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[其他] PDA 无菌药品在隔离器中进行无菌处理的注意事项

发表于 2023-2-3 16:18:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Topic 7: Cleaning, Disinfection, Decontamination: Cycle Development andValidation
话题7:清洁,消毒[1],消毒[2]: 工艺开发和验证
Q7-1: What are the special considerations for cleaningand disinfecting isolator interiors (non-product contact surfaces) prior todecontamination?
The qualification orvalidation of the cleaning and disinfecting of non-product contact surfacesshould be based on risk assessment. The cleanliness of non-product contactsurfaces should be visually verified, at the least.
Cleaning 清洁
The decontaminationprocess does not remove product or foreign material. The interior of the isola­torshould be cleaned to remove product residue and foreign material prior to thedecontamination process.
The cleaning processshould be documented in a procedure. The cleaning process should be reliableand adequate to remove levels of product residue and foreign material that canpose a risk to the quality of the next product or the performance of thedecontamination process.
The cleaning processshould be developed based on process and product requirements, the design ofthe isolator interior, and the surfaces to be cleaned. Potential considerationsinclude:
Ø  Dedicated verses shared or multiproductisolators
Ø  Complexity or variability of the cleaningprocess
Ø  Location of surfaces to be cleaned within theisolator
Ø  Activities performed at given locationswithin the isolator
Ø  Exposure of product to potentiallycontaminated environment or surfaces
Ø  Toxicity and potency of previous product
Ø  Sensitivity of next product to presence ofprevious product
Ø  Difficulty in removing product residue orforeign materials from isolator surfaces
Ø  Ability to visually or analytically detectpresence of product residue or foreign material
Ø  Diversity of products handled or filled inthe isolator
Ø  Effect of cleaning material residue onproduct or isolator interior
Ø  Material surface quality and cleanability
Ø  Effect of product or foreign material residue(including cleaning material residue) on decontamination process
Ø  Other controls in place to address the riskof contamination of product with previous product residue and foreign material
Disinfection 消毒[1]
Since theeffectiveness of the decontamination process may depend on the level ofbioburden pres­ent, a disinfection process may establish a baseline prior tothe decontamination of the isolator interior.
The disinfectionprocess should be validated and documented in a procedure. The disinfectionprocess should include limits on hold time prior to disinfection (time afterend of isolator cleaning to initiation of disinfection process) and hold timeafter disinfection (time after completion of disinfec­tion process toinitiation of decontamination process).
A risk assessmentshould be used to determine the maximum level of bioburden allowable to assureeffectiveness of the decontamination process and the method for disinfection.Risk-based consider­ation may include the follow factors:
Ø  Complexity, variability, and effectiveness ofthe disinfection process
Ø  Complexity, variability, and effectiveness ofthe decontamination process
Ø  Location of surfaces to be disinfected withinthe isolator
Ø  Bioburden levels assessed through periodicsurface monitoring of the opened isolator
Ø  Routine environmental monitoring program ofthe isolator
Ø  Environmental monitoring of environmentsurrounding the isolator
Ø  Ability to remove disinfectant from isolatorinterior and sensitivity of product to levels of disinfectant
Ø  Occurrence of any occluded surfaces frommoving parts that will be exposed during manufacturing operations, e.g.,conveyor belts
If the bioburden ofthe isolator interior is higher than the spore log reduction of the validateddecon­tamination cycle, an additional disinfection step may be required afterthe cleaning process.
The design of theisolator interior should be adequate for the cleaning and disinfection process.De­sign considerations may include the following factors:
Ø  Materials of construction of the isolatorinterior should be cleanable and resistant to cleaning and disinfectantchemicals, treatment, and process
Ø  Surfaces should be smooth and nonporous
Ø  Surfaces should drain properly and not poolor accumulate liquids
Ø  Surfaces close to exposed product or productcontact surfaces should not have excessive or deep seams that can harborproduct residue or foreign material
Ø  Critical spaces (areas, surfaces, orenvironments that, if microbiologically or chemically contaminated, pose a riskof contamination to product or product contact surfaces) should be accessibleto the cleaning procedure
Ø  Areas within the isolator that expose productor generate or harbor foreign material should be limited
OtherConsiderations 其他考虑
Precautions should betaken to avoid excessive exposure to foreign material and microbiologicalcontamination when opening the isolator and exposing the interior to thesurrounding environment. To reduce the risk of particulates and microbial load,in addition to Grade C garments, wearing an additional hood, sterile goggles orglasses, and gloves should be considered.
A quality riskdocument for the complete process within the isolator must define criticalareas where product could be open and process operations are critical. Thehigher the risk to the product, the more detailed the cleaning and disinfectionprocedure needed. For the most critical areas, dedicated cleaning equipment andutensils should be used by appropriately trained operators.
Rationale 理由
The objective of theisolator cleaning and disinfection procedure is to remove residues, foreign mat­ter,and bioburden prior to decontamination of the isolator interior to ensure theeffectiveness of the decontamination cycle and, thus, the sterility of product.Cleaning should further reduce the levels and risk of particulate,cross-contamination, chemical contamination, and toxic substances in prod­uctfilled or processed in the isolator.
The objective of thedecontamination process is to render isolator surfaces and items in theisolator incapable of contaminating sterile product, materials, or surfaces.Effective decontamination of the isolator interior, including gloves, transferports, STUs, equipment, materials, and items within the isolator, is essentialto the control of sterile product contamination and the sterility of theproduct.
A risk-based approachto designing the cleaning, disinfection, and decontamination processes willhelp identify the conditions and variables that must be controlled. Thisapproach will also help establish the procedures, parameters, and acceptancecriteria needed to ensure that the isolator is in a condition that allows foran effective decontamination and manufacturing process.
References 参考
Denk, R, et al. Isolator Surfacesand Contamination Risks to Personnel | GMP Cleaning Requirements for Non-productContact Surfaces. PDA Letter 2017, Nov/Dec, 36-40.
Parenteral Drug Association. TechnicalReport No. 51: Biological Indicators for Gas and Vapor-Phase Decontami­nationProcesses: Specification, Manufacture, Control and Use; PDA: Bethesda, Md.,2010. www.pda.org/book­store (accessed Oct 11 2018).
PI 014-3 PIC/SGuide: Isolators Used for Aseptic Processing and Sterility Testingharmaceutical Inspection Convention (Scheme): 2007. http://www.picscheme.org/pdf/29_pi-014-3-recommendation-on-isolators.pdf(accessed November19, 2019).
Decontamination 消毒
An action taken torender the surface of an item, environment, material, or component in the isola­torincapable of microbiologically contaminating sterile product, product contactsurfaces, or mate­rials (also referred to as bio-decontamination).
Disinfection 消毒
Process by whichsurface bioburden is reduced to a safe level or eliminated. Some disinfectionagents are effective only against vegetative mi­crobes, while others possessadditional capability to effectively kill bacterial and fungal spores (1).


使用道具 举报

发表于 2023-2-3 16:24:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-2-3 16:48:31 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-2-28 16:19:14 | 显示全部楼层
Q7-2: What are the current options for isolator interior decontamination?

Recommendation 推荐
The predominant decontamination agents currently being used for isolator interior decontamination are VHP and peracetic acid. Alternative agents and technologies could become available that may be considered for decontamination. A careful risk assessment should be performed to evaluate, select, develop, qualify, and validate agents, technologies, methods, and cycles based on equipment condi¬tion, process performance, product quality and sterility, and personnel safety.
The selection of the decontamination process, agent, and dispersion technology or procedure should take into consideration the:
        Effectiveness of the decontamination process as applied to the condition, design, and use of the isolator
        Production requirements
        Potential impact of the agent and procedure on the isolator, product, process, and personnel
        Corrosive or reactive properties of the agent and its impact on the equipment and materials present in the isolator
        Potential impact of the agent on personnel and the external environment
        History or familiarity with an agent or technology
        Preference for an agent or technology at the user’s site or location
        Availability of alternative agents or technologies
Decontamination agents are typically dispersed in two basic states: gaseous and vapor phase. VHP in the vapor phase may be used to decontaminate pharmaceutical isolators. VHP decontamination is an extremely potent, complex process due to its biphasic nature [both liquid and vapor (gas) phases are typically present in the chamber]. The phase equilibrium is extremely sensitive to minor differences in temperature, VHP, and water concentration, making it virtually impossible to know the exact pro¬cess physical parameters at any given time and location. Consequently, no industrial standard exists that defines the required process parameters of either the mechanical design of vapor generation or the distribution systems. As a result, there are a vast variety of commercial systems used throughout the industry with different designs and process descriptions.
No matter what system is being used, the process fundamentals remain the same. VHP is distributed in the decontaminated chamber until enough VHP has been deposited (i.e., adsorbed/condensed) on the decontaminated surfaces to yield the targeted decontamination effect. The generally accepted understanding is that increasing the saturation of the VHP atmosphere increases the efficacy, because a large amount of liquid VHP is deposited on the surfaces.
Too much deposited VHP, however, can lead to long aeration and increasing material compatibil¬ity and VHP ingress concerns. Depending on the VHP and water concentration, air pressure, and temperature, systems operating below or above saturation (i.e., surface temperature below or above VHP-water mixture vapor dew point) can be used. Two main approaches for VHP vapor generation used in the industry are hot plate vaporization and fogging.
Hot plate vaporizers use heat to transform injected liquid aqueous VHP solution into hot vapor, which is then distributed within the chamber to be decontaminated. Hot plate vaporizers should be operated to ensure flash vaporization of injected VHP. An operating temperature too low or liquid dosing too high may result in VHP boiling that will affect the efficacy and may even lead to explo¬sion! Hot vapor entering the chamber should be well distributed to prevent local hot spots or posi¬tions with too much VHP condensation. When using remote vapor generators, premature cooling and condensation of generated VHP vapor inside the piping needs to be prevented before reaching the target destination.
Fogging processes are based on the generation of micron-sized droplets with enormous surface area, which facilitates natural vaporization without the need of additional heat. The vaporization of drop¬lets continues until the maximum vapor saturation is reached and the fog is created. Depending on the generated droplet size, fog is termed “dry” or “wet” by the industry. In this context, “wet” fog is considered aerosol with droplet sizes larger than approximately 15–20 μm. Such particles settle and attach more easily to surfaces compared to smaller droplets. Consequently, decontamination using “wet” fog is a combination of vapor- and liquid-deposited VHP. Sprays with a droplet size below 15 μm are typically considered “dry.” Small droplets experience minimal sedimentation and tend to bounce off surfaces without leaving liquid deposits. Adsorption of vapor phase VHP on surfaces is the main mechanism of action. Dry fogging provides fast surface decontamination and reduces the aeration time due to short contact time of the VHP on the surfaces. Nozzles or nebulizers should be operated to allow enough space for the spray to develop and spread throughout the chamber; objects too close to the nozzle may receive an excessive deposit of VHP “wetting.” The initial temperature and humidity should be considered for fogging processes as these determine how much VHP vapor can be generated by atomization.
雾化过程是产生具有巨大表面积的微米级液滴,这可由自然蒸发产生,而不需要额外的热量。液滴的蒸发一直持续到达到最大饱和度,形成雾。根据产生的液滴大小,雾被业界分为“干”或“湿”两种。在这种情况下,“湿”雾被认为是液滴尺寸大于约15-20 μm的气溶胶。与较小的液滴相比,这种颗粒更容易沉降并附着在表面。因此,使用“湿”雾消毒是气相和液相凝结的VHP的组合。液滴尺寸低于15 μm的喷雾通常被认为是“干的”。小凝结的小液滴,往往从表面反弹而不留下液体凝结物。气相VHP在表面的吸附是其主要作用机理。由于干雾法的VHP和表面接触时间短,可进行快速的表面消毒和减少通风时间。应采用喷嘴或雾化器,以使喷雾有足够的空间喷洒并扩散到整个腔室;太靠近喷嘴的物体可能会收到过多的VHP“润湿”凝结。雾化过程应考虑初始温度和湿度,因为这决定了雾化能产生多少VHP蒸汽。
Rationale 理由
This recommendation primarily focuses on VHP because it is the predominate agent and technology used. Factors and limitations are presented that should be understood and considered when using this method. Other means to decontaminate the isolator interior are under development and are being evaluated. This section is not intended to be all-inclusive or to dissuade firms from exploring, considering, or using alternative methods.
Regardless of the method selected, due to the design and use of the isolator, having an effective method for decontamination of the environment and surfaces is essential to the proper performance of the isolator and the aseptic process. The toxic nature of the decontamination agent emphasizes the equal importance of the effects of the decontamination procedure on equipment and personnel safety.
Due to the complexity of the entire decontamination process, diversity of isolator designs, aseptic processes, products, components, and materials exposed in the isolator, a risk-based approach is rec¬ommended for such a selection. It is essential to carefully evaluate, qualify, and validate the method and the equipment used to disperse and monitor the process.
References 参考
Parenteral Drug Association. Technical Report No. 51: Biological Indicators for Gas and Vapor-Phase Decontamination Pro¬cesses: Specification, Manufacture, Control and Use; PDA: Bethesda, Md., 2010. www.pda.org/bookstore (accessed Oct 11 2018).
Parenteral Drug Association. PDA Research: 2017 PDA Aseptic Processing Survey; PDA: Bethesda, Md., 2017. www.pda.org/ bookstore (accessed Feb 11, 2019).

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 楼主| 发表于 2023-3-1 14:03:21 | 显示全部楼层
白牙狮子 发表于 2023-2-28 16:19
Q7-2: What are the current options for iso ...

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