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[欧盟药事] EMA共用设施中暴露限设定问答-中英文

发表于 2018-5-27 16:34:54 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-5-27 17:16:50 | 显示全部楼层
beiwei5du 发表于 2018-5-13 12:29
不能用了,至少不能直接用了!指南还是有一定的后路:Deviation from the main approach highlighted in  ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-3 08:41:42 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 roadman 于 2018-7-3 08:43 编辑

Finally:EMA’s Q&A on Health-Based Exposure Limits was published
On 30 April 2018, the EMA published the final, revisedversion of the Q&A document with its focus on setting health-based exposurelimits for risk identification and the risk-based prevention ofcross-contamination. The Q&A covers 13 questions and answers relating tothe “Guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in riskidentification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in sharedfacilities”, which has been in force sinceJune 2015.
In January 2017, the EMA released a draft for publicconsultation (we reported). But this paper constituted a roll backwards!
It re-introduced the traditional criteria (such as 1/1000thof minimum therapeutic dose and 10 ppm) for establishing limits for cleaningvalidation. This contradicts the original scientific approach of establishinghealth based exposure limits. The need for a toxicological evaluation wasintroduced into the EU GMP Guide just because the traditional criteria are notscientifically based.
其中重新引入了传统的标准(例如,1/1000的最低治疗剂量和10ppm)用于建立清洁验证限度。这与原来建立基于健康暴露限度的科学方法是冲突的。毒理学评估被引入EU GMP指南就是因为传统的标准并不科学。
In July 2017, the EMA held a workshop with participants fromindustry and authorities. During the workshop it became clear that nobody ishappy with the newly introduced differentiation between highly hazardousproducts and others as well as with the re-introduction ofthe traditional criteria. The outcome was that the Q&Ahas to be finally revised.
What‘s in the new version?新版本里有什么?
Health-Based-Exposure Limits (HBELs = PDEs) should beestablished for all medicinal products. The toxicological orpharmacological data, on which the HBEL calculation relies, requires periodicalre-assessment throughout a product’s lifecycle.
A broad hypothetical model (Source: ISPE Baseline&#174harmaceutical Engineering Guide, Volume 7) could be considered to show theincreasing level of hazard presented by products and there should be acommensurate increase in the level of control to prevent potential crosscontamination in a shared facility. PDE values <10&#181;g/day represent thehighes risk and PDE values >10000&#181;g/day the lowest. Actual PDE values shouldbe used in QRM studies to determine the actual controls required.
Once the health-based assessment has been completed and thePDE confirmed, these data should be used via a Quality Risk Managementprocess to determine what controls need to be put in place and to assess ifexisting organisational and technical control measures are adequate or if theyneed to be supplemented.
PDE reports should be determined by a person who has adequateexpertise and experience in toxicology/pharmacology, familiarity withpharmaceuticals as well as experience in the determination of health-basedexposure limits such as Occupational Exposure Levels (OEL) or PDE. Whereexperts are contracted to provide the HBEL, contractual agreements incompliance with Chapter 7 requirements should be in place prior to work beingconducted.
What responsibility do contract givers have to contractmanufacturers in relation to data to support a HBEL assessment? Contractgivers should either provide a full HBEL assessment to contract manufacturersor provide the data to allow the contract manufacturer to conduct the HBELassessment. In either case the HBEL assessment, including data references andrelevant experts should be available on request during inspection of themanufacturer.
Limits for cleaning purposes can be established based on the PDE value, but should notbe identical with it. For existing products, manufacturer’s historically usedcleaning limits should be retained and can be considered alert limits providedthat when taking cleaning process capability into account, they providesufficient assurance that excursions above the PDE will be prevented.
Analytical testing isexpected at each changeover unless justified otherwise via a robust, documentedQuality Risk Management (QRM) process.
Visual inspection: Manufacturersshould establish the threshold at which the product is readily visible as aresidue. This should also take into account the ability to visually inspect theequipment, for example, under the lighting conditions and distances observed inthe field. Visual inspection should include all product contact surfaces wherecontamination may be held. Non-product contact surfaces that may retain productthat could be dislodged or transferred into future batches should be includedin the visual inspection.
Manufacturers cannot just segregate common products fromother product types as a means of dealing with the risk to patient and animalsafety. Although this may prevent contamination of other product classes itdoes not address the possibility for cross contamination within productclasses.
The LD50 is not an adequate point of departure todetermine a HBEL for drug products.
If a PDE cannot be determined or data cannot supportmanufacture in shared facilities then the Ectoparasiticides should bemanufactured in dedicated facilities.
Veterinary Medicinal Products: The guideline on setting health-based exposure limitsindicates that the carry over limit should generally be derived using the humanPDE. However, in cases where there is concern relating to known susceptibilityof a particular species (e.g. monensin in horses) the HBEL approach should takeinto account knowledge of specific animal toxicity when evaluating productsmanufactured in shared facilities/equipment.
PDE values should be established based on all availabledata, and particularly as the knowledge base for Investigational MedicinalProducts (IMPs) is continually evolving the basis for establishing the PDE,should be regularly reviewed taking account of any new relevant data.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-3 08:43:41 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-3 10:49:06 | 显示全部楼层


EMA publishesfinal Q&A Document on the use of PDE (HBEL) Values / EMA发布关于使用PDEHBEL)值的最终问答文件

In April 2018, the EMA published the final version ofthe Q&A document on the use of Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) withoutspecial notice. The draft version had become necessary in 2016 because the EMAhad generated uncertainty within the pharmaceutical industry with theirGuideline on setting these limits (PDE values as well). The Permitted DailyExposure (PDE) values had been defined by the EMA in a new guideline in orderto mathematically decide upon the dedicated or multi-purpose use of plants. Thenew health-based values influence the cleaning validation threshold values aswell. In short, it can be determined how much cross contamination may betolerated from a health risk point of view by using the PDE values. Foridentifying and using these values, the EMA had to provide a Q&A documentwhich has now been published in its final version.
2018年4月,EMA发布了关于使用基于健康的暴露限值(HBELs)问答文件的最终版本,没有另行通知。该草案版本在2016年已成为必要,因为EMA关于设定这些限值(也称PDE值)的指南在制药行业中产生了不确定性。EMA在新指南中定义了允许的每日暴露(PDE)值,以便在数学上决定车间的专用或多用途。新的基于健康值也会影响清洁验证阈值。简而言之,通过使用PDE值,可以从健康风险的角度确定可以容忍多少交叉污染。 为了识别和使用这些值,EMA必须提供问答文件,现在已经出版了它的最终版本。
The document currently available mostly talks of HBELsand the term PDE is used only very occasionally. HBEL seems to be used as ageneral term and PDE as a part of HBEL. The threshold values described as ADE(Acceptable Daily Exposures) in ISPE Risk-MaPP would also be a sort of HBEL.When calculating the cleaning threshold values, the terms of PDE, ADE and HBELare used interchangeably.
目前可用的文件主要谈论HBEL,术语PDE只是偶尔使用。HBEL似乎被用作一般术语,PDE作为HBEL的一部分。在ISPE Risk-MaPP文件中描述为ADE(可接受的每日暴露)的阈值也将是一种HBEL。在计算清洁限值时,PDEADEHBEL的术语可互换使用。
The differences between the draft and the finalversion of the Q&A document in brief:
The number of questions listed has been reduced from14 to 13. The order and to some extent the content of the questions were alsochanged.
The statement that Health-Based Exposure Limits(HBELs) are required for all products is basically the same (question 1). Inaddition, these must be checked repeatedly during the product life cycle.
The question of what constitutes a highly hazardoussubstance (question 2) is no longer included in the document. Instead, question2 states that every substance is to be classified in a band somewhere between alow up to a very high hazard potential. This means that classifying thesubstances as "highly hazardous" and "non-highly hazardous"is not considered reasonable.
There is a new question about how a producer shouldhandle HBELs (question 3). Here as well, they refer to risk managementprocesses. In case that these indicate that the specified control measures donot sufficiently protect from contamination, dedicating the production shouldbe considered.
Another new question deals with who should developresp. define the HBEL values (question 4). According to the current paper, thiscan be a person with the appropriate toxicological/pharmacological expertisewho is familiar with medicinal products and with determining exposure limits(apart from occupational exposure limit, PDE limits are mentioned here aswell). This is somewhat confusing, since PDE values are a subset of HBELs.
Question no. 5 is also new: in which way are clientsresponsible towards contract manufacturers? It is clearly stated that theclient is obliged to provide a complete HBEL assessment to the contractmanufacturer or else the required data so that the contract manufacturerhimself can prepare a HBEL document (or have it prepared).
Question no. 6 remains unchanged: How can thresholdvalues for cleaning be established? While in the draft, the traditionalcalculations according to the 1/1000 dose or 10 ppm criterion for 'non-highlyhazardous' are named as an option, the new document has a different passage.For existing products, the existing limit values for cleaning shall bemaintained and regarded as alert values, provided that they are significantlyhigher than the corresponding HBEL values. So the content stays the same: lessstrict HBEL values should not lead to a less well-executed cleaning.
问题6保持不变:如何确定清洁阈值?在草案中,根据1/1000剂量或10 ppm标准对“非高度危险”的传统计算被指定为一个选项,新文件有不同的段落。对于现有产品,现有的清洁限值应保持并视为警报值,前提是它们明显高于相应的HBEL值。所以内容保持不变:不太严格的HBEL值不应该导致执行不太好的清洁
The 8th question, which is also new, is interesting aswell. It deals with the "visually clean" criterion. It is possible touse this as a criterion for success in cleaning, provided that numerouspreconditions are fulfilled. For instance, surface-specific threshold studiesare required, all relevant surfaces must be visible (if necessary, bydismantling), light and distance must be defined and the examiners need aspecific training etc.
Question 9 is the former question 13. Separating aproduct class into a dedicated section without further measures to preventcross contamination within this class is still not allowed.
Question 10 is the former question 5: it is still notpossible to use an LD50 value to obtain an HBEL.
Question 11 is the former question 7 (antiparasitictreatment); question 12 is the former question 8 (veterinary medicine),question 13 covers development products. However, it no longer addresseswhether HBELs are required for them; the answer to question 1 clearly indicatesthat these are also required for development products. In fact, it is evenpointed out that HBELs have to be reviewed periodically, if the associated datachange within the product life cycle - which applies mainly to developmentproducts after all.
For more information please see the the new Q&A paper on the use of HBEL resp. PDE values.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-7-20 14:13:39 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing

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