data generated for classified areas should be reviewed as part of product batch certification. A written plan should be available that describes the actions to be taken when data

from environmental monitoring are found out of trend or exceeding the established limits. For products with short shelf life, the environmental data for the time of manufacture may not be available; in these cases, the certification should include a review of the most recent available data. Manufacturers of these products should consider the use of rapid monitoring systems.
划,说明当发现环境监测数据超出趋势或超出时应采取的行动。既定的限制。对于保质期短的产品, 可能无法获得制造时的环境数据;在这些情况下,认证应包括对最新可用数据的审查。这些产品的制

10.11.        Where rapid and automated microbial methods are used for general manufacturing purposes, these methods should be validated for the product(s) or processes concerned.

11.        Glossary

11.1.        Airlock – An enclosed space with interlocked doors, constructed to maintain air pressure control between adjoining rooms (generally with different air cleanliness standards). The intent of an airlock is to preclude ingress of particulate matter and microorganism contamination from a lesser controlled area.
气闸室 具有联锁门的封闭空间,用于保持相邻房间之间的空气压力控制(通常具有不同的空气清洁

11.2.        Action limit – An established relevant measure (e.g. microbial, or airborne particulate limits) that, when exceeded, should trigger appropriate investigation and corrective action based on the investigation.

11.3.        Alert level – An established relevant measure (e.g. microbial, or airborne particulate levels) giving early warning of potential drift from normal operating conditions and validated state, which does not necessarily give grounds for corrective action but triggers appropriate scrutiny and follow up to address the potential problem. Alert levels are established based on historical and qualification trend data and periodically reviewed. The alert level can be based on a number of parameters including adverse trends, individual excursions above a set limit and repeat events.
警戒级别 既定的相关测量(如微生物或空气中的颗粒物水平)对偏离正常工作条件和验证状态的潜
在漂移进行预警,这不一定给出采取纠正行动的理由,但会引发适当的审查和后续行动,以解决潜在 的问题。警报级别是根据历史和鉴定趋势数据确定的,并定期审查。警报级别可基于多个参数,包括

11.4.        Aseptic processing room – A room in which one or more aseptic activities or processes are performed.
无菌处理室 进行一项或多项无菌活动或工艺的房间。

11.5.        Aseptic Process Simulation (APS) –A simulation of the entire aseptic formulation and filling process in order to determine the capability of the process to assure product sterility.
无菌工艺模拟(APS) 对整个无菌配方和灌装工艺进行模拟,以确定工艺能力,确保产品无菌。

11.6.        Asepsis – A state of control attained by using an aseptic work area and performing activities in a manner that precludes microbial contamination of the exposed sterile product.
无菌 通过使用无菌工作区域并以防止微生物污染暴露的无菌产品的方式进行活动而达到的控制状态。

11.7.        Bacterial retention testing – This test is performed to validate that a filter can remove bacteria from a gas or liquid. The test is usually performed using a standard organism, such as Brevundimonas diminuta at a minimum concentration of 107 Colony Forming Units/cm2.
细菌滞留测试 该测试用于验证过滤器是否能够去除气体或液体中的细菌。通常使用标准生物体,如
107菌落形成单位/cm2的最小浓度的缩小短波单胞菌(Brevundimonas diminuta)进行试验。

11.8.        Barrier – A physical partition that affords aseptic processing area (usually Grade A) protection by separating it from the background environment. Such systems frequently use in part or totally the Barrier Technologies known as RABS or isolators.

11.9.        Bioburden – The total number of microorganisms associated with a specific item such as personnel, manufacturing environments (air and surfaces), equipment, product packaging, raw materials (including water), in process materials, or finished products.

11.10.        Biological Indicator (BI) – A population of microorganisms inoculated onto a suitable medium (e.g. solution, container or closure) and placed within a sterilizer or load or room locations to determine the sterilization or disinfection cycle efficacy of a physical or chemical process. The challenge microorganism is selected and

validated based upon its resistance to the given process. Incoming lot D value, microbiological count and purity define the quality of the BI.
生物指示剂(BI) 接种到合适的介质(如溶液、容器或封闭物)上并放置在消毒器或负载或房间位
置内的微生物种群,以确定物理或化学过程的灭菌或消毒循环功效。根据其对给定工艺的抗性来选择 和验证挑战微生物。输入的批次D值、微生物计数和纯度定义了BI的质量。

11.11.        Blow Fill Seal (BFS) – A technology in which containers are formed from a thermoplastic granulate, filled with product, and then sealed in a continuous, integrated, automatic operation. The two most common types of BFS machines are the Shuttle type (with Parison cut) and the Rotary type (Closed Parison) types.

11.12.        Classified area – An area that contains a number of cleanrooms (see cleanroom definition). Cleaning – A process for removing contamination e.g. product residues and disinfectant residues.
分类区域 包含若干洁净室的区域(参见洁净室定义)。清洁 去除污染的过程,如产品残留和消毒剂

11.13.        Clean area – An area with defined particulate and microbiological cleanliness standards usually containing a number of joined cleanrooms.

11.14.        Cleanroom – A room designed, maintained, and controlled to prevent particulate and microbial contamination of drug products. Such a room is assigned and reproducibly meets an appropriate air cleanliness level. Grade A will be referred to as Grade A zone.
洁净室 为防止微粒和微生物污染药品而设计、维护和控制的房间。这样的房间被分配并可重复地满

11.15.        Cleanroom classification – A method of assessing the level of air cleanliness against a specification for a cleanroom or clean air equipment by measuring the non viable airborne particulate concentration.
洁净室分级 一种通过测量空气中的非活性颗粒浓度,根据洁净室或洁净空气设备的规范评估空气洁

11.16.        Cleanroom qualification – A method of assessing the level of compliance of a classified cleanroom or clean air equipment with its intended use.
洁净室鉴定 一种评估分类洁净室或洁净空气设备与其预期用途相符程度的方法。

11.17.        Closed system – A system in which the sterile product is not exposed to the surrounding environment. For example, this can be achieved by the use of bulk products holders (such as tanks or bags) that are connected to each other by pipes or tubes as a system, with the system being sterilized after the connections are made. Examples of these can be (but are not limited to) large scale reusable systems, such as those seen in active substance manufacturing, or disposable bag and manifold systems, such as those seen in the manufacture of biological products. Closed systems, when used in this document, does not refer to systems such as RABS or isolator systems which are referred to as Barrier Technologies.
封闭系统 无菌产品不暴露于周围环境的系统。例如,这可以通过使用散装产品容器(如罐或袋)来
实现。它们通过管道或管子彼此连接成一个系统,连接完成后系统将被消毒。这些示例可以是(但不 限于)大规模可重复使用的系统,例如在活性物质生产中看到的系统,或一次性袋子和歧管系统,例 如在制造生物产品中看到的情况。在本文中使用封闭系统时,不是指RABS或隔离器系统等称为屏障 技术的系统。

11.18.        Colony Forming Unit (CFU) – A microbiological term that describes a single detectable colony that originates from one or more microorganisms. Colony forming units are typically expressed as cfu per ml for liquid samples, and cfu per cm2 for samples captured on solid medium such as settle or contact plates.
菌落形成单位(CFU) 微生物学术语,描述来源于一种或多种微生物的单个可检测菌落。对于液体
样品,菌落形成单位通常表示为每毫升CFU,对于在固体培养基(例如沉降板或接触板)上捕获的样 品,菌落形成单位表示为每平方厘米CFU。

11.19.        Contamination – The undesired introduction of impurities of a microbiological nature (quantity and type of microorganisms, pyrogens), or of foreign particulate matter, into or onto a raw material, intermediate, active substance or drug product during production, sampling, packaging or repackaging, storage or transport with the potential to adversely impact product quality.
污染 在生产、取样、包装或重新包装、储存或运输过程中,将微生物性质的杂质(微生物、热原的
数量和类型)或外来颗粒物质不希望地引入到原材料、中间体、活性物质或药品中或其上,可能对产 品质量产生不利影响。

11.20.        Contamination Control Strategy (CCS) – A planned set of controls for microorganisms, pyrogens and particulates, derived from current product and process understanding that assures process performance and product quality. The controls can include parameters and attributes related to active substance, excipient and drug product materials and components, facility and equipment operating conditions, in process controls, finished product specifications, and the associated methods and frequency of monitoring and control.
污染控制策略(CCS) 一套有计划的微生物、热原和微粒控制措施;基于对当前产品和工艺的理解,
确保工艺性能和产品质量。控制可以包括与活性物质、赋形剂和药物产品材料和成分相关的参数和属 性,设施和设备的操作条件,过程控制,成品规格,以及监测和控制的相关方法和频率。

11.21.        Corrective intervention – An intervention that is performed to correct or adjust an aseptic process during its execution. These may not occur with the same frequency in the routine aseptic process. Examples include such as clearing component jams, stopping leaks, adjusting sensors, and replacing equipment components. Corrective measures should be taken to reduce their extent and frequency.
相同的频率发生。例如清除部件堵塞、停止泄漏、调整传感器和更换设备部件。应采取纠正措施,减 少其范围和频率。

11.22.        Critical surfaces – Surfaces that may come directly into contact with, or directly affect, a sterile product or its containers or closures. Critical surfaces are rendered sterile prior to the start of the manufacturing operation, and sterility is maintained throughout processing.
关键表面 可能直接接触或直接影响无菌产品或其容器或封盖的表面。关键表面在制造操作开始之前

11.23.        Critical zone – A location within the aseptic processing area in which product and critical surfaces are exposed to the environment.
关键区域 无菌加工区域内产品和关键表面暴露于环境的位置。

11.24.        Critical intervention – An intervention (corrective or inherent) into the critical zone.

11.25.        D value – The value of a parameter of sterilization (duration or absorbed dose) required to reduce the number of viable organisms to 10 per cent of the original number.

11.26.        Dead leg – Length of non circulating pipe (where fluid may remain static) that is greater than 3 internal pipe diameters.

11.27.        Decommission – When a process, equipment or cleanroom are closed where they will not be used again.
退役 当一个过程,设备或洁净室被关闭,它们将不再被使用。

11.28.        Decontamination – The overall process of removal or reduction of any contaminants (chemical, waste, residue or microorganisms) from an area, object, or person. The method of decontamination used (e.g. cleaning, disinfection, sterilization) should be chosen and validated to achieve a level of cleanliness appropriate to the intended use of the item decontaminated.
去污 从一个区域、物体或人身上去除或减少任何污染物(化学物质、废物、残留物或微生物)的整
个过程。应选择并验证所使用的去污方法(如清洗、消毒、灭菌),以达到与去污物品的预期用途相 适应的清洁度。

11.29.        Depyrogenation – A process designed to remove or inactivate pyrogenic material (e.g. endotoxins) to a specified minimum quantity.
去热原 一种旨在将热原物质(如内毒素)去除或灭活至规定的最小量的工艺。

11.30.        Disinfection – The process by which the reduction of the number of microorganisms is achieved by the irreversible action of a product on their structure or metabolism, to a level judged to be appropriate for a defined purpose.

11.31.        Endotoxin – A pyrogenic product (e.g. lipopolysaccharide) present in the bacterial cell wall. Endotoxin can lead to reactions in patients receiving injections ranging from fever to death.

11.32.        Extractables Chemical entities that migrate from the surface of the process equipment, exposed to an appropriate solvent at extreme conditions, into the product or material being processed.

11.33.        First Air – Refers to filtered air that has not been interrupted by items (such as operators) with the potential to add contamination to the air prior to reaching the critical zone.
第一空气 指在到达临界区之前,未被有可能增加空气污染的物品(如操作员)干扰的过滤空气。

11.34.        Form Fill Seal (FFS) – Similar to Blow fill Seal, this involves the formation of a large tube formed from a flexible packaging material, in the filling machine, and generally the tube is filled to form the bags.
形式填充密封(FFS) 类似于吹塑填充密封,这涉及到在灌装机中形成由软包装材料形成的大管,并

11.35.        Gowning qualification – A program that establishes, both initially and on a periodic basis, the capability of an individual to don the complete sterile gown in an aseptic manner.

11.36.        Grade A air supply – Air which is passed through a filter qualified as capable of producing Grade A non viable quality air, but where there is no requirement to perform continuous non viable monitoring or meet Grade A viable monitoring limits and the area itself is not classified. Specifically used for the protection of fully stoppered vials where the cap has not been crimped and the equipment and engineering systems that have a direct impact on product quality.
A级空气供应 通过过滤器的空气,经鉴定能够产生A级非活性质量空气,但不要求进行连续非活性监
测或满足A级活性监测限值,且该区域本身未被分类。专门用于保护瓶盖未卷曲的完全加塞的小瓶以 及对产品质量有直接影响的设备和工程系统。

11.37.        HEPA filter   High efficiency particulate air filter with 0.3 μm particulate retaining efficiency of no less than
99.95 percent according to the relevant norms (e.g. EN 1822)..
HEPA过滤器高效微粒空气过滤器,根据相关规范(例如EN         1822),0.3μm微粒截留效率不低于

11.38.        Inherent interventions – An intervention that is an integral part of the aseptic process and is required for either set up,  routine operation and/or monitoring (e.g. aseptic assembly, container replenishment, environmental sampling, etc.). Inherent interventions are required by procedure or work instruction for the execution of the aseptic process.
固有干预 是无菌过程的组成部分,并且是设置、常规操作和/或监控(例如,无菌装配、容器补充、

11.39.        Integrity test   A test to confirm that a filter (product, gas or HVAC filter) retain their retentive properties and

have not been damaged during handling, installation or processing. 完整性测试确认过滤器(产品、气体或HVAC过滤器)在搬运、安装或加工过程中保持其保持性能且 未被损坏的测试。

11.40.        Intrinsic Sterile Connection device – A device that reduces the risk of contamination during the connection process; these can be mechanical or fusion sealing.

11.41.        Isokinetic sampling head – A sampling head designed to disturb the air as little as possible so that the same particulates go into the nozzle as would have passed the area if the nozzle had it not been there i.e. the sampling condition in which the mean velocity of the air entering the sample probe inlet is nearly the same (± 20 percent) as the mean velocity of the airflow at that location.
等速取样头 取样头设计为尽可能少地扰动空气,以使进入喷嘴的颗粒与不存在喷嘴时通过该区域的
颗粒相同,即进入样品探针入口的空气平均速度与该位置的气流平均速度几乎相同(±20%)的取样 条件。

11.42.        Isolator – A decontaminated unit, with an internal work zone meeting Grade A conditions that provides uncompromised, continuous isolation of its interior from the external environment (e.g. surrounding cleanroom air and personnel). There are two major types of isolators
隔离器 净化单元,其内部工作区满足A级条件,能够将其内部与外部环境(例如,洁净室周围的空气

11.42.1.        Closed isolator systems exclude external contamination of the isolator’s interior by accomplishing material transfer via aseptic connection to auxiliary equipment, rather than use of openings to the surrounding environment. Closed systems remain sealed throughout operations.

11.42.2.        Open isolator systems are designed to allow for the continuous or semi continuous ingress and/or egress of materials during operations through one or more openings. Openings are engineered (e.g. using continuous overpressure) to exclude the entry of external contaminant into the isolator.

11.43.        Leachables – Chemical entities that migrate into products from the product contact surface of the process equipment or containers under normal condition of use and/or storage.
可浸出物 在正常使用和/或储存条件下,从工艺设备或容器的产品接触面迁移到产品中的化学实体。

11.44.        Local Isolates – Suitably representative microorganisms of the site that are frequently recovered through environmental monitoring within the classified zone/areas especially Grade A zone and Grade B area, personnel monitoring or positive sterility test results.
本地分离株 通过分类区/区域(特别是A级区和B级区)内的环境监测、人员监测或阳性无菌试验结果,

11.45.        Lyophilization – A physical chemical drying process designed to remove solvents, by way of sublimation, from both aqueous and non aqueous systems, primarily to achieve product or material stability. Lyophilization is synonymous to the term freeze drying.
11.46.        Manual Filling – A filling process where operator intervention is required to complete the filling of each container (e.g. as occurs during aseptic compounding operations).
手动灌装 需要操作员干预以完成每个容器的灌装过程(例如,在无菌混合操作过程中)。

11.47.        Operator  Any individual participating in the processing operation, including line set up, filler, maintenance, or other personnel associated with manufacturing activities.

11.48.        Overkill sterilization – A process that is sufficient to provide at least a 12 log reduction of microorganisms having a minimum D value of 1 minute.
过度杀菌 一种足以将微生物减少至少12倍的工艺,最小D值为1分钟。

11.49.        Pass through hatch – Synonymous with airlock (refer to airlock definition) but typically smaller in size.
通过舱口 与气闸舱同义(参考气闸舱定义),但通常尺寸较小。

11.50.        Pyrogen – A substance that induces a febrile reaction in a patient.

11.51.        Rapid transfer system (RTP) – A System used for the transfer of items into RABS and isolators that minimize the risk to the critical zone. An example would be a rapid transfer container with an alpha/beta port.

11.52.        Raw material – Any ingredient intended for use in the manufacture of a sterile product, including those that may not appear in the final drug product.
原料 用于生产无菌产品的任何成分,包括可能不会出现在最终药品中的成分。

11.53.        Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS) – System that provides an enclosed, but not sealed, environment meeting defined cleanroom conditions (for aseptic processing Grade A, (but where used for non sterile applications can be lesser grade) and using a rigid wall enclosure and air overspill to separate its interior from the  surrounding environment. The inner surfaces of the RABS are disinfected and decontaminated with a sporicidal agent. Operators use gloves, half suits, rapid transfer
限制进入屏障系统(RABS) 提供封闭但不密封的环境,满足规定的洁净室条件的系统(对于无菌处
理为A级,(但用于非无菌应用时可为较低级别),并使用硬壁封闭和空气溢流将其内部与周围环境 隔开。RABS的内表面使用杀孢子剂进行消毒和净化。操作员使用手套、半套衣服、快速转移

11.54.        systems (RTPs) and other integrated transfer ports to perform manipulations or convey materials to the interior of the RABS. Depending on the design, doors are rarely or never opened:

11.54.1.        Active RABS: integral HEPA filtered air supply.

11.54.2.        Passive RABS: air supply by ceiling mounted HEPA filters.

11.54.3.        Closed RABS: where the air is vented in return ducts within the cabinet.

11.54.4.        Open RABS: Where there are vents in the barrier that allow air to move from the Grade A zone to the Grade B area.

11.55.        Single Use Systems (SUS) – Systems in which product contact components are used only once (i.e. single use components) to replace reusable equipment such as stainless steel transfer lines or bulk containers. SUS covered in this document are those that are used in manufacturing processes of sterile products (e.g. sterile active substance, sterile bio bulk, sterile finished dosage), and are typically made up of disposable components such as bags, filters, tubing, connectors, storage bottles and sensors.
设备,如不锈钢传输线或散装容器。本文件中涉及的SUS是无菌产品生产过程中使用的SUS。(例如: 无菌活性物质、无菌生物散装、无菌成品剂量),通常由袋、过滤器、管道、连接器、储存瓶和传感

11.56.        Sporicidal agent – An agent that destroys bacterial and fungal spores when used in sufficient concentration for specified contact time. It is expected to kill all vegetative microorganisms.

11.57.        Sterile Product – For purpose of this guidance, sterile product refers to one or more of the sterilized elements exposed to aseptic conditions and ultimately making up the sterile active substance or finished sterile product. These elements include the containers, closures, and components of the finished drug product. Or, a product that is rendered sterile by a terminal sterilization process.
无菌产品 就本指南而言,无菌产品是指一个或多个暴露于无菌条件下并最终构成无菌活性物质或成
品的灭菌元件。这些要素包括容器、封盖和成品药物的成分。或者,通过终端灭菌过程使之无菌的产 品。

11.58.        Sterilizing grade filter – A filter that, when appropriately validated, will remove a defined microbial challenge from a fluid or gas producing a sterile effluent. Usually such filters have a pore size equal or less than 0.22 μm (for the purposes of this document 0.2 μm and 0.22 μm are used interchangeably and deemed equivalent).
通常,此类过滤器的孔径等于或小于0.22微米(就本文件而言,0.2微米和0.22微米可互换使用,并视 为等效)。

11.59.        Terminal Sterilization – The application of a lethal sterilizing agent or conditions to a product within a sealed container to achieve a predetermined sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10⁻⁶ or better (i.e. the theoretical probability of there being a single viable microorganism present on or in a sterilized unit is equal to or less than
1 x 10 6 (one in a million)).
终端灭菌 对密封容器内的产品应用致命灭菌剂或条件,以达到10或更高的预定无菌保证水平(Sal)

11.60.        Turbulent airflow – Air that is not unidirectional. Turbulent air in cleanrooms should flush the cleanroom via mixed flow dilution and ensure maintenance of acceptable air quality.

11.61.        Unidirectional airflow – An airflow moving in a single direction, in a robust and uniform manner, and at sufficient speed, to reproducibly sweep particulates away from the critical processing or testing area.

11.62.        Unidirectional Airflow Unit (UDAF) – A cabinet supplied with filtered unidirectional airflow (previously referred to as a Laminar Airflow Unit or LAF).

11.63.        Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) – An automated filling process, typically for terminally sterilized products, that may utilize a single or dual web system which constructs the primary container out of a flat roll of thermoplastic film while simultaneously filling the formed bags with product and sealing the filled bags in a continuous process.
垂直形式填充密封(VFFS) 一种自动填充过程,通常用于最终灭菌产品,可能利用单幅或双幅系统,

11.64.        Worst case – A set of conditions encompassing processing limits and circumstances, including those within standard operating procedures, that pose the greatest chance of process or product failure (when compared with ideal conditions). Such conditions have the highest potential to, but do not necessarily always induce, product or process failure.
件最有可能导致过程或产品失败。这种情况最有可能导致产品或工艺失败,但不一定总是导致产品或 工艺失败。

11.65.        Water system – A system for producing, storing and distributing water, usually compliant to a specific pharmacopeia grade e.g. purified and water for injection (WFI).
水系统 生产、储存和分配水的系统,通常符合特定的药典等级,如纯化水和注射用水(WFI)。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-2 10:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
现行版是2009年3月执行的(有点古董吧?),17年有过一次征求意见稿但没形成法规,这次发布的是2020的征求意见稿,只供参考并不是正式的法规, 我们可以在这里洞察法规的走向,做好随机应变的准备。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-7-2 11:30:27 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-4-15 14:25:32 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-9 09:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
没那么一波简单@ 发表于 2021-4-15 14:25


使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-7-21 15:51:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-7-22 16:07:45 | 显示全部楼层

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