或者自己申请走DMF closure这个程序,直接关闭了,然后整套资料重新全部提交???反正暂时还没有缴费。
IX. CLOSURE OF A DRUG MASTER FILEA holder who wishes to close a DMF should submit a request to the Drug Master File Staff stating the reason for the closure(这个可能不是很好说). See Section IV.D.5.a for the address. The request should include a statement that the holder's obligations as detailed in Section VII have been fulfilled. The Agency may close a DMF that does not contain an annual update of persons authorized to incorporate information in the DMF by reference and a list of changes made since the previous annual report. The holder will be notified of FDA's intent to close the DMF. Many of the guidelines referred to in the text and a current list of available guidelines may be obtained from the following: https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm122886.htm [url=]Reactivating a Inactive (Closed) DMF[/url] An Inactive DMF can be returned to ACTIVE status only by submission of a REACTIVATION, which should contain a complete resubmission of the DMF, updated to meet current Guidances. The cover letter must specify that the submission is a "REACTIVATION." Alternatively the DMF holder can submit a new DMF(可以考虑选取重新提交DMF方式).