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After almost two years of discussion and analysis, the Food and Drug Administration is finalizing a proposal for collecting data from manufacturers to help measure the performance of manufacturing operations and the quality of resulting drugs and biologics. The agency hopes to issue draft guidance by the end of the year that will outline a set of metrics indicative of a company’s ability to produce high quality products consistently. FDA sees quality metrics as supporting a range of initiatives for addressing drug shortages and recalls and for assisting manufacturers in preventing situations that could undermine quality operations. 经过近两年的讨论和分析,FDA最终完成了确定为从制造商收集数据来衡量生产绩效和药品(包括生物制品)质量的方案。FDA希望在今年底能发布相关的指南草案,并在草案中列出一组能表示制药企业是否能持续性生产高质量产品的能力度量矩阵。FDA把质量矩阵作为后续一系列举措,包括解决药品短缺和召回和协助制造商在防止可能损害产品质量,的重要支撑。
The initial proposal is considering collection of data from manufacturers on annual lot rejection/acceptance rate; right-first-time rate; complaints received related to product quality; and invalidated out-of-specification results. To gain a broader measure of a manufacturer’s quality system, the draft plan also may examine on-time rate for annual product reviews, what level of management signs off on annual product reviews, whether an establishment calculates a process capability or performance index for critical quality attributes; and how an establishment’s Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) program operates. 最初的草案是考虑从制造商采集下列数据: 年度批量拒绝/接受率; 一次正确率; 产品质量的投诉, 及OOS的发生率。
为了能更广泛的衡量一个制造商的质量体系,草案还可能检查: 年度产品回顾的准时率, 年度产品回顾是由哪一层级的主管签核, 是否建立工艺能力或性能指标的关键质量属性; 以及CAPA实施结果。
FDA aims to publish a draft guidance outlining this program by the end of the year, according to Russ Wesdyk, scientific coordinator at the Office of Strategic Programs in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), which has headed up this initiative under OSP director Theresa Mullin since it was announced in February 2013. An agency working group, which includes staff from OSP, the Office of Pharmaceutical Science, the Office of Compliance and FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs, is developing the program and will review comments on the draft guidance and hold public meetings to gain further input. The aim is to publish final guidance by the end of 2015 and initiate data collection in 2016. Manufacturers will have a year grace period to comply, but could face regulatory action after that. 药物评价和研究中心的战略计划办公室(CDER)的科学协调员Russ wesdyk表示,FDA计划在今年底发布指南草案。从2013年2月份宣布此计划以来,CDER就在OSP总监Theresa Mullin的领导下主持开展了线管工作。一组工作小组,成员来自OSP,the Offce of Pharmaceutical Science,the the Office of Compliance,和FDA's Office of Regulatory Affairs,一直在撰写草案,审查对于草案的意见,并举行公开的会议来获取更多的意见。最终目的是在20145发布正式的指南,并从2016年开始进行数据采集。制造商将有一年的宽限期,但之后就可能面临监管行动。 (小编按:剩不到两年的时间了,要出口产品到美国的药企们,您准备好了吗?)
Data will be collected for manufacturing sites and by products, Wesdyk explained at last week’s FDA/PQRI conference on evolving product quality. FDA will issue overall results for industry, and also provide each manufacturer with a confidential score that then can be compared to industry averages – somewhat similar to SAT scores, in that the individual will see a specific score and also how it fits overall results. 数据将由生产车间依照产品来采集,Wesdyk在上周FDA/PQRI的产品质量演化会议上表示:FDA将发步行业的整体结果,并提供各制造商保密分数,用于比对行业的平均水平 – 这一做法有些类似SAT成绩,个别制造商将看到自己的得分,和在行业里的位置。
In developing the program, the FDA working group has solicited and reviewed white papers from manufacturers on what data they currently collect and what metrics they consider most valuable. In submitting proposals to FDA, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE), the Parenteral Drug Association (PDA), the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) and the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA) have addressed different aspects of this broad initiative, clarified definitions of key terms, and emphasized the need to take a balanced approach to assessing quality production. A second PDA workshop in December will further examine the attributes and measures of a “quality culture.” Ideally, this initial set of metrics will lay the basis for further harmonization of quality standards on a global basis. 在撰写草案的过程中,FDA工作组也听取和审查来自制造商的白皮书,以了解目前制造商已经在采集什么样的数据,和哪些是制造商认为最有价值的数据。国际制药工程协会(ISPE),注射药物协会(PDA),美国药品研究与制造商协会(PhRMA),生物技术产业组织(BIO)和仿制药协会(GPHA)在提交给FDA的建议书中已经提出计划的各个需考虑的层面,阐明了关键术语的定义,并强调需要采取一个平衡的方式来评估产品质量。在12月份举办的PDA研讨会将进一步检视“质量文化“的属性和度量方法。在理想情况下,这组质量矩阵的度量指标将会成为未来协调统一全球药品质量标准的基础。