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ISO14644-1 B.4.1.2
Ensure that the sampling locations are evenly distributed throughout the area of the cleanroom or clean zone and positioned at the height of the work activity.If the customer specifies additional sampling locations, their number and positions shall also be specified.
NOTE Such additional locations may be those considered critical,based on a risk analysis.
要保证采样点均匀分布于整个洁净室或洁净区内,并位于工作活动的高度。如果用户规定增加采样点,其数目和位置也应作出规定。 注:增加的采样点可认为是风险分析的关键。 那么,1.我们根据实际洁净区设备放置位置,工艺人流物流等情况选择取样点时,是需要额外增加点还是就可以在这个基础上进行适当位置移动,这样的话是否违背均匀分布原则(点数选择采用n =A0.5 )? 2.如果首次空调系统PQ验证时只是按照均匀分布原则布点,日常监测的取样点该如何选择呢?