发表于 2020-11-12 17:35:47
第二百二十六条 试剂、试液、培养基和检定菌的管理应当至少符合以下要求:
Article 226: The management of laboratory reagents, solutions, culture media and test microorganisms should meet at least the following requirements:
 Laboratory reagents and culture media should be purchased from reliable suppliers, and when necessary, the supplier should be assessed.
There should be records for the receipt of laboratory reagents, solutions and culture media, the date of receipt should be indicated on the container where necessary. 
The preparation, storage and use of the laboratory reagents, solutions and culture media should follow the relevant requirements or instructions. In special cases, the laboratory reagents should be identified or tested upon reception or before use.
The batch number, preparation date, and name of the operator should be indicated on the labels of solutions and prepared culture media, and a preparation record (including sterilization) should be available. The shelf life and special storage conditions of unstable laboratory reagents, solutions and culture media should be indicated on the label. For reference solutions and titration solutions, the latest standardization date and calibration factor should be labeled, and the standardization records should be available. 
Test on suitability of prepared culture media should be performed and documented. The records for use of culture media should be available.
Microorganisms required for relevant tests should be available. And operation procedures for storage, subculture, use, and disposal of test microorganisms should be established and recorded accordingly.
The test microorganism should be properly labeled with at least the following information: name of microorganism, code, generation, generation date/subculture date and operator.
The test microorganism should be stored according to the specified storage conditions. The manner and period of storage should not have adverse effects to the growth characteristics of the test microorganism.
第二百二十七条 标准品或对照品的管理应当至少符合以下要求:
Article 227: The management of the standard substances or reference substances should meet at least the following requirements:
The standard substances or reference substances should be used and stored under specified storage conditions.
The standard substances or reference substances should be properly labeled with at least the following information: name, batch number, data of preparation (if available), shelf life (if available), open date, purity or titration, and storage condition.
Where in-house working standard substances or reference substances are to be self-prepared, the manufacturer should establish specifications of the working standards and operation procedures for the preparation, identification, testing, approval and storage. Each lot of in-house working standard substance or reference substance should be standardized against an official standard substance or reference substance, and shelf life established. In addition, the working standard substances or reference substances s should be standardized regularly to demonstrate that their potency or assay is stable within shelf life. The process and result of the standardization should be recorded. |