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Topic 7: Cleaning, Disinfection, Decontamination: Cycle Development andValidation 话题7:清洁,消毒[1],消毒[2]: 工艺开发和验证 Q7-1: What are the special considerations for cleaningand disinfecting isolator interiors (non-product contact surfaces) prior todecontamination? 问题1:在消毒[2]之前,对隔离器内部(非产品接触表面)进行清洁和消毒[1]有哪些特别注意事项? Recommendation推荐 The qualification orvalidation of the cleaning and disinfecting of non-product contact surfacesshould be based on risk assessment. The cleanliness of non-product contactsurfaces should be visually verified, at the least. 非产品接触表面清洁和消毒[1]应基于风险评估进行确认或验证。非产品接触表面的清洁至少应进行目视确认。 Cleaning 清洁 The decontaminationprocess does not remove product or foreign material. The interior of the isola­torshould be cleaned to remove product residue and foreign material prior to thedecontamination process. 消毒[2]过程不会去除产品或异物。在消毒[2]之前,应清洗隔离器内部以去除产品残留物和异物。 The cleaning processshould be documented in a procedure. The cleaning process should be reliableand adequate to remove levels of product residue and foreign material that canpose a risk to the quality of the next product or the performance of thedecontamination process. 清洁工艺应有书面化程序。清洁工艺应可靠且足以去除可能对下一个产品的质量或消毒工艺性能产生风险的产品残留物和异物。 The cleaning processshould be developed based on process and product requirements, the design ofthe isolator interior, and the surfaces to be cleaned. Potential considerationsinclude: 清洁工艺应根据工艺和产品要求、隔离器内部的设计以及要清洁的表面来制定。可能的考虑因素包括: Ø Dedicated verses shared or multiproductisolators 专用与共用或多产品隔离器 Ø Complexity or variability of the cleaningprocess 清洁工艺的复杂性和多变性 Ø Location of surfaces to be cleaned within theisolator 隔离器中待清洁表面位置 Ø Activities performed at given locationswithin the isolator 隔离器中给定位置的活动 Ø Exposure of product to potentiallycontaminated environment or surfaces 产品暴露于可能被污染的环境或表面 Ø Toxicity and potency of previous product 先前产品的毒性和效力 Ø Sensitivity of next product to presence ofprevious product 下一产品对前一产品存在的敏感性 Ø Difficulty in removing product residue orforeign materials from isolator surfaces 从隔离器表面去除产品残留或异物的困难程度 Ø Ability to visually or analytically detectpresence of product residue or foreign material 目测或分析检测产品残留或异物的能力 Ø Diversity of products handled or filled inthe isolator 隔离器中处理或灌装产品的多样性 Ø Effect of cleaning material residue onproduct or isolator interior 清洁剂残留对产品和隔离器内表面的影响 Ø Material surface quality and cleanability 材料(隔离器内表面)质量和可清洁程度 Ø Effect of product or foreign material residue(including cleaning material residue) on decontamination process 产品或异物残留(包括清洁剂残留)对消毒2工艺的影响 Ø Other controls in place to address the riskof contamination of product with previous product residue and foreign material 其他控制措施,以解决产品被先前产品残留和异物污染的风险 Disinfection 消毒[1] Since theeffectiveness of the decontamination process may depend on the level ofbioburden pres­ent, a disinfection process may establish a baseline prior tothe decontamination of the isolator interior. 由于消毒[2]工艺的有效性取决于微生物负荷水平,消毒[1]工艺应在隔离器内部消毒[2]之前建立一个基准。 The disinfectionprocess should be validated and documented in a procedure. The disinfectionprocess should include limits on hold time prior to disinfection (time afterend of isolator cleaning to initiation of disinfection process) and hold timeafter disinfection (time after completion of disinfec­tion process toinitiation of decontamination process). 消毒[1]工艺应经过验证并有书面化程序。消毒[1]工艺应包括消毒[1]前的保持时间(隔离器清洗结束后到开始消毒[1]的时间)和消毒[1]后的保持时间(消毒[1]结束后到开始消毒[2]的时间)限制。 A risk assessmentshould be used to determine the maximum level of bioburden allowable to assureeffectiveness of the decontamination process and the method for disinfection.Risk-based consider­ation may include the follow factors: 应使用风险评估来确定允许的最大生物负荷水平,以确保消毒[2]工艺和消毒[1]方法的有效性。基于风险的考虑可能包括以下因素: Ø Complexity, variability, and effectiveness ofthe disinfection process 消毒[1]工艺的复杂性,可变性和有效性 Ø Complexity, variability, and effectiveness ofthe decontamination process 消毒[2]工艺的复杂性,可变性和有效性 Ø Location of surfaces to be disinfected withinthe isolator 隔离器中待消毒表面的位置 Ø Bioburden levels assessed through periodicsurface monitoring of the opened isolator 通过对打开的隔离器进行定期的表面监测来评估微生物负荷水平 Ø Routine environmental monitoring program ofthe isolator 隔离器的日常环境监测计划 Ø Environmental monitoring of environmentsurrounding the isolator 隔离器周围环境的环境监测 Ø Ability to remove disinfectant from isolatorinterior and sensitivity of product to levels of disinfectant 从隔离器内部清除消毒剂的能力和产品对消毒剂水平的敏感性 Ø Occurrence of any occluded surfaces frommoving parts that will be exposed during manufacturing operations, e.g.,conveyor belts 在生产操作过程中暴露的运动部件(如传送带)表面(原先被遮盖) If the bioburden ofthe isolator interior is higher than the spore log reduction of the validateddecon­tamination cycle, an additional disinfection step may be required afterthe cleaning process. 如果隔离器内部的微生物负荷高于经过验证的消毒[2]工艺的孢子对数减少量,则在清洁后可能需要额外的消毒[1]步骤。 The design of theisolator interior should be adequate for the cleaning and disinfection process.De­sign considerations may include the following factors: 隔离器内部的设计应适合清洁和消毒[1]工艺。设计考虑可能包括以下因素: Ø Materials of construction of the isolatorinterior should be cleanable and resistant to cleaning and disinfectantchemicals, treatment, and process 隔离器内部的建筑材料应可清洁,并耐受清洁和消毒剂、处理和工艺 Ø Surfaces should be smooth and nonporous 表面应光滑无孔 Ø Surfaces should drain properly and not poolor accumulate liquids 表面能排水,不得积聚液体 Ø Surfaces close to exposed product or productcontact surfaces should not have excessive or deep seams that can harborproduct residue or foreign material 靠近暴露产品的表面或产品接触表面不应有过多或很深的接缝,以免藏有产品残留物或异物 Ø Critical spaces (areas, surfaces, orenvironments that, if microbiologically or chemically contaminated, pose a riskof contamination to product or product contact surfaces) should be accessibleto the cleaning procedure 关键空间(如果受到微生物或化学污染,会对产品或产品接触面构成污染风险的区域、表面或环境)应易于清洁 Ø Areas within the isolator that expose productor generate or harbor foreign material should be limited 隔离器内暴露产品或产生或藏匿异物的区域应受到限制 OtherConsiderations 其他考虑 Precautions should betaken to avoid excessive exposure to foreign material and microbiologicalcontamination when opening the isolator and exposing the interior to thesurrounding environment. To reduce the risk of particulates and microbial load,in addition to Grade C garments, wearing an additional hood, sterile goggles orglasses, and gloves should be considered. 在打开隔离器。将内部暴露于周围环境时,应采取预防措施,避免过度暴露于外源物质和微生物污染。为了降低微粒和微生物负荷的风险,除了C级洁净服外,还应考虑佩戴额外的兜帽、无菌护目镜或眼镜和手套。 A quality riskdocument for the complete process within the isolator must define criticalareas where product could be open and process operations are critical. Thehigher the risk to the product, the more detailed the cleaning and disinfectionprocedure needed. For the most critical areas, dedicated cleaning equipment andutensils should be used by appropriately trained operators. 隔离器内整个工艺的质量风险文件必须明确产品暴露和工艺操作的关键区域。产品的风险越高,需要的清洁和消毒[1]程序就越详细。对于最关键的区域,应由经过适当培训的操作人员使用专用的清洁设备和用具。 Rationale 理由 The objective of theisolator cleaning and disinfection procedure is to remove residues, foreign mat­ter,and bioburden prior to decontamination of the isolator interior to ensure theeffectiveness of the decontamination cycle and, thus, the sterility of product.Cleaning should further reduce the levels and risk of particulate,cross-contamination, chemical contamination, and toxic substances in prod­uctfilled or processed in the isolator. 隔离器清洗和消毒[1]程序的目标是在隔离器内部消毒[2]之前去除残留物、异物和微生物负荷,以确保消毒[2]工艺的有效性,从而确保产品的无菌性。清洁应进一步降低在隔离器中灌装或加工的产品中的粒子、交叉污染、化学污染和有毒物质的水平和风险。 The objective of thedecontamination process is to render isolator surfaces and items in theisolator incapable of contaminating sterile product, materials, or surfaces.Effective decontamination of the isolator interior, including gloves, transferports, STUs, equipment, materials, and items within the isolator, is essentialto the control of sterile product contamination and the sterility of theproduct. 消毒[2]工艺的目的是使无菌产品、材料或表面不被隔离器表面和隔离器内的物品不能污染。隔离器内部的有效消毒[2],包括手套、传输端口、传递舱、设备、材料和隔离器内的物品,对于控制无菌产品污染和产品的无菌是至关重要的。 A risk-based approachto designing the cleaning, disinfection, and decontamination processes willhelp identify the conditions and variables that must be controlled. Thisapproach will also help establish the procedures, parameters, and acceptancecriteria needed to ensure that the isolator is in a condition that allows foran effective decontamination and manufacturing process. 基于风险的方法来设计清洁、消毒[1]和消毒[2]工艺将有助于确定必须控制的条件和变量。这种方法还将有助于建立所需的程序、参数和接受标准,以确保隔离器处于有效的消毒和生产工艺条件下。 References 参考 Denk, R, et al. Isolator Surfacesand Contamination Risks to Personnel | GMP Cleaning Requirements for Non-productContact Surfaces. PDA Letter 2017, Nov/Dec, 36-40. Parenteral Drug Association. TechnicalReport No. 51: Biological Indicators for Gas and Vapor-Phase Decontami­nationProcesses: Specification, Manufacture, Control and Use; PDA: Bethesda, Md.,2010. www.pda.org/book­store (accessed Oct 11 2018). PI 014-3 PIC/SGuide: Isolators Used for Aseptic Processing and Sterility Testing harmaceutical Inspection Convention (Scheme): 2007. http://www.picscheme.org/pdf/29_pi-014-3-recommendation-on-isolators.pdf(accessed November19, 2019). 注:中文中将Disinfection和Decontamination都翻译成消毒,实际上他们是有区别的,以下是定义。 Decontamination 消毒 An action taken torender the surface of an item, environment, material, or component in the isola­torincapable of microbiologically contaminating sterile product, product contactsurfaces, or mate­rials (also referred to as bio-decontamination). 使隔离器中的物品、环境、材料或部件表面不受微生物污染,或使无菌产品、产品接触表面或材料不受微生物污染(也称为生物消毒)。 Disinfection 消毒 Process by whichsurface bioburden is reduced to a safe level or eliminated. Some disinfectionagents are effective only against vegetative mi­crobes, while others possessadditional capability to effectively kill bacterial and fungal spores (1). 将表面微生物负荷降低到安全水平或去除微生物负荷的过程。一些消毒剂仅对营养体微生物有效,而其他消毒剂具有有效杀死细菌和真菌孢子的额外能力(1)。