发表于 2017-7-19 12:00:10
本帖最后由 beiwei5du 于 2017-7-19 12:26 编辑
这个顶一下。对于这个筒式HEPA的检测是否是事实total leak test的方式???但是具体是否需要相应的辅助设施呢????@石头968 @psi2010
5.2 Qualification to Ensure Uniform Downstream Concentration for Total Leak Test
Thorough mixing is required for any leaking aerosol downstream from the filter. This is difficult because the airflow leaving a HEPA filter is laminar. Inducing turbulence in the downstream airflow is one method that produces mixing. There are two approaches for achieving this. 5.2.1 Uniform Aerosol Concentration Using Duct Length
Adequate duct length is required to allow the air velocity and the aerosol concentration to become uniformly distributed. This is ensured by placing the downstream sampling location ³7.5 equivalent duct diameters downstream from the closest upstream source of turbulence. This ensures the aerosol concentration is uniform across the duct and the measurement is representative of leakage through the system.
5.2.2 Uniform Aerosol Concentration Using Engineered System
An engineered turbulence induction and sampling manifold system which collects samples at multiple points downstream of all portions of the filter after mixing for concurrent measurement of the average concentration is an alternative. This is accomplished using a segment inserted downstream of the filter that does not need to be ³7.5 duct diameters long.
6.0 Acceptance Criteria for In-Place Leakage Tests
6.1 Criteria for Total Leak Test HEPA filters covered by this local standard using the total leak test are subject to annual in-place leakage tests as prescribed in ASME N510-1989, Section 10. The HEPA filter and its installation are acceptable if the percent leakage is equal to or less than 0.03% or other value less than 0.05% and specified in an approved Technical Safety Requirement or other appropriate safety basis document. If the in-place leakage exceeds 0.03% or other specified value and cannot be adjusted by correcting the sealing clamps, the HEPA filter shall promptly be replaced.
6.2 Criteria for Scan Leak Test HEPA filters covered by this local standard using the scan leak test are subject to annual in-place leakage tests as prescribed in Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) Recommended Practice IEST-RP-CC034.1, “HEPA and ULPA Filter Leak Tests.” For these tests, the maximum allowable leakage, measured anywhere on the downstream face of the filter, shall be 0.01%. If the in-place scan test exceeds 0.01% and cannot be adjusted by correcting the sealing clamps, the HEPA filter shall promptly be replaced.