发表于 2018-2-23 21:59:34
Bayer AG
Kaiser-Willhelm-Allee, Building W11, 51368 Leverkusen Germany
德国勒沃库森Kaiser-Willhelm-Allee Building W11
1. Your firm failed to establish and follow adequate written procedures for cleaning and maintenance of equipment (21 CFR 211.67(b)).
贵司未能建立和遵循充分的设备清洁和维护的书面程序(21 CFR 211.67(b))。
Your equipment cleaning practices for non-dedicated equipment are inadequate. Your firm has several (b)(4)that can be used for more than one product.
A. Equipment exterior surfaces
During the production of yourdrug product (b)(4), which was in a (b)(4), our investigatorobserved a (b)(4) residue on the (b)(4) exterior surfaces. Yourmanufacturing area personnel stated that the residue was probably from a (b)(4)drug product, (b)(4), which was previously processed in the same room.
After our inspection, youtested samples of tablets produced with (b)(4) manufactured in the same (b)(4)to assess the potential for cross-contamination. Your testing confirmed thepresence of (b)(4) in (b)(4) tablets, which you had produced as acontract manufacturer for your customer, (b)(4). (b)(4) recalledseveral lots of (b)(4) on (b)(4), due to the cross-contaminationproblem.
B. (b)(4) on manufacturing equipment
In three different rooms, our investigator observed white residues in and around the (b)(4) of three (b)(4)identified as “clean.” Your cleaning procedure did not include provisions for cleaning (b)(4) in (b)(4).
Residues in and around (b)(4)can lead to the ingress of cross-contaminants into manufacturing equipment.
In your response, youcommitted to a number of corrective actions and preventive actions (CAPA) for (b)(4),including reevaluating cleaning procedures and practices, assessing the effectof residues on quality and safety of products, and retraining personnelinvolved with cleaning.
Your response was inadequate.You did not sufficiently assess whether U.S.-shipped products manufactured withthe (b)(4) were cross-contaminated. Additionally, you did not reevaluateyour cleaning procedures, practices, and validation for other non-dedicatedmanufacturing equipment.
In response to this letter,provide:
Your retrospective review supporting the safety and purity of each batch of product manufactured with your (b)(4) that remain within expiry in the U.S. market. Include a summary report of analytical testing results supporting your conclusions. Provide scientific justification if you to propose to exclude any batch that remains within expiry from this retrospective testing.
A comprehensive plan to assess cleaning procedures, practices, and validations for each piece of manufacturing equipment used to manufacture more than one product. Also include your plans to ensure that powder residues are removed from room surfaces as part of product changeovers.
2. Your firm failed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications, whether or not the batch has already been distributed (21 CFR 211.192).
贵公司未能彻底调查所有已销售和未销售的产品批次成品及其成分任何原因不明的不符合其质量标准的情形(21 CFR 211.192)。
Your investigations into product quality complaints are inadequate. For example, when you investigated two complaints of leaking (b)(4) containing (b)(4) batch (b)(4),you did not determine a root cause for the container-closure defect. Your (b)(4)supplier informed you of a (b)(4) defect that you did not address in your investigation. The investigation also failed to include an examination of retain samples or review past complaints to identify other instances of bag integrity defects.
Your response was inadequate because it lacked sufficient improvements to your investigation systems.
In response to this letter,provide:
A list of all complaints received from 2014 to present that indicate potential bag non-integrity, with detailed deions including complaint dates, product names, batch numbers, deion of complaint, exact breach locations, root causes, and CAPA. Include your final, updated investigations into the (b)(4) issues observed in batches (b)(4) and (b)(4).
A retrospective review of all investigations relating to complaints that could impact the quality of products within expiry in the U.S. market. Include an assessment of the depth of investigation, identification of potential root causes, review of related trends, and CAPA.
A full assessment and remediation of your systems for investigating complaints, failures, and deviations to ensure they are thorough, scientifically sound, and culminate in appropriate and effective CAPA.
Procedures requiring more thorough examination or testing of retention samples during investigations, including both the complaint batch and other potentially affected batches
Procedures that ensure each complaint of a critical defect is carefully evaluated to determine whether marketed products may be impacted. Currently, a problem appears to be escalated only after three complaints are received for a batch.
Improvements in your ongoing monitoring of vendor or contractor acceptability. Explain how you will ensure that vendors notify you about significant deviations or potential defects in materials (e.g., by modifying quality agreements).
3. Your firmfailed to establish an adequate quality control unit with the responsibilityand authority to approve or reject all components, drug product containers,closures, in-process materials, packaging materials, labeling, and drugproducts, and that approves or rejects all procedures or specifications impactingon the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the drug product (21 CFR211.22(a) and (c)).
你们公司未能建立足够的质量控制部门,具备职责和权力批准或拒收所有成分、药品容器、密闭器、中间体、包装物料、标签和药品,批准或拒收所有影响药品鉴定、剂量、质量和纯度的程序或质量标准(21 CFR211.22(a) and (c))。
Your quality control unit didnot sufficiently oversee adequacy of procedures at your facility to assure drugproduct quality.
A. Discarded training records
Our investigators observed discarded original personnel training records. Your procedure 3-040-127, Use of the Schulungsdatenbank (Learning Management System) in the Supply Center Leverkusen requires these records to be maintained. In your response, you committed to retain original training records. However, you did not reassess your program to ensure that personnel were trained and capable of perform ingtheir assigned functions.
B. Discarded automated visual inspection machine parameters
In a (b)(4) department office waste bin, our investigators observed discarded forms used to document and set inspection parameters for your automated tablet visual inspection machinery. These parameters are used to accept or reject tablets. In your response, you noted that you documented and approved final set-up parameters,“but historically the calculations generated in support of those parameters have not been preserved.” You indicate that programming the visual inspection machine to detect defects may not be a CGMP activity. We note that the parameters of this machinery are used to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable tablets. Accordingly, entering reliable settings into machine programming is part of CGMP.
In response to this letter:
Reassess any systems or activities associated with drug manufacturing or testing equipment that you consider “non-GMP.” Provide your reassessment and describe improvements in your procedures for document handling, retention, and destruction.
Review your training program’s effectiveness, including but not limited to evaluating the reason(s) that some individuals failed to follow standard operating procedures. Summarize your CAPA.
4. Your firm failed to ensure that laboratory records included complete data derived from all tests necessary to assure compliance with established specifications and standards (21 CFR 211.194(a)).
你们公司未能确保实验室记录包含所有检验完整数据以符合既定规范和标准 (21 CFR211.194(a))。
When reviewing audit trails, our investigator observed unreported data from in-process tablet weight checks. You programmed your in-process weight checker not to report values that varied more than (b)(4)% from the tablet target weight.
In your response, you committed to suspend this procedure, investigate any such values, and perform a retrospective assessment of tablet weight checker data. However, your retrospective tablet weight assessment was limited to all rejected measurements from February 1 to March 15, 2017, and about 8,000 rejected measurements representing an unspecified percentage of the total number of rejected measurements from August 1, 2016, to February 1, 2017. There was no commitment to revisit equipment qualification(s) and process validation(s) to ensure they included complete data.
In response to this letter, as part of your retrospective tablet weight assessment, explain whether your findings impact data supporting tablet manufacturing equipment qualification and manufacturing process validation studies. Provide a summary listing of equipment qualification and process validation documents that you reviewed.
Data Integrity Remediation
FDA acknowledges that, before our inspection, you began a data integrity remediation program. Our investigator documented that, as part of your data integrity remediation program, you discontinued the practice of performing “test” injections as a result of an internal assessment in June 2016. However, we noted that you only reviewed chromatographic data for (b)(4) and (b)(4) generated between January 1, 2015, and June 23, 2016.
Your action plans submitted on May 11, 2017, and August 10, 2017, did not include an assessment of other products manufactured and tested at your facility. Additionally, the retrospective review did not include data generated before January 1, 2015,used in support of drug applications submitted to FDA. Further, your retrospective review only focused on the laboratory. You did not investigate potential data integrity lapses in other manufacturing systems.
In response to this letter, provide your revised action plan. In your summary report, include otherproducts manufactured and tested at your facility and identify any data generated before January 1, 2015, that was used to support drug applications submitted to FDA. Also, include your protocol and methodology. Summarize all laboratories, manufacturing operations, and systems covered by the assessment. Specify whether a qualified independent consultant performed interviews to ensure that the nature and scope of the problem was fully determined. Discuss the role of the independent consultant in auditing the integrityof your data and assisting with CAPA. Justify why you excluded any part of your operations or systems.
回复此函,请提交你们修订后的行动计划。在你们的总结报告中,请包括在你们工厂生产和检测的其它产品,识别出2015年1月1日生成的用于支持提交给FDA的药品申报资料的所有数据。还有,请包括你们的方案和方法学。总结评估所覆盖的所有化验室、生产操作和系统。说明是否有具备资质的独立顾问执行面谈以确保全面确定问题的属性和范围。讨论独立顾问在审核你们数据和协助CAPA中所起作用。论证为何你们要排除你们操作或系统的任何部分。 |